Lula and the Argentine signal
- Opinión
Brazil is facing a critical situation in its history: a
party from the left has come to government with a
widespread popular legitimacy, crystallising the hopes
of the large national majority which yearns for a
radical change to the policies implemented in recent
years. These policies have resulted in deep economic
depression, the escalation of foreign dependency and the
impoverishment and social exclusion of large sectors of
Brazilian society. In spite of the enormous expectations
Lula raised, not only in Brazil but also in the whole of
Latin America, these changes have still not been
produced. On the contrary, what has been seen is an
increasing implementation of the orientation imposed by
previous governments, even exaggerating some of the most
characteristic features, such as the policy of high
interest rates. The old policies are continuing with
renewed gusto, while the new ones, like "zero hunger",
still have not been introduced. In his electoral
campaign Lula insisted that hope must conquer fear.
Unfortunately, until now at least, the absurd fear of
possible reprisals in the market has conquered hope,
incarnated in the figure of the working-class President.
As an Argentine, a Latin American and, in particular, as
an uncompromising "Brasilophile", I would like to share
some reflections which I believe could be of some use in
the discussion regarding the economic and social future
of Brazil.
I believe that it is of the utmost importance that the
debate regarding the most appropriate policies to honour
the electoral promises made by Lula and the PT take into
account some lessons from Argentina's recent history.
The existing differences between our countries are not
so great as to think that we cannot learn anything from
one another. And in a situation like the current one I
believe that Brazilians should pay a great deal of
attention to the image mirrored in Argentina. For some
years, for example, there seems to be a "repetition
compulsion" in the Brazilian economic authorities that
appears to inexorably lead them to emulate whatever
foolishness is being tested on this side of the Río de
la Plata. This happened when we adopted Plan Austral,
shortly afterwards imitated in Brazil under the name
Plan Cruzado; it happened again when Domingo F. Cavallo
invented convertibility and established a crazy parity
in the exchange rate of one peso to one dollar, only to
be met with an even more irrational imitation in Brazil
which set an exchange rate of 0.80 cents of the
Brazilian "real" to the dollar, something which, as in
Argentina, was much closer to delusion than to serious
economic reasoning. Since Argentina could not sustain
this absurd exchange rate, Cavallo and his successors
had to resort to increasingly inflated interest rates in
order to attract foreign capital to maintain the spell.
Finally, the inevitable happened, causing the collapse
of the financial system, the "corralito", and the
deepest and most prolonged economic crisis in Argentine
history. In passing, the government that took these
policies to the extreme paid a very high price for their
recklessness: the mass demonstrations of 19 and 20
December 2001 that put an end to (President) De la Rúa,
Cavallo and the Alliance government. Looking at things
from the Argentine perspective, the policies that are
currently being followed in Brazil, with phenomenally
inflated interest rates in a world in which money is
lent at a rate of 3% annually, seem to draw inspiration
from those same fantasies – since they were not serious
ideas – that brought about the economic and financial
collapse of Argentina. We can only hope Brazil reacts in
time to avoid a repetition of the Argentine outcome.
But apart from these disturbing parallels there are
other things which worry me even more. Looking back at
the days of the Menem era, in the nineties, one is
confronted with the same type of admiration and praise
that is today being lavished on Lula. The admirers are
the same: the world financial establishments, the
Director General of the IMF, the President of the World
Bank, the Secretary of the United States Treasury, the
White House, the leaders of G-7, the international
financial press, the large financial speculators, the
CEOs of the monopoly conglomerates, etcetera. What they
are saying of Lula today is the same as they said of
Menem: that he was a valiant governor, that he had
abandoned his far flown ideas characterised by populism
and state intervention, that he demonstrated prudence
and good sense in the management of the public budget,
that he had learnt to interpret market signals
correctly, that he had overcome the irrational populist
fear of globalisation. They also praised his
"reformist" zeal in social security matters, in the
opening of the markets, in financial deregulation and in
the privatisation of state-owned companies. His calls
to "modernise" the trade unions and to "de-ideologise"
labour negotiations were received with a round of
applause, as were his initiatives, fortunately thwarted,
to tax the public university. In summary: the same
people and the same arguments of yesterday, addressed to
Lula and the PT government. These people and their
immense propaganda apparatus repeated everyday that
Argentina was on the right track, was a model to
imitate, that its future was secure and many other lies
of the kind. When the debacle occurred all these
individuals fell silent and blamed the Argentines for
the disaster. It would be a good idea for Brazil to take
note of this lesson. The praise of the pillars of
current international disorder is not accustomed to
giving good advice to the governments established by the
peoples' vote.
