NATO militarized the Aegean Sea and aggravates the situation of migrants

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Under the noble guise of fighting human trafficking, the main military alliance in the world, NATO, has launched an armed operation in the Aegean Sea to control the entry of migrants and displaced people. The strength of this force will increase from 13,000 to 40,000 men, and an intervention group of reactive force will be created for deportation of desperate people fleeing war and desolation. None of this is aimed at assisting victims but making taller walls around Europe against the tide of migrants with interventionist policies of the Western powers have created.


We reject this "humanitarian" operation that will cause more pain and suffering to victims. Such police, military and technological display shows a view of migration as a "threat" that must be contained by force. The European bloc continues approving the construction of walls and electric fences to reinforce borders. The images showing mothers with babies in their arms behind fences speak of a Europe that looks like an inverted concentration camp, where human rights apply to the privileged few. That is what we call the "throw away culture".


This globalization of indifference presents a palpable contradiction between the free movement of goods, capital, arms or oil on the one hand, and the savage repression on the movement of people. The legitimacy of this policy on the pretext of protecting victims and combat mafias is a notorious hypocrisy act. Mass migrations are the result of inequality, environmental destruction and imperialistic wars. Networks trafficking are a consequence of this situation created largely by the major powers and their bloody business is enhanced by the repressive policies and the criminalization of migrants.

From the popular movements we denounce and combat human trafficking, slave labor and all forms of organized crime that primarily affect workers and the poor. We do not accept, however, that these noble flags are used to legitimize against migrants that only aim to reinforce a false sense of security within the borders of rich countries repressive policies. The way to end organized crime and build a lasting peace is to ensure social justice, in particular, the sacred land rights, the roof and work. Rights that are being violated by the technocratic paradigm of global capitalism that exploits excludes honed and destroy Mother Earth in their idolatry Money worship God.


Europe and the United States are largely responsible for the conflict in Arab and African countries. We denounce the actions of NATO as an attempt by the powers to continue defending their privileges at the expense of the suffering. We demand an end to war, humanitarian aid and full compliance with refugee law. We reiterate the commitment made in the Letter of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, "we raise the cause of migrants, displaced persons and refugees. We urge the governments of the rich countries to repeal all of the rules and laws that promote discrimination against them and establish forms of regulation to eliminate slave labor, trafficking, human trafficking and child exploitation countries".


Juan Grabois - MTE – CTEP

Joao Pedro Stedile - MST – LVC

Jockin Arputham - Slum Dwellers International

Xaro Castelló - Movimiento Mundial de Trabajadores Cristianos
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