The TPP: a monster too big to fail?

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"For every President, there comes a moment when he does what he has been put into office to do. All prior bets and decisions are off the table. They carry no freight. He knows this. He knows he has no excuses. He has no one to blame. He must win. He must succeed. If he fails, he falls. He falls hard. The electorate? His colleagues, friends, and advisors? His flock of adoring supporters? All dust in the wind. He must do this one thing. He must go as deep and as dark and as crazy as he has to, in order to pull off the crime he was sent in to commit." (The Underground, Jon Rappoport) 


I have written extensively about the Trans-Pacific Partnership Treaty and its destructive effects.


Now that all 12 nations have agreed to the text, the US Congress must vote on it. Since the Congress has already granted Obama fast-track authority, no committees will discuss it; no filibustering is permitted; no changes can be made to the text.


Again I stress: Obama was put in the White House to make TPP and similar treaties come to fruition. Failure is not an option.


Obama's mentor on foreign policy, Zbigniew Brzezinski, is David Rockefeller's right-hand man. And David is Globalism personified.


The TPP elevates mega-corporations beyond even their present status: In a nutshell, any threats against international corporate piracy would be adjudicated in private corporate tribunals---so the outcome is completely predictable.


And as with all other Globalist trade treaties (NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, etc.), more jobs in industrialized nations will move to countries where slave labor is standard operating procedure.


Obama was never about creating more jobs in America. He was and is about Globalism.


Otherwise, there was no way he could have advanced beyond the Illinois State Senate, in his artificial career.


The pressure on him now is enormous. With fiery bits of protest against the TPP springing up in the US Senate and House, with Trump and Bernie railing against the Treaty, Obama is counting his chickens (votes) every day.


His people are on the phones, holding private meetings with Representatives and Senators, coordinating their strategies with corporate lobbyists.


It's all hands on deck. Deals are being struck. Promises are being made. Markers are being called in. 


"You want a bridge? You want a tunnel? You want your boy to get into Harvard? You want a new hooker? You want these juicy photos of you to remain hidden? You want the cocaine thing to go away forever? You want that house in the Bahamas?"


Whatever it takes. The TPP must pass.


You can bet the NSA is in on this one. They've been spying on Congressional members for years. Because those members might be terrorists? Are you kidding? Whatever NSA has on recalcitrant Representatives and Senators can now be used to twist their arms.


And members of Congress know that, if by some chance the TPP fails to pass, and they helped to defeat it, they'll be prime targets the next time Obama tries to ram it through. They'll be naked in the rain, alone, at the mercy of greater forces.


For Obama, for David Rockefeller, for Brzezinski, for the Trilateral Commission, the CFR, Bilderberger, and the presidents and premiers and prime ministers of the 12 TPP countries, this is The Big One.


Then...there is this little thing called the Internet. New torpedoes from independent news sites are hitting the TPP every day. It turns out that the world is not entirely asleep. What a revelation. In the old days, the TPP would have passed without a whisper or a whimper. But now...


And as the unemployment situation-disaster grows worse in a number of industrial nations---in large part owing to past Globalist trade treaties---it's become harder to sell the next great treaty that will further sink workers and economies. Unions are feeling the squeeze. How can they support the TPP when their millions of members see the looming horror show?


The primary lie about Globalism is obvious to anyone who has eyes. How can our august leaders pretend that shutting down domestic factories and businesses and sending all those jobs to distant nations is a good thing? How can these leaders tell us that the ability to buy cheap imports is a wonderful outcome, when millions of people here at home have been thrown out of work?


The Globalists are sitting at the table shoving in all their chips on a bet that is a transparent bluff---and the question is, who is going to call them on it?



Obama is aging rapidly in the Oval Office. He has been told many times, from above, that this, the TPP, is his moment. This is when he pays off his debt to those who put him in the Presidency. This is not a Ferguson moment or a Charleston moment or an immigration moment or a Common Core moment or a Syria moment or a gun-control moment. This is his moment to sell a supreme number-one lie. This is a test of his political skills and his allegiance to the forces of destruction.


This is it.


He is supposed to take off his mask behind the scenes and make his bones.


At that level, the TPP has nothing to do with he-said he-said or rational argument. It has to do with how far Obama will go to earn his position in the mob and avoid the consequences of failure.


The Globalist bosses intend to rule the planet. The TPP is their next big step. They're not in the business of promoting losers.

October 6, 2015




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