Hot borders

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Since the nineteenth century to the present day, borders of the countries of South America and part of the continental Caribbean have been marked by conflicts, in most cases caused by territorial appetites where both strategic mineral, economic and geopolitical military resources are in the heart of the problem.


In most cases, these conflicts have caused loss of lives and thus loss of territories in those countries who have lost these struggles. Now for adding to the analysis of border disputes in Venezuela - Colombia and Venezuela, Guyana, it is good to refresh these traumatic consequences to avoid confrontations.


The border wars: between interests and sovereignty


At the end of the XIX century, it is well known the War established between Bolivia and Peru against Chile over control of Antofogasta which was a gateway to the Pacific Ocean and where landlocked Bolivia had its outlet to the sea. . This atrocious war was known as the War of Guano and Saltpeter. Even,today, Bolivia, as a result of this theft, claims its outlet to the sea to Chile as a matter of historical right and also as a geopolitical territory necessary to access to the Pacific Ocean. Another border conflict took place between 1932 and 1933 involving Colombia and Peru for the sovereignty of Putumayo in the Amazon, a region rich in one of the most coveted products in those time ... the rubber. Almost immediately another conflict break out in 1932 which will involve Bolivia against Paraguay trying each one to take each conflicted in the Chaco Boreal, hence the name of the CHACO WAR, which mobilized nearly half a million armed men both ground and air. This war culminated in 1935. Also, Ecuador and Peru lived a border issue when in 1941 they began a discussion but it was not until 1995, when the government of ousted Peruvian President Fujimori that war exploded between these two countries. This war was called the CENEPA WAR. By the way, the greatest war dog at that time was the Argentine president Carlos Menen, who provided more than three tons of weapons to the government of Ecuador at the time. Through the Act of Brasilia in 1998, war and skirmishes ended . In this treatise Ecuador renounced their claims to an outlet to the Amazon River and Peru retained its Tiwinza


Colombia and its interventions in Venezuela, Ecuador and aspirations in Nicaragua


The political / military Colombian intelligence formed between Israeli intelligence and the CIA, under the command of the paramilitary President Uribe Velez, has intervened in various Latin American countries, including Venezuela, when in a commando action in Caracas ,one of the International cadres of FARC, Rodrigo Granda, was caught causing this a diplomatic row between Uribe and Chavez. Later, Colombian intelligence system intervenes in Ecuador and catches Simon Trinidad. Finally, five years ago, on September 19th , 2010 the Colombian army will interfere with the FORTRESS OPERATION in Ecuador and bomb its border river San Miguel, in Putumayo, where several top guerrilla leaders of the FARC fall in combat together with the daughter of Simon Trinidad. This situation makes Chavez and Correa greatly outraged against Uribe producing a diplomatic impasse. But ultimately ,it was all about putting into practice by Uribe, the doctrine of preventive war and intervention beyond borders. Chavez accused Uribe of trying to become Colombia in the "Israel of Latin America". Chavez announced, in that situation, the sending of military forces on land, sea and air to the Venezuelan border with Colombia. For three decades, Colombia still aims to deepen a border conflict with Nicaragua in maritime waters to which President Daniel Ortega recently responded on September 5th , 2015, "that Colombia lacks moral authority to convene international organizations on the conflict at the border with Venezuela. These remarks came during the main event of the 36 th anniversary of the Sandinista army, where the president recalled that Colombia violates the 2012 ruling of the International Court of Justice, which restored to Nicaragua 90 thousand km in the Caribbean Sea. It has responded decisively. " The high Colombian bourgeois elite, that is in power in the republic sister, is very clear, historically about their warmongering and expansionist intentions. So there is little to rely on.


T/Celina Castro Jaimes
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