Real Dangers and False Solutions in the Age of Terrorism
After Two Years
- Opinión
Kenneth Adelman, a former Reagan administration official and close
associate of the ruling neoconservatives, has offered his advice to
the Bush administration for securing its re-election. "We should not
try to convince people that things are getting better," he said.
"Rather, we should convince people that ours is the age of
The fact that upgradings of the color-coded terror alert frequently
seem to coincide with some scandal or bad news that the Bush
administration would like to keep off the front page, makes us all
cynical about the terrorism threat. But manipulation of terror
warnings should not obscure the very real dangers that terrorism
So now, two years after the horrors of 9-11, given the fact that this
administration has staked its future on making its citizens safe from
terrorism, it's reasonable to ask what it has actually done to reduce
the threat of anti-U.S. terrorism.
In March 2003, Bush's special adviser for counter-terrorism, Rand
Beers, resigned. In June he charged that the "war on terrorism" was
"making us less secure, not more secure."[2] The Bush administration,
he said, put too much emphasis on attacking terrorists overseas:
"There's not enough focus on defense and dealing with the basic
sources of humiliation and despair that exist in large segments of
the Islamic population."[3]
Beers is no starry-eyed liberal. He was a 20-year veteran of the
National Security Council, where he had loyally carried out atrocious
policies under Reagan and Bush Senior, as well as Clinton. Just last
year, to help get a judge to dismiss a lawsuit opposing Plan Colombia
-- the multi-billion dollar U.S. aid program -- he submitted a
deposition stating that Colombian guerrillas had received training in
al Qaeda camps in Afghanistan, a claim he was later forced to retract
as baseless.[4] Nevertheless, in his limited way Beers points to the
real problem. The key to reducing terrorism against the United States
is to eliminate as much as possible those "basic sources of
humiliation and despair." So how successful has the Bush
administration been when it comes to those "large segments of the
Islamic population"?
Consider the findings of the Pew Global Attitudes Project, which
interviewed some 16,000 respondents around the world:
"[T]the bottom has fallen out of support for America in most of the
Muslim world. Negative views of the U.S. among Muslims, which had
been largely limited to countries in the Middle East, have spread to
Muslim populations in Indonesia and Nigeria. Since last summer,
favorable ratings for the U.S. have fallen from 61% to 15% in
Indonesia and from 71% to 38% among Muslims in Nigeria.... In the
wake of the war, a growing percentage of Muslims see serious threats
to Islam. Specifically, majorities in seven of eight Muslim
populations surveyed express worries that the U.S. might become a
military threat to their countries.... Support for the U.S.-led war
on terrorism also has fallen in most Muslim publics. Equally
significant, solid majorities in the Palestinian Authority, Indonesia
and Jordan and nearly half of those in Morocco and Pakistan say they
have at least some confidence in Osama bin Laden to 'do the right
thing regarding world affairs.'"[5]
In Pakistan, virulently anti-American Islamicists won local elections
in two out of four of the country's provinces and are now the third
largest party in the national parliament, their best showing ever.
For the first time, their support comes not just from the areas
bordering Afghanistan, but even from urban areas. In Kuwait,
elections in July returned Islamic traditionalists and supporters of
the royal family, while liberals suffered a severe defeat. And in
Indonesia, the New York Times' Jane Perlez reports, "Jemaah Islamiyah
was only the most extreme of a number of groups that were galvanized
by the events of 9/11 and the American response in Afghanistan."[6]
What is the impact of this growing anti-Americanism in the Islamic
world? The London-based World Markets Research Center, which assesses
terrorism threats for top corporate clients, now ranks Colombia,
Israel, and Pakistan as the only countries with a greater terror risk
than the United States. "Another Sept. 11-style terrorist attack in
the United States is highly likely," they warned in August 2003.
"U.S.-led military action in Afghanistan and Iraq has exacerbated
anti-U.S. sentiment."[7]
Many al Qaeda members have been killed or captured, but the expert
consensus is not sanguine. The conservative but often canny
International Institute for Strategic Studies concluded in May 2003
that al Qaeda was "more insidious and just as dangerous" as it was
before September 11, 2001. Jason Burke, author of a forthcoming book
on al Qaeda, has written "That the conflict in Iraq led to a rise in
recruitment for radical groups is now so clear that even U.S.
