II Summit of CELAC, Havana, 28-29 January, 2014

Draft: CELAC Plan of Action 2014

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The Heads of State and Government of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), with the purpose of materializing the commitments made during 2013, including those contained in the documents adopted at Foreign Ministers, National Coordinators and Sectorial meetings of CELAC that were held, and acting on the basis of the foundational principles of our Community, agree as follows:
Achieve concrete results that will translate into significant improvement of the quality of life of our peoples, aimed at eradicating poverty, in particular extreme poverty, ensuring food and nutritional security, with a gender approach and respecting the diverse food habits, in order to address food and nutritional security challenges aiming at the eradication of hunger and exercise the Right to Food, particularly for all vulnerable sectors.
1.       Hold in Caracas, during the second half of 2014the Second Ministerial Meeting on Social Development and Eradication of Hunger and Poverty, as proper follow-up to the First CELAC Meeting of Ministers and Authorities in charge of Social Development and the Eradication of Hunger and Poverty held in Caracas, Venezuela on July 22-23, 2013.
2.       Continue working together with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to implement concrete actions at all levels to eradicate hunger and, to this end, request the cooperation of countries, groups of countries, organizations, and other CELAC counterparts. In that context, reiterate the request made to FAO, with the cooperation of ALADI and ECLAC the request to submit to CELAC a draft Plan for food and nutritional security and the eradication of hunger, to be considered in a technical meeting of governmental experts, for its presentation to the Second Ministerial Meeting on Social Development and Eradication of Hunger and Poverty.
3.       Continue promoting public policies that enhance social development and the implementation of the Plan of Action of Public Policies on social issues of CELAC.
4.       Develop information and education programmes in the food and nutrition field in schools and for the population in general, to promote a healthy nutrition and the prevention of malnutrition as a result of lack of food, as well as the prevention of overweight and obesity as new public health problems.
5.       Analyze the establishment of a Latin American and Caribbean Food Supply and Reserve Program for social and natural disasters, drawing on the existing capacities and experiences in the region,including protection of small farmers and placing special emphasis on the vulnerability of small island States.
6.       Promote the First CELAC Fair of Food and Inputs, Agricultural and Agro-Food Industry Tools, Equipment and Technologies in 2014, requesting FAO technical support, to promote intra and extra-regional trade in these areas.
7.       Hold, in coordination with ECLAC and FAO, a meeting to be attended by statistics institutes or institutions in charge of indicators in each country to adopt a working agenda for building a system of indicators for the CELAC Social Plan of Action.  In that context, promote the strengthening of systems for the evaluation and monitoring of programmes geared at ensuring food and nutritional security and the eradication of hunger and poverty, with a view to assess advances and promote coordinated measures so as to advance in a more accelerated manner for the fulfillment of our objectives.
8.       Continue supporting the 2025Latin America and the Caribbean withoutHunger Initiative, coordinated by the FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean.
Promote sustainable rural development and family farming with the aim of improving the living conditions of those who practice it through leveling productivity potential, greater opportunities for sustainable development of the agricultural activity, the improvement of the productive processes through direct technical assistance, access to tools and technologies to optimize work and the constant search of linkages with markets to insure fair revenues. Reduce the socioeconomic inequalities prevailing in the countries of the region, through regional cooperation, integration and the development of public policies facilitating access to land, inputs, water, scientific and technological developments, including social technologies, credits and insurance. Likewise promote procurement of family farming products as a relevant instrument to foster production and permanence of farmers, peasants, and the indigenous population in rural areas, equality and economic autonomy of rural women, and associations and cooperatives.
1.       Hold in the second half of 2014, in Brazilthe Second CELAC Meeting on Family Farming to follow up agreements reached at the First CELAC Meeting on the subject held on November 5 and 6, 2013 in Brasilia, Brazil, and consider the possibility to create a regional fund to support the development of family farming as a means of generating rural employment and ensuring rational nutrition, determine the productive gaps present in the segments of family agriculture in member countries, in order to establish actions and programmes for its resolution in individual or collaborative manner among States and seek the best ways of supporting, by means of training activities, technical assistance and development of investments, that lead to the improvement of the productivity of farming in the region, incorporating technology and optimizing processes. Request the PTP to actively seek the venue and date of this meeting.
2.       Validate the creation ofan Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group coordinated by the CELAC PTP with the purpose of implementing, with the support of the FAO Regional Office, a regional integration agenda on rural development and family farming, and to explore alternatives for cooperation and exchanging experiences among CELAC countries, with the contribution of family farmers’ associations, and promote dialogue and cooperation regarding rural territorial development and family, peasant and indigenous agriculture through initiatives carried out by member States.