If it means to keep faith with its electoral promises,
but also with something much more important, its
historical identity, the PT government has to
definitively abandon the neo-liberal policies that have,
unfortunately, inspired its governmental administration.
Among many other reasons, -about which literature on the
matter contributes an amazing battery of empirical
arguments and evidence-, because these policies do not
serve to generate growth, nor much less to redistribute
wealth. With these policies, Brazil will never make
progress and will continue to be one of the most unjust
countries on the planet. This is not just my opinion. It
is also the opinion of the majority of the most well-
known economists in Brazil and the world, and it is
inconceivable to suppose that all of them are wrong,
while a certain few, incrusted in the government offices
in Brasilia, are endowed with the truth. According the
Nobel Prize-winner for Economics, Joseph Stiglitz, the
IMF's recipes do not turn out and the international
evidence which he provides in his latest book is
overwhelming. In no part of the world have these
policies brought about an end to the crisis or allowed
these countries to move along the path of economic
growth and distributive justice. Can a miracle be
produced in Brazil? In the Argentina of a few years ago
they used to say, "God is Argentine". I hope that no one
will say the same foolish remark in Brazil.
When asking friends in the government why Brazil does
not try other policies the response seems to be copied
from the manuals of business schools in the United
States: we need to win the confidence of international
investors, we need to bring foreign capital to Brazil
and we have to respect a very strict fiscal discipline,
because to do otherwise would mean the "country risk"
would shoot sky-high and no-one would invest a dollar in
the country. Not a lot of effort is needed to
demonstrate the total fragility of this argument. If
there is a country with all the conditions to
successfully try out post neo-liberal politics in the
world, then this country is Brazil. If Brazil cannot,
who could? The Ecuador of Lucio Gutiérrez? A possible
government of the Frente Amplio in Uruguay? A possible
government of Evo Morales in Bolivia? Argentina, I doubt
it, as there would have to be extremely favourable
international conditions. Brazil, on the other hand, has
everything: an immense territory, all sorts of natural
resources, a huge population, an industrial structure
among the most important in the world, a society
scourged by poverty but with an elevated degree of
social and cultural integration, an intellectual and
scientific elite of a world-class level and an exuberant
and plural culture. In addition, Brazil has sufficient
capital and a potential tax base of an extraordinary
magnitude but which still remains unexplored due to the
strength of the owners of wealth, who have vetoed any
initiatives in this respect.
The corollary of "conservative possiblism" is resistance
to change: nothing can change, not even in a country
with Brazil's conditions. If not, assure some
government officials from Brasilia, the penalties we
will suffer for abandoning the dominant economic
consensus would be terrible, and would liquidate Lula's
government. Again, a close look at Argentina's recent
economic history can be educational. Argentina
cultivated "possiblism" intensely, from the days of
Alfonsín to the moments of the final disaster. After the
collapse, President Duhalde lost more than one year in
fruitless and un-conducive negotiations with the IMF to
no avail, but which revealed the deep-rooted presence of
"possiblism" in the Casa Rosada (the presidential
palace). This ghost still agitates Argentine politics,
and even if there are some encouraging signs such as the
new regulations limiting the movement of speculative
capital, the dangers of a recurrence of these suicidal
policies are too large to pass unnoticed. The false
realism of "possiblism" led Argentina to the worst
crisis in its history, by tying down the policies and
the state to the whims and greed of the markets. On the
other hand, when it had no other option than to declare
a messy and disordered default, things did not further
deteriorate for all that. Before, there capital did not
flow in and neither does it now. But the timidly
heterodox trial set in motion after the default, above
all in recent months, resulted in a modest revival of
the economy and the practical demonstration that even a
country that is weaker and more vulnerable than Brazil
can resume growth if it turns a deaf ear, for whatever
reason, to the (bad) advice that the IMF has lavished on
the country for decades and to the numerous promises of
support from the "international financial community".
Why should Brazil follow the policies dictated by the
main promoters of the endless succession of crises and
recessions which are affecting economies all over the
world? What self-respecting economist – and I am talking
about economists, not the spokespersons of corporate
lobbies disguised as economists – can believe that it is
possible to grow and develop while inducing recession
through exorbitant interest rates and reducing public
expenditure, suffocating the domestic market, increasing
unemployment, slowing any growth in consumption,
facilitating the operations of speculative capital,
burdening the poorest sectors of society with indirect
taxes, while subsidising the strongest and granting the
large monopolies the right to veto taxes?