officials admit it. This is a huge setback in the 'war on
Rohan Gunaratna, a Southeast Asian expert on al Qaeda, reports that
the organization has had no trouble in recruiting fresh members among
Muslims whose anti-Western passions have been fueled by the war in
Iraq. "For every three to five members, they have five to ten more
recruits. As a result, active terrorist groups will be able to grow
and become more powerful and influential." Gunaratna told the
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States that
outside of Palestine less than 20% of the population of any Muslim
country actively supports terrorism. But, he continued, "This may
change with time. This may change, especially after 9/11, especially
after U.S. intervention in Iraq." "America has taken a country that
was not a terrorist threat" -- Iraq -- "and turned it into one,"
notes Jessica Stern, author of Terror in the Name of God: Why
Religious Militants Kill.[9]
The Bush administration, which warned so vociferously that Saddam
Hussein might pass weapons of mass destruction on to al Qaeda or
other terrorists, has now created a situation where such fantasies
could become realities. After all, the terrorists now collecting in
Iraq potentially have access to the looted radioactive material and
nuclear waste from Iraqi facilities at Tuwaitha and elsewhere, left
unguarded by U.S. forces in the postwar weeks. These were not weapons
facilities, but some of the missing materials could be used to make a
"dirty bomb."[10]
Bush always exaggerated the danger that would ensue if Saddam's Iraq
had acquired weapons of mass destruction. There is no reason to think
that deterrence wouldn't have applied to his regime as much as it did
to Stalin's or Mao's. But there is no doubt that the more countries
that have such weapons, the more dangerous a place the world becomes.
So it is reasonable to ask what the impact has been of Bush foreign
policy on the dangers of proliferation. The consequence of the Iraq
war in this regard is not likely to be positive.
As Joseph Cirincione, author of Deadly Arsenals: Tracking Weapons of
Mass Destruction and a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment,
has written:
"U.S. officials report that North Korea is accelerating its nuclear
program, not abandoning it. Iran, too, has consciously raised the
public profile of its ostensibly civilian nuclear program and
insisted that it would acquire full nuclear fuel-cycle capability,
thus enabling it to enrich uranium to weapon-grade levels and
reprocess plutonium from reactor fuel. Like India's army chief of
staff after the first Iraq war, officials in Pyongyang and Tehran may
believe that if one day you find yourself opposed by the United
States, you'd better have a nuclear weapon."[11]
Convincing countries opposed by the United States to submit to UN
weapons inspections will no doubt become more difficult than ever,
given that when Iraq grudgingly accepted inspectors, allowed them to
destroy some of its missiles, and subjected itself to U.S. spying, it
was attacked anyway.
More generally in terms of our safety two years after September 11,
the United States has worked hard to create a more dangerous globe.
It has blocked efforts to improve compliance with the Biological and
Toxin Weapons Convention and has insisted on a reservation to the
Chemical Weapons Convention allowing the President the right to
refuse an inspection of U.S. facilities on national security
grounds.[12] With regard to nuclear weapons, the Bush administration
has refused to ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and has
stated that it can't rule out a resumption of nuclear testing. It has
declared that it might use nuclear weapons in response to chemical or
biological threats and that new nuclear weapons are needed to target
chemical and biological weapons sites in potential enemy countries,
as well as deeply buried and hardened command posts. It has begun
research on modifications of two types of existing nuclear bombs and
has proposed the repeal of a ten-year old ban on low-yield nuclear
weapons research and development. As the mainstream Arms Control
Association has noted,
"Coming from the United States, the world's pre-eminent military and
political power, such policies undermine nonproliferation efforts by
suggesting to other states that nuclear weapons are legitimate and
necessary tools that can achieve military or political objectives.
Such an approach, if implemented, only increases the odds that
another country or group will race to acquire -- and perhaps someday
use -- the destructive power of these terrible weapons."[13]
If the Bush administration's foreign policy destabilizes the world at
every level, what of its domestic policies?
Under the Patriot Act and prior legislation, the Justice Department
has certainly arrested or simply incarcerated in one way or another
large numbers of people, actions that have endangered civil
liberties, while doing little to address the actual threat of
terrorism. It is conceivable, in fact, that, Attorney General
Ashcroft's boasts aside, it is even increasing the menace of
terrorism at home.
The danger to basic freedoms is so clear that one doesn't have to go
to the ACLU or other left-liberal sources for substantiation. A
survey of corporate chief security officers by their professional
magazine found 31 percent believing that the United States is in
jeopardy of becoming a police state. Leading conservative ideologue
and former House majority leader Dick Armey warned that the Justice
Department was "out of control" and "the most dangerous agency of
government." Three U.S. states, including Republican-controlled
Alaska, and 157 cities, towns, and counties have passed resolutions
challenging the Patriot Act.[14]
In return for this loss of civil liberties, there has been at best a
negligible gain in security. In the weeks following 9-11, hundreds of
people were secretly arrested. Virtually all arrested were cleared of
any connection to terrorism, yet the average clearance took 80 days,
during which time they were confined under harsh, sometimes abusive
conditions, according to the Justice Department's own Inspector
General. As law professor David Cole has noted,
"Ashcroft greatly exaggerates his 'successes.' He claims to have
brought 255 criminal charges in terror investigations, but the vast
majority of those charges were pretextual criminal charges (like
credit card fraud or lying to an FBI agent) used to justify holding
people who turned out to have no connection with terrorism.