3.       Promote dialogue and cooperation on rural territorial development and family, peasant and indigenous farming based on initiatives implemented by Member States.
4.       Promote cooperation and exchange projects for designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating public policies to support family, peasant, and indigenous farming, using to that end the articulation of family farming with programmes for food at schools and social assistance and the insertion of small agriculture in the agro-food markets of the region, thus favoring entrepreneurship and associations.
5.       Examine coordination mechanisms between multilateral institutions and development cooperation agencies in the region with the aim of achieving synergies and a larger impact on issues of sustainable rural growth and family agriculture.
6.       Support the International Year of Family Farming (UN -2014) by fostering the participation of social organizations, holding events and building awareness on the importance of family, peasant, and indigenous farming and by encouraging the establishment of national committees to promote a debate on concrete actions in each country and in the region.


Enhance the role of education at all levels, among the priority sectors for CELAC in its objective of promoting the social development of Latin America and the Caribbean.
1.       Support the activities of the CELAC Standing Working Group -the first meeting of which will be held in 2014in Nicaragua- to contribute to the implementation of the decisions of the First Meeting of Ministers of Education held in Havana on February 7, 2013, and work for its active participation in the definition of the Latin American and Caribbean agenda for education post-2015.
2.       Implement literacy and post-literacy programs taking into account the social, cultural, and economic diversity of each country, placing emphasis on the most vulnerable sectors and addressing gender disparities.
3.       Work to achieve an over 90% literacy rate by 2020 in those countries of the region with a literacy percentage lower that 90%.
4.       Work foruniversal and free primary and secondary education coverage and the principle of equal opportunities and compulsory basic education. Strengthen and promote strategies for access to learning and life-long training.
5.       Gradually increase institutional and non-institutional early childhood education as well as pre-primary education coverage both in the urban and rural areas of our countries.
6.       Promote the education of values for an active, ethical, supportive, creative, humane, tolerant, participatory,law abiding, environmentally respectful, non-violent and non-discriminatory citizenship by strengthening the relevant role of artistic and physical education among students.
7.       Foster education that promotes and consolidates knowledge about national, Latin American and Caribbean culture, and appraises the struggle of our peoples for their liberation, independence and self-determination by including educational programs related to Latin American and Caribbean unity and integration from a past, present, and future historical perspective.
8.       Improve and adapt technical-vocational education in accordance with the demands of the labor market and the social and economic development of our societies, increasing the percentage of students doing on-the-job training in companies or labor institutions.


9.       Promote and support all education programmes teaching young people the importance of developing a Culture for peace based on dialogue, respect and tolerance towards different beliefs, opinions and diverse forms of life, their participation as responsible and committed citizens in decision making at different levels in the fields of the development, social, political cooperation and economic agenda.
10.    Support the actions of the Association of Councils of Rectors of Latin American and Caribbean (ACRU-LAC in its acronym in Spanish)[1] aimed at promoting academic exchanges in the region with emphasis on students; the approval and recognition of degrees to facilitate exchange between our countries; evaluation and certification of degree courses, specialties and institutions as well as the quality of training and graduation of professionals.
11.    Strengthen the Latin American and Caribbean Higher Education Forum (ENLACES in its acronym in Spanish) to promote and expand intra-regional university networks.
12.    Stimulate the participation of the family, community and non-governmental institutions in the implementation of educational policies, programmes and projects.
Advance in the cultural integration of the region, working jointly in favor of the  protection of the cultural heritage and the promotion and dissemination of the diversity characterizing the Latin American and Caribbean identities, andpromote, at all levels, a culture for economic growth, eradication of poverty, sustainable development, and Latin American and Caribbean integration.
1.       Hold the Second Meeting of Ministers of Culture of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in 2014 and the Third Meeting in Cuba in 2015.


2.       Carry-out a meeting of the Working Group created by the First Meeting of Ministers of Culture of CELAC, that will developbefore the Second Meeting of Ministers of Culture, a proposal ofmission, vision and procedures of the CELAC Meetings of Ministers of Culture, as well as submitting proposals to strengthen economic-cultural cooperation among CELAC Members contributing to the work of CELAC in this field.
3.       Work for gradually integrating the Forum of Ministers of Culture and Officials in charge of Cultural Policies of Latin America and the Caribbean and the CELAC Meeting of Ministers of Culture into a single mechanism, following the meeting to be held in 2014 preserving, in the context of that integration, the Portal of Culture of Latin America and the Caribbean, for the development of which the continuation of UNESCO’s cooperation will be requested.
