The ignorance about Venezuela of the Nobel laureates for hire and Tutu’s daughter

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The National Assembly circus


During the past two weeks, the National Assembly has become a type of circus where figures completely disconnected from the complex dynamic that our country has been undergoing have appeared. The opposition assemblymen and assemblywomen apparently are not capable of exercising a substantially forceful and profound speakership on our reality and for such a reason turned to figures such as the songwriter and singer called Nacho that cried out with a mindless and vengeful speech calling out a sector of the Venezuelan Boli-bourgeoisie for buying $1500 shoes, “I can buy them SINGING … FROM THE EMPIRE”. The assemblymen and women of the right gave an emotional standing ovation to the crooked speech by Nacho as magnificent, historic, on Youth Day where he didn’t even mention José Félix Ribas… so far has this opposition assembly gone, applaud a $1500 pair of shoes.  On the other hand, this week, the U.S. White House spokesperson spoke for the Venezuelan opposition expressing his concern about Venezuela instead of concerning himself with the crisis that is looming over his country due to a negative financial situation similar to that of 2008. The opposition assembly joined that choir followed by decrees of humanitarian crises.


The delirium of Oscar Arias


The Assembly was visited last February 18 by two Nobel laureates: the former leader and President of Poland, Lech Walesa, and Oscar Arias, also a former President of Costa Rica. Lech Walesa, who had already been to Caracas in 2002, invited by Banesco, expressed on this opportunity that for him, through dialogue, peace could be reached the same as it was in Poland. “I would like to contribute to the country through my experience. May God help you, you deserve it”.  Apparently this Nobel laureate didn’t know what he was coming for, but what is true is that Walesa informed both the CIA as well as the politburo of the former communist party of his country, he was a type of spy like the Matahari dancer, who later decided to turn to savage neoliberalism to govern his country.  On the other hand, Oscar Arias was the most rabid of the two, he came barely short of saying what President Maduro was going to die from. Arias joins Felipe Calderon, Pastrana, and Piñera, former presidents of Colombia, Mexico and Chile in defense of Leopoldo, forgetting the number of deaths that their administrations left in their respective countries where the three combined add to almost 250,000 souls. Neither Arias nor Walessa remembered the 43 victims of the guarimbas, much less the 800 wounded from the project called “The Way Out” designed by Leopoldo Lopez, Antonio Ledezma and Maria Corina Machado.


On behalf of which Africa did Desmond Tutu’s daughter come?  


Another of the invitees that was not able to come was Desmond Tutu, also a Nobel Peace Prize laureate and Archbishop of South Africa, who without knowledge of our reality was convinced that Leopoldo Lopez is part of the “white angels” of the Ramo Verde prison. Tutu and a sector of the rancid South African black bourgeoisie have wanted to compare the image of Lopez to that of Nelson Mandela. Since Tutu was not able to come, he sent his daughter Mpho Tuto, who lives in the Netherlands where last month she married her partner Marceline Furth, and apparently she put her honeymoon on hold to be present at this public comedy. Just to be clear, I’m not criticizing the wedding, I’m completely anti-homophobic, but this woman doesn’t even know about the suffering in her own country, lives in the Netherlands with her wife, and arrives in Caracas saying shamelessly that she speaks on behalf of Africa in defense of the human rights of Lopez while she doesn’t defend the rights of the majority of the South African people that don’t have a minimum wage, social security, nor does she advocate for Sub-Saharan Africa and its many problems. On behalf of which Africa does Mpho Tutu speak? These three ghosts appeared to commemorate Leopoldo Lopez’s two years in prison.  Another circus from the opposition majority that inhabits the National Assembly. At the last minute, the grandson of Nelson Mandela, South African Ndaba Mandela, who was invited to the circus, desisted. Apparently he heard the voice of his grandfather tell him “listen, grandson, it is impossible to erase the stains on Leopoldo”.
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