Similarly, he claims to have deported 515 people in the investigation
but fails to mention Justice Department policy that authorized
deportation only after the FBI cleared immigrants of involvement in
In some of the few cases where individuals were convicted of charges
relating to terrorism, there is reason to believe that guilty pleas
were obtained not by any real involvement in violent acts, but by the
outrageous threat to treat the defendants as "enemy combatants," and
hence beyond the protection of basic rights.[16]
Dealing appropriately with terrorism does not require the added
powers of the Patriot Act, let alone the even more extensive powers
of the proposed Patriot Act II. But this legislation is of obvious
value to officials intent on gathering unlimited information on our
citizenry. (Well, not quite unlimited. Ashcroft wants records on gun
sales in a federal data base to be destroyed after 24 hours and to
bar their use in terrorism investigations.[17])
Police-state practices are not merely ineffective and unjust: they
may also be counterproductive. A crucial requirement for uncovering
any hidden terrorist cells in the United States is having the support
of immigrant communities. But this support is undermined by the
Justice Department's ethnic profiling, high-pressure
interviewing,[18] secret arrests, and general mistreatment of the
country's Muslim communities.
There are in fact a great many measures that can and should be
undertaken domestically to reduce the threat of terrorism, many of
which measures are actively opposed by the Bush administration
because they require regulating private corporations or call for the
kinds of government spending that might preclude tax cuts for the
Consider chemical plants. According to the Environmental Protection
Agency, there are 123 U.S. chemical facilities where a release of
chemicals could threaten at least one million people; another 700
that could threaten more than 100,000 people; and 3,000 at least
10,000 people. Since October 2001, legislation has been proposed
setting minimal security standards for these plants, but the industry
and the White House have insisted on only "voluntary compliance." To
take just a single example of the problems of depending on corporate
voluntarism, in July 2003, the New York Daily News found there to be
no security at all at the Matheson Tri-Gas facility in East
Rutherford, NJ, a release from which could put up to 7.3 million
people in the metropolitan New York area at risk.[19]
Or consider nuclear power plants. Perhaps even more vulnerable than a
plant's reactor core are its waste pools where spent fuel is stored.
A terrorist-caused rupture in these tanks could start a fire leading
to the release of a radiation plume that, according to a study by
physicist Frank N. Von Hippel, "would contaminate eight to 70 times
more land than the area affected by the 1986 accident in Chernobyl."
A study by Brookhaven National Laboratory showed that a pool fire in
a metropolitan area could lead to 140,000 cancer deaths and cause
over half a trillion dollars in off-site property damage alone.
These waste pools are currently extremely insecure. There is a fairly
inexpensive technological solution to the problem: for about $45
million a year per plant, the pools can be converted to dry storage
areas, making them much less vulnerable target for terrorists. Yet
the Bush administration has not pursued this or any other solution
that might cost the industry any money.[20]
In May Secretary of Transportation Mineta identified maritime ports
as the most vulnerable part of the nation's transportation system.
"With the number of containers coming into this country, we really
don't have a good handle on what's in those containers. And to me
that is one that we still haven't really been able to put our hands
on." Just recently a Newsweek reporter was able to drive "straight
into the truck lanes of the Port of Baltimore -- which U.S. Customs
officials say is one of the nation's best protected -- without being
stopped, [and] then spent two hours wandering, unnoticed, among
stacked shipping containers. 'You just happened to pick a day when a
lot of our normal people were out,' port spokeswoman Darlene Frank
When it comes to planning for responding to a terrorist act -- no
less crucial to our safety -- the record is no better. The Rand
Corporation conducted a survey for the Centers for Disease Control of
emergency workers in 40 cities and towns, and found a majority
feeling underprepared and underprotected. And a July report from the
staid Council on Foreign Relations concluded that "Although in some
respects the American public is now better prepared to address
aspects of the terrorist threat than it was two years ago, the United
States remains dangerously ill prepared to handle a catastrophic
attack on American soil."[22]
Of course, Americans are hardly the only victims of terrorism and if
the U.S. government were genuinely concerned with reducing the global
problem of terrorism it would cease its support for states that carry
out terror against their own populations -- such as Indonesia,
Colombia, and Turkey. It would cease as well its own long-time
policies of terrorism -- whether against Cuba over many decades or
Nicaragua in the 1980s, or the economic sanctions that took such a
horrific toll on Iraqi civilians, or the dropping of cluster bombs in
civilian areas of Afghanistan and Iraq.