4.       Assess the conclusions of the VI World Summit of the Arts and Culture, carried out in Chile from 13 to 16 January 2014, with a significant Latin American and Caribbean presence, with the aim to determine its best applications in the context of CELAC, considering that this specialized meeting on cultural policies projected the region as a privileges scenario to facilitate gatherings and dialogues of a universal vocation in culture and sustainable development.
5.       Adopt all required national measures to recover and safeguard traditional knowledge and the folklore of native populations, Afro-descendant communities, and other geographical communities now forming part of Latin American and Caribbean identities, while protecting individual and collective rights related to such knowledge.
6.       Endorse the initiative of the Caribbean Cultural Corridor as a project that facilitates the consensus of all our countries for the creation of a socio-cultural space for the development of activities that encourage exchange, promote the cultural economy, facilitate the market for cultural products and improve avenues of communication and transportation between our countries, for the improvement of the life of our communities and urge all members of the CELAC to become part of it.
7.       Request UNESCO to conduct, in collaboration with ECLAC, a methodologically agreed study to measure the impact of culture and cultural industries on eradicating poverty and reducing social inequalities in Latin America and the Caribbean, and to publish a brochure on good practices in this field, to be shared through the Culture Portal and submitted to the CELAC Meeting of National Coordinators during the second half of 2014 and to the Third CELAC Meeting of Ministers of Culture in 2015.
8.       Continue strengthening the 1970 UNESCO Convention on measures to be adopted to prohibit and prevent the importation, exportation and transfer of illicit properties of cultural goods tofight against illicit trafficking in cultural objects in the region, taking into consideration the recommendations on this matter submitted by Member States participating in the Training Workshop for Caribbean Member States held in Saint Lucia in December, 2012.
9.       Invite CELAC members to participate in the Regional Institute for World Heritage in Mexico, to promote drawing up cultural policies focused on the protection, preservation and promotion of the cultural and natural heritage of the region.
10.    Undertake actions to recognize the merit of cultural policies as promoters of values that reflect respect for life, human dignity, multiculturalism, the principles of justice, tolerance and rejection of violence as integral elements in the construction of a culture of peace that identifies the region.
11.    Cooperate, in the context of CELAC to put forward our cultural proposals and experiences in relevant multilateral forums, including full support to every effort aimed at integrating culture to the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals.
12.    Work for the establishment of a cultural information system for all CELAC members to enhance knowledge and defend the participation of culture in the economies and social development of our countries.
13.    Preserve, following the meeting to be held in 2014, the activities of the Forum of Ministers of Culture, the agreements reached in that framework, the continuity of the projects and programs so far implemented by the Forum and its meetings, particularly the Latin American and Caribbean Culture Portal, and request UNESCO to continue cooperating with such projects and programs.
Foster the development of science, technology, innovation and technology transfer, as well as regional cooperation in this field by identifying synergies regarding public policies for its promotion by identifying synergies regarding public policies for promotion in these fields.  Foster new ways of interaction between governments, the academia, and the productive sector, supporting the potential expansion of existing projects in regional and sub-regional integration mechanisms and encouraging joint initiatives in topics of common interest. Likewise, promote the creation of human resources with emphasis in engineering and basic science through regional exchanges.
1.       Hold the Second Meeting of Senior Officials on Science and Technology in Costa Rica, in April 2014.
2.       Validate the creation ofaWorking Group coordinated by the CELAC Pro Tempore Presidency to continue to work on the working agenda of the Community in this field.
3.       Promote the implementation and financing of regional research, both basic and applied, including that carried out by specialized Latin American and Caribbean specialized organizations, as well as joint training projects in science, technology and innovation for policy decision-makers and business actors (public and private), to foster a culture of innovation at regional level.
4.       Promote the use of resources and areas of opportunities of the Electronic Government Network of Latin America and the Caribbean, through South-South cooperation agreements to strengthen the information and communication technologies in entities of the Executive Branch, and also create electronic government mechanisms to fight corruption.
5.       Promote joint training projects for representatives of the public and private sectors in scientific, technological and innovation policies, mainly decision-makers and entrepreneurs (public and private) with the aim of fostering a culture of innovation at the regional level.
6.       Strengthen dialogue and debate on issues of a general interest for the region discussed in international organizations on the various topics ofscience, technology and information.
7.       Explore the possibility of implementing new integration and South-South cooperation mechanisms in the field of science, technology and innovation in order to utilize existing complementarities.
8.       Strengthen intra-CELAC coordination for the participation of Latin American and Caribbean countries in the Joint Research and Development Initiative (JIRI) of the CELAC-EU mechanism.