I am sure that many of my friends in Brasilia would tell
me I am right, but would say that for the moment there
is nothing else to be done. What is needed now is
stabilisation, and the time for reform will come after.
A serious error. President Lula does not have three and
a half years in front of him. He has a maximum of eight
or nine months of effective government. More concretely,
until the end of the 2004 Carnival. After this he will
not be able to take any serious initiative and much less
of a genuine reformist nature. The continuous but futile
effort that he will have been forced to undertake will
prevent him from even beginning to implement structural
transformations, which Brazilian society has been
demanding for so long. The Right, emboldened by his
hesitations and concessions, will have a much more
favourable power balance than at present. Its powerful
lobbies, its corporate organisations, its mass-media and
its international contacts with the "guard dogs" of
international financial capital will offer a formidable
barrier against any 11th hour attempt to promote
progressive polices. If until now the Right has been
content to use, successfully for sure, the tactics of
"praise and seduction" to domesticate Lula's government,
there is nothing to indicate that if circumstances
change – for example, if Brasilia decides to adopt other
policies – its mentors would abstain from recourse to
their favourite methods of "pressure and extortion" such
as those applied to Chávez and those which produced the
collapse of the Chilean economy during Salvador
Allende's government. In such a case, Lula would not
only have to battle with a much stronger opposition. His
relative power would be reduced due to the
demoralisation of his own party and the disillusion of
the millions of Brazilians who trusted in his electoral
promises and who, after a time, remain with empty hands.
When the moment arrives to fight the causes of this
momentous frustration that is Brazil today, one of the
most unjust capitalist countries of the world, his own
coalition will be irreparably damaged by the lack of
confidence and frustration. While the conservative
forces are well aware of the privileges that they need
to defend and how to do it, and do not hesitate to put
it into practise, the huge masses will be faced with a
much more confusing panorama. The masses do not know
where the government is taking them nor to what point it
will be ready to fight a battle to construct the new
Brazil which they long for. For this reason it is a
fatal error to suppose that they have much time ahead of
them. Time plays against the reformist soporifics of
Brasilia and in the favour of its adversaries, because
"the party of order" is increasing its force every day
while the emerging social forces are getting weaker with
the course of time and the lack of change. The former
are strengthening themselves ideologically, emotionally
and organisationally; the latter are confused,
demoralised and disorganised. It is easy to predict the
result of a battle where the contenders appear so
unevenly matched.
Successive Argentine presidents have opted to govern by
calming the markets and promptly satisfying each of
their complaints. The voices of big capital and the IMF
echoed thunderously in Buenos Aires, and the government
did not waste a minute responding to its mandates. The
results are in view. It is true that there is no
comparison between a figure as loved as Lula and a
figure from the political underworld such as Menem or
someone as inept as De la Rúa. Nor is there any
comparison between the Justicialist party or the
Alliance (this insipid mix of radical dilettantism and
"frepas" opportunism) and the PT, one of the most
important political constructions at a world level. But
neither a respectable leadership nor a great party of
the people guarantees the right direction for a
government. During the Stalin era, the leader and the
party were said to be infallible. Today, fortunately,
there is no one who still believes this. And a concrete
analysis of the concrete situation, as was said in other
times, leaves us extremely concerned about the future of
Brazil. We are sorry to say this, but we are convinced
that Lula and the PT government are advancing along the
wrong path, at the end of which they will not find a
new, more just and democratic society but a capitalist
structure that is more unjust and less democratic than
what came before and, in addition, much more violent. A
country in which, at the end of this process, the
dictatorship of capital, covered with ethereal pseudo-
democratic robes, will be iron-fisted than before,
demonstrating the fact that George Soros was right when
he advised the Brazilian people not to bother electing
Lula because in any case the markets will govern. And,
as is well known, the markets do not govern
democratically, nor are they concerned about social
justice. It would be well-advised, then, to save Brazil
the horrors that "possiblism" and policies of "placating
the markets" produced in contemporary Argentina. My
friends in Brasilia should study carefully what has
happened in my country and, above all, once and for all
abandon this time-honoured habit of copying our
failures. (Translation y ALAI)
* Atilio A. Boron is Executive Secretary of CLACSO-Latin
American Council of Social Sciences.
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