The hypocrisy of the U.S. "war on terrorism" is quite shameless --
though this doesn't mean that anti-U.S. terrorism is a myth. It's a
deadly serious matter that requires a serious response. The Bush
administration has indeed responded -- with foreign invasions, high
profile arrests that lead nowhere in particular, the black hole of
Guantanamo Bay, endless hyped alerts, and the Patriot acts -- that
is, with publicity and fear. But looked at practically, its "war on
terrorism" is a fraud. It has only increased the dangers of terrorism
abroad without protecting us from terrorism at home. It has used the
issue of terrorism and the "war on terrorism" to further concentrate
power and wealth in the hands of the few. Ashcroft has declared that
those who criticize the Patriot Act are aiding terrorism.[23] Bush
says we are either with him or against him in his "war on terrorism."
If we care about our safety, not to mention justice and liberty, we'd
better be against him.
[1] Dana Milbank and Mike Allen, Washington Post (WP), 8/22/03, p.
[2] Laura Blumenfeld, WP, 6/16/03, p. A01.
[3] Thomas Frank, Newsday, 6/25/03, p. A35
[4] P. Mitchell Prothero, "Claim of FARC-Al Qaida link rescinded,"
United Press International, 8/9/02.
[5] The Pew Global Attitudes Project, Views Of A Changing World,
June 2003, p. 3,
[6] David Rohde, New York Times (NYT), 10/11/02, p. A13; 10/13/02, p.
I:8; 1/17/03, p. A8; John Kifner, NYT, 7/7/03, p. A6; Perlez, NYT,
9/3/03, p. A6.
[7] Don Van Natta Jr., NYT, 8/17/03, p. I:9.
[8] Michael Evans, The Times (London), 5/14/03, p. 16; Burke,
Observer, 5/18/03, p. 17.
[9] Robin Gedye, Daily Telegraph, 5/22/03, p. 4; Hearing of the
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States,
"Terrorism, Al Qaeda, And The Muslim World," 7/9/03, p. 13,; Stern, NYT, 8/20/03, p. A21.
[10] Bob Drogin, Los Angeles Times, 6/6/03, p. I:10.
[11] Foreign Policy, July-Aug. 2003, p. 68.
[12] Jonathan Tucker, "The Fifth Review Conference of the Biological
and Toxin Weapons Convention," Feb. 2002,
research/e3--7b.html; Amy E. Smithson, "U.S. Implementation of the
CWC," in Jonathan B. Tucker, The Chemical Weapons Convention:
Implementation Challenges and Solutions, Monterey Institute, April
2001, pp. 23-29,
[13] Christine Kucia, "For Second Year Running, U.S. a No-Show at
CTBT Conference," Arms Control Today, Sept. 2003; Arms Control
Association, "New Nuclear Policies, New Weapons, New Dangers," April
?pr int.
[14] CSO press release, "Chief Security Officers Reveal Concerns
About U.S. Government Security Measures," 5/12/03,; Armey
quoted in Nat Hentoff, Village Voice, 4/25/03,;
[15] U.S. Dept. of Justice, Office of the Inspector General, The
September 11 Detainees: A Review of the Treatment of Aliens Held on
Immigration Charges in Connection with the Investigation of the
September 11 Attacks, April 2003, released June 2003; Cole, The
Nation, 9/22/03, p. 26.
[16] See Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, "LCHR Rebuts Attorney
General's Speech on USA PATRIOT ACT," 8/25/03,
[17] Eric Lichtblau with Adam Liptak, NYT, 3/15/03, p. A1.
[18] See GAO, Justice Department's Project to Interview Aliens after
September 11, 2001, GAO-03-459, April 2003, p. 16.
[19] GAO, Voluntary Initiatives Are Under Way at Chemical Facilities
but the Extent of Security Preparedness Is Unknown, GAO-03-439, March
2003, p. 4; "Fact Sheet on Senator Corzine's Chemical Security
visited 9/9/03.
[20] Stanley A. Goff, Predeployed Radiological Weapon: Reducing the
Targetability of Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant and the Risk to the
North Carolina Public, Durham, NC: North Carolina Waste Awareness and
Reduction Network, 5/1/03,
[21] Hearing of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the
United States, Civil Aviation Security, 5/23/03, p. 10; Michael
Hirsh, Newsweek, 9/15/03, p. 46.
[22] Philip Shenon, NYT, 8/21/03, p. A14; "Emergency Responders:
Drastically Underfunded, Dangerously Unprepared," Report of an
Independent Task Force, Sponsored by the Council on Foreign
Relations, Warren B. Rudman, Chair, July 2003,
[23] Neil A. Lewis, NYT, 12/7/01, p. A1.
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- USA: Election Day 2004 26/10/2004
- Peligros reales y soluciones falsas en la era del terrorismo 22/09/2003
- After Two Years 09/09/2003
- Iraq: War and Democracy 01/04/2003
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- Antiwar Questions and Answers 12/02/2003
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