Identify the most appropriate areas for the development of productive and industrial integration policies with the coordinated efforts of both private and public agents to expedite an inclusive, strong and sustainable industrial development, in accordance with the needs and possibilities of each country in order to gradually transform the productive structure of the region and enhance its productivity and efficiency.  Incorporate higher value added and knowledge-intensive activities thus improving its international insertion and narrowing the existing productivity, competitiveness and income gap with the developed world, through greater regional integration and cooperation both in the commercial as well as the productive areas.
1.      Hold the First CELAC Latin American and Caribbean Ministerial Meeting on Productive and Industrial Development in March 2014, in San José, Costa Rica, where the following will take place:
-          Regional Meeting of Authorities in charge of Industrial Policies and Economic Planning in order to foster mutual knowledge on policies, find synergies and cooperation mechanisms among countries, and propose the drafting of a regional working agenda for policy and institutional convergence and to support national development strategies;
-          Joint CELAC Meeting of Authorities in charge of Education and Industry to study mechanisms for strengthening labor skills and its certification, as well as improving the supply and quality of technical and vocational training in accordance with the needs and requirements of the productive sector in each country and sub-region based on their industrial and productive development strategies.
2.      Request the SELA Permanent Secretariat to draw up, in collaboration with the Executive Secretary of ECLAC, a Draft Work Agenda to be implemented by CELAC Member States in collaboration with the integration mechanisms, in order to propose actions and submit them to the consideration of the First CELAC Regional Ministerial Conference on Productive and Industrial Development to be held in the first half of 2014. This proposal should be submitted to the next meeting of National Coordinators through the CELAC Pro Tempore Presidency.
3.      Request SELA to organize, with the support of ECLAC and CAF-Latin American Development Bank, a regional meeting of business organizations on the productive and industrial development of Latin America and the Caribbean, so that guilds and representatives of the private sector in the region may contribute their analysis and proposals to the process of drawing up productive and industrial development strategies within CELAC and promote that investment promotion agencies and development banks adopt or expand financing mechanisms for the development of infrastructure and investment related to the productive integration programmes in the region.
4.      Promote regional public policies geared at encouraging entrepreneurship and the development of small and medium enterprises, especially those led by women and/or young people.
5.      Articulate mechanisms and policies aimed at reducing existing asymmetries among CELAC member countries on industrial competitiveness.


Increase efforts to overcome the existing infrastructure gap in Latin America and the Caribbean to advance towards a supplementary, reciprocal and sustainable growth that promotes social development, reduces poverty, increases competitiveness and fosters greater regional integration.
1.       To explore the possibility of holding in 2014 a meeting of the Working Group in charge of designing the best way to carry forward the Santiago Plan of Action adopted by the First CELAC Ministerial Meeting on Infrastructure for the Physical Integration of Transport, Telecommunications and Border Integration held in Chile on October 26, 2012.
2.       Work forconvening in 2014 or 2015the Second CELAC Ministerial Meeting on Infrastructure for the Physical Integration of Transport, Telecommunications and Border Integration.  The PTP is requested to actively seek the date and venue of this meeting.
3.       Increase financial, human, and material resources for developing the infrastructure in the region.
4.       Evaluate the establishment of regulation mechanisms for regional transportation and the expanding of port terminals.
Continue evaluating the areas of gradual and progressive convergence for the strengthening of the regional financial architecture and the promotion of regional integration in terms of investment and financial cooperation, with a view to ensure financial stability through the progressive adoption of standards, principles and international best practices, promoting the use of existing mechanisms and technical cooperation in the financial field, as well as developing new strategies and tools that contribute to the sustainable development of our economies, equity, social inclusion and sovereignty of our peoples.
1.       The WorkingGroup on Finance will meet during the firstquarter of 2014 in Costa Rica to draw up its draft Plan of Work so as to implement its functions and mandates, in conformity with the Quito Declaration adopted in the Second Meeting of CELAC Finance Minister´s Meeting held in Ecuador in November, 2013 and taking into account the current Plan of Action as well as the results of the sub regional integration financial mechanisms.
2.       Assess the holding of the Third Meeting of Ministers of Finance of CELAC on the basis of the results of the Working Group meeting.
3.       To invite the Central Banks to evaluate, in coordination with the Working Group on Finance, the potential initiatives for technical cooperation on financial matters to gradually establish safe basis for a future integration of payment systems among CELAC countries. In this regard, Central Banks should verify if there are conditions in place for drawing up a road maptaking into account the already existing experiences in the region the gradual adoption of standards, principles and best international practices, including risk management and systemic integrityand the possibilities of each country, which will be part of the proposed strategy for the strengthening of the regional financial architecture.
4.       Entrust the Working Group on Finance together with Central Banks, the task to draw up a proposal recommending complementary actions and measures to expand access and use of formal financial services, financial education and protection to financial consumers. Additionally, request regional financial organizations, within the framework of the services that they can offer to the region, to encourage and propose concrete measures to deepen the inclusion and financial education.
5.       The Working Group on Finance will convey to the areas of the CELAC member States responsible for and/or involved in public procurement, the importance of analyzing the different existing systems and potential cooperation mechanisms in this field in the countries of the region.
6.       Work to ensure that decision-making mechanisms of multilateral and regional development financing institutions incorporate the principles of solidarity, conditioning relaxation, offset of imbalances, regional development priority-oriented financing, taking into consideration the standards, principles and international best practices.
7.       Urge the Working Group on Finance to conduct a study to analyze the feasibility and the convenience of establishing prevention and dispute settlements mechanisms on internal and external investmentCommunity issues.
8.       Evaluate, in each country, the initiative of the Observatory created by the Ministerial Conference of the Latin American States Affected by Transnational Interests, held in April 2013, to promote, facilitate and provide information to the States on investment.


Establish a Latin American and Caribbean Preferential Tariff.
1.        Take note of the work of the Working Group on a Latin American and Caribbean Preferential Tariff, in light of the progress achieved followingthe meetings held in Buenos Aires on July 12, 2012 and Montevideo on August 15, 2012, and evaluate the convenience of continuing with the activities of the Working Group. Take note of the interest of the Republic of Haiti to hold the pending meeting of the Working Group in its territory.
Reaffirm the need to promote the development and implementation of policies that ensure access and an energy supply that is socially inclusive, reliable, sustainable and competitive, respectful with the environment and with the legal and regulatory frameworks of the countries of the Community. Encourage efficient use of renewable, non-renewable sources and non-conventional energy in a balanced manner, with due consideration to the needs and particular circumstances of each country.
1.       Support the continuity of the activities envisaged in the Lima Plan of Action, including the preparation of energy balances of countries members of CELAC being carried out by OLADE, in order to build the energy balance of the CELAC.
2.       Hold, in 2014, the Third Meeting of Ministers of Energy of the CELAC in order to define an energy strategy for the Community, with the support of the Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE) and in the framework of its Ministerial meeting of 2014.
3.       In accordance with the Montego Bay Plan of Action of Montego Bay, validate the creation of a Working Group, coordinated by the Pro Tempore Presidency of CELAC, and with the technical support of OLADE,in Costa Rica, in the second half of 2014,prior to the Third Meeting of Ministers of Energyin order to propose and analyze scenarios for the energy sector of CELAC.In coordination with regional initiatives related to the sector, the Working Group will report regularly on its activities to all its members through the PTP of CELAC, and will present an analysis of scenarios and results to the Third Meeting of Ministers of Energy of CELAC.
4.       Work to advance in an integration conception of our own without discarding existing and tested models in other parts of the world is adapted to the political, historical, and socio-cultural peculiarities of Latin America and the Caribbean. That conception must be guided by a shared approach, including agreements that would make possible to consolidate common principles and enable the equitable treatment of existing regional asymmetries.
Strengthen cooperation, coordination, dialogue, convergence, articulation, harmonization and complementation of national public policies on environmental matters, as well as the generation and implementation of plans, policies and regional programmes to address common problems in priority areas such as: sustainable development, environmental cooperation and poverty eradication, based on equity and  common but differentiated responsibilitiesand the respective capabilities when it comes to climate change. Encourage public policies within the framework of the provisions of Agenda 21, the outcomes of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio + 20) and other relevant instruments, in harmony with nature and respecting Mother Earth and the necessity that these rights be implemented in the context of a vision of complementariness in a comprehensive and independent manner.
1.       Continue working on the formulation of an environmental agenda based on current regional outcomes and actions without duplicating efforts or replicating existing structures, in particular the Forum of Environment Ministers of Latin America and the Caribbean.
2.       Hold the Environmental Working Group meeting in Costa Rica, during the first half of 2014.
3.       Likewise, coordinate with sub-regional agendas, seeking complementarinessin efforts and flexibility for its implementation.
4.       Continue evaluating the convenience of creating a Multidisciplinary Center of knowledge, research, technology transfer and capacity building for integrated water resources management which makes up the existing national and sub-regional efforts and to define the potential working areas and management patterns of this Center.
5.       Promote actions that allow the early entry into force of the Convention of Minamata on mercury and the provision of the financing needed for its effective implementation.
6.       Recommend that, in the light of climate change and its negative impact, greater attention is given to maritime and coastal areas as well as to soils as fundamental elements to ensure the development of countries.
7.       Promote recognition of the right to drinking water and sanitation as a human right essential for the full enjoyment of life and of all human rights, in accordance with Resolution A/RES/64/292, of July 28, 2010, of the UN General Assembly and the internal legislation of each Member State in those regional and international forums where it is required.
Actively participate in the formulation of the Post-2015 Development Agenda on the basis of consultations on the region’s policies and priorities on sustainable development aimed, inter alia, at eradicating poverty and eliminating the inequalities within our societies.
 1.      To keep the coordination of CELAC member states missions in New York through regular exchange so as to discuss the regional priority towards the intergovernmental process for the Post-2015 Development Agenda formulation
 2.      Promote cooperation actions with international agencies, academies and others, contributing to the definition of regional positions for the formulation of the Agenda.
 3.      Develop coordination actions in different venues and multilateral forums in which the Post 2015 Development Agenda is considered.
 4.      Promote the exchange of information between the CELAC countries members of the Working Group of the General Assembly on the ODS, and the members of the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on Financing for Sustainable Development, as well as between both bodies and the rest of the countries of the region.
 5.      Consider the issue of elimination of any form of violence against women and children as one of the topics to be considered in the discussion and content of the Post-2015 Development Agenda.
 6.      To submit for consideration in the next meeting of CELAC Foreign Ministers, in the 69th session of the United Nations General Assembly, a report on the progress made regarding the definition of the regional priorities and the negotiation process of the Post 2015 Development Agenda.
Strengthen humanitarian aid coordination and cooperation and consolidate risk reduction structures and humanitarian assistance among local, national, sub-regional and regional entities with a view to the adoption of a Regional Strategic Agenda for ComprehensiveDisaster Risk Management, centered in the political guidelines of the region on this issue.
1.       Recommend the creation of a working group in the framework of the Meeting of Senior Officials on Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management to carry out consultations for the design of the general guidelines of a Plan of Action on comprehensivedisaster risk management, including proposals for risk reduction and humanitarian assistance in the countries of the regionto strengthen the resilience of our societies. The Plan could incorporate tools for coordination and articulation of proposals with other regional and sub-regional coordination mechanisms in the field of disaster risk management that could be prepared in accordance with the agreement in the Sixth Meeting of International Mechanisms on Humanitarian Assistance held in Jamaica, from October 16-19 2013, and bearing in mind the experience of the United Nations Regional Office for LatinAmerica and the Caribbean for Coordinationof Humanitarian Assistance Affairs(OCHA)and other international organizations related to this matter.
2.       Carry out during 2014, a meeting of CELAC on humanitarian assistance and follow-up on the partnership established between the CELAC and international mechanisms of humanitarian assistance (MIAH) process.
3.       Follow-up the conclusions and recommendations of the Second Regional Inquiry the Nansen Initiative, held in San José, Costa Rica, and directed by the States to generate a consensus on the agenda for protection and needs of cross-border displaced persons due to the disasters and the adverse effects of climate change, as well as provide the support required for future reference in the Caribbean.
4.       Take advantage of regional consultations that will be held in Guatemala at the beginning of 2014 as part of the preparatory process for the projected World Humanitarian Summit to agree on a position of the CELAC aiming to identify concrete recommendations of the region to be considered at the Summit.
5.       Urge countries attending the IV Session of the Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in the Americas, to be held next May, in Ecuador, as part of the process of the III World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, to start relevant coordination so that CELAC can take a common position to the meeting and its views are reflected in the agreements adopted.
6.       Request the FAO and the World Food Programme (WFP) technical support for the design and implementation of regional initiatives aimed at prevention, reduction and risk management as well as to strengthening national, regional and sub-regional mechanisms for humanitarian assistance.
7.       Call upon countries to adhere to stipulated procedures for sending and receiving humanitarian aid and assistance in keeping with the call made by the affected countries.


Continue deepening the development of a regional strategy and the adoption of the common positions and goals of CELAC aimed at the treatment of international migration in the Post-2015 United Nations Development Agenda, as well as in the face of different regional and international processes on the matter and, in particular, the structured and global CELAC-EU dialogue on migration having, as transversal axis the human rights of migrants and the challenges of mass migrations and their effects on the processes and regional dynamics in which they appear.
1.       Follow-up to the recommendations emanating from the II Meeting on Migrations of CELAC, held in San José, Costa Rica, on 5-6 September 2013, as well as to the positions held by the Community in the statement by the PTP on behalf of CELAC in the II High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development held in New York on 3 and 4 October, 2013.
2.       Advance in the preparation of a Conceptual Paper geared at facilitating the adoption of the Principles and Guidelines on International Migration of CELAC, led by the Pro Tempore Presidency, in cooperation with the Quartet, for consideration at the III Meeting on Migrations of CELAC to be held in Quito, Ecuador, in 2014.
3.       Continue working on the preparation of a Strategic Plan of the Community in this matter, in the light of the recommendations made in the First and Second Meetings on Migration of CELAC.
4.       Continue supporting the Structured CELAC-EU Dialogue on Migration.
Progress in the identification and analysis of commonalities in CELAC as a forum for regional dialogue on the world drug problem,in the light of a comprehensive and balanced approach dealing with all its components with a view to the debates of the special session of the UN General Assembly on the World Drug Problem, to be held in 2016, having as ultimate goal to reach a regional consensus on the treatment of this issue in a comprehensive manner, focusing on persons.
1.       Hold the First Ministerial Meeting of CELAC on the World Drug Problem on 13 and 14 May 2014, in Antigua, Guatemala.
2.       Request the representatives of pertinent regional, sub-regional and international organizations and mechanisms,with competency in the matter for inputs for the preparation of a strategic agenda on this issue that allows the generation of synergies and complementarities, and prevents the duplication of human and financial efforts.
3.       Continue with a broad and open debate on the world drug problem based on knowledge and scientific evidence, conducive to the effective struggle against this scourge from a comprehensive and balanced approach, recognizing the principle of common and shared responsibility, as well as an approach towards the welfare of the people and the perspective of violence and crime prevention, in conformity with the United Nations international instruments in this matter, and also considering the different experiences and national models of CELAC countries.
Take action and make efforts to improve, strengthen and promote the policies of prevention and the fight against corruption by Member States, strengthening the effective implementation of the relevant international and regional instruments, on the principles of sovereignty, while respecting the internal law of States. To this end, encourage the development of policies, best practices and experiences in prevention and the fight against corruption, based on citizen participation, social control, transparency, accountability and ethics and public integrity. Also, strengthen access to public information and transparency to encourage and ensure efficient, participatory and democratic governance of the Community.
1.       Establish a specialized working group on prevention and the fight against corruption, which shall draw up a Work Plan  aimed at promoting and encouraging lines of action, in accordance with the bases and priorities established in the Declaration of the I Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities of Prevention and Fight Against Corruption and those set out in this Action Plan, and will be a point of exchange of good practices and for the promotion of technical assistance, recognizing the work and efforts in other mechanisms and existing multilateral forums on the subject.  Accordingly, the Intergovernmental Working Group will act as complementary instance, avoiding duplication of efforts, and will be permanently articulated with the Review Group on the implementation of the of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption and with its Working Groups on Prevention of Corruption and Recovery of Assets.
2.       Facilitate and promote the implementation of international and regional instruments of which the Member States of CELAC are Party, especially the of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption.
3.       Promote and encourage articulation and coordination between the institutions and the supervisory bodies which work in prevention and fight against corruption in the Member States, and the use of mechanisms for the recovery of assets derived from the offence.
4.       Promote government transparency mechanisms based on free access of citizens to public information and initiatives of open Government, ensuring a participatory and democratic public management and spaces and mechanisms of citizen participation in government decisions, in which civil society in general and public institutions interact.
5.       To promote reciprocal judicial cooperation between States Parties of CELAC, with regard to prosecutions and judicial proceedings related to crimes of corruption such as bribery, embezzlement of public funds and money laundering, in accordance with the agreements signed by States parties among themselves.
6.       Promote the development of common principles that encourage the integrity of the public sector, compliance with the Law, honesty and the ethical exercise of government functions.
Promote the active participation of citizens, including, particularly,the organizations and social movements, in their capacity as inescapable agents of the regional integration process, while encouraging the commitment of social actors in that process, as is their duty and obligation, in the context of their respective national legislations.
1.       Examine the possibility of instituting a mechanism for citizen participation in CELAC in order to facilitate their insertion in regional integration.
Develop consciousness that the security of citizens in one of the main concerns of the Latin American and Caribbean countries, and that its strengthening is essential to favor the development of the region and to decisively improve the quality of life and the well-being of its citizens, as well as promote public policies on this issue.
1.       Convene, inthe second half in 2014, in Chile,a meeting of Senior Officials of member States and the representatives of regional, sub-regional and international organizations and mechanisms relevant on this issue, in order to prepare recommendations oriented to the preparation of a strategic agenda of CELAC on citizen’s security that facilitates synergies and complementarities and avoids duplication of human and financial efforts.


Foster the development of South-South cooperation, without conditions nor impositions and in harmony with the social and economic development strategies, plans, and programs of each Member State, with full respect for national sovereignty and guided by the principle of solidarity, by drawing up an agenda that reflects the identity and  priorities of the region. Cooperation to be carried out at a regional level should contribute to reduce regional asymmetries and national development gaps, promote sustainable development and innovative associations through the articulation of existing cooperation organizations at the regional and sub-regional level, and common agendas and positions in international organizations and forums.
1.       Hold the Second Meeting of the CELAC Working Group on International Cooperation in 2014, as a specialized CELAC body.
2.       The Working Group shallperform the functions defined in the operation framework adopted by the Group at its first meeting held in Buenos Aires.
3.       The Working Group will collect the interests of member countries regarding the identification of areas and activities of cooperation with the CELAC extra-regional partners.
Further strengthen complementarities and cooperation among regional and sub-regional integration mechanisms and enhancing coordination among their Secretariats and Pro Tempore Presidencies to contribute to their effectiveness and avoid unnecessary duplications, in accordance with CELAC mandates.
1.       Hold the Fourth Meeting of Regional and Sub-regional Integration Mechanisms during 2014, with a view to evaluate and adjust progress achieved in the Action Proposals Matrix. Likewise, to hold in Caracas, Venezuela, the First Meeting of Regional and Sub-regional Integration Mechanisms in the first semester of 2014 on social issues aimed at preparing a coordination strategic draft agenda on the basis of the priorities established in the CELAC Social Plan of Action.
2.       Take note of document “Actions proposed in accordance with the priorities of each Agency” resulting from the Third Meeting of Regional and Sub-regional Integration Mechanisms held in San Jose, Costa Rica on December 2 and 3, 2013.  Encourage organizations and mechanisms to continue working on the basis of the issues and actions agreed in said meeting and structured within the four domains of the Caracas Plan of Action.
3.       Continue promoting communication, cooperation, articulation, complementariness and synergy among regional and sub-regional integration agencies and mechanisms through their respective governing bodies, ensuring the optimum utilization of resources and complementariness of efforts.
4.       Promote the active participation of CELAC member States in EXPO ALADI 2014, from 8 to 10 October, 2014, in Montevideo, Uruguay, to encourage intra-regional trade.
Further promote and project Latin American and Caribbean interests and concerns regarding the main issues of the international agenda and the intra-CELAC coordination regarding the Community’s relations and rapprochement with other countries, groups of countries and international organizations.
Continue promoting joint initiatives on issues of interest for the region.
-          Continue working on a common stance regarding the question of Nuclear Disarmament and actively participate in the preparation of concrete proposals to achieve the complete elimination of nuclear weapons, in accordance with a multilateral, transparent, irreversible and verifiable timetable, as well as provide an adequate follow-up, as a region, General Assembly resolution A/RES/68/32 entitled “Follow-up to the 2013 High Level Meeting of the General Assembly on Nuclear Disarmament”.
-          Continue promoting cooperation between CELAC and OPANAL, specialized organization of the region, to articulate common positions and joint work in the field of nuclear disarmament.
-          Consolidate the Latin America and the Caribbean region as a Zone of Peace in which differences between nations are resolved in a peaceful manner, through dialogue and negotiation or other means of solution and in full agreement with International Law.
Make progress in working out roadmaps for developing dialogue and cooperation between CELAC and its extra-regional counterparts.  In this context:
-       Advance the constitution of the China-CELAC Forum and hold the first meeting of the Forum in 2014.
-       Advance the mechanism for political dialogue between Russia and CELAC.
-       Promote feasible means of relationship with countries and organizations with which contacts have been made for such purpose.
1.       Continue to promote Quartet meetings with the extra-regional partners prioritized by CELAC member countries to make progress in the conformation of dialogue and cooperation with the Community, making it possible for CELAC member States to participate in the contacts to be carried out on the occasion of the 69th session of the United Nations General Assembly or in any other International Conference considered to be relevant.
2.       Foster CELAC relations and cooperation with the African Union, ASEAN and BRICS Group, among others.
[1]The Conferences, Associations and Councils of Rectors of Latin America and the Caribbean gathered in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, in November 2013, decided to create the Association of Councils of Rectors of Universities in Latin America and the Caribbean (ACRU-LAC), as a result of coordination carried out with regional associations and organizations  -Association of Universities of the Montevideo Group (AUGM), the Association of Caribbean Universities (UNICA), the High Council of Central American Universities (CSUCA), the International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC), the Universities Union of Latin America and the Caribbean (UDUAL), and of meetings held in Nicaragua, Panama and Cuba, in the occasion of events of the Organization of Iberoamerican States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI) and the IberoamericanUniversiy Council (CUIB).
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