Cosmopolitan futures: global activism for a just world

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table of contents
about this book … 5
acknowledgements … 7
preface … 9
one. another world is possible! … 21
there is no alternative … 26
the struggle for equality, justice and sustainability … 29
this book … 34
two. once upon a time … 36
in the beginning … 36
the passage to india … 41
indian activism in a nutshell … 44
the asian social forum … 50
three. cosmopolitan futures and slow movements … 62
networks, movements and open spaces … 65
methodologies of transformation … 71
wsf ’s cosmopolitan vision … 79
four. the ‘open space’ … 85
the open space in india … 86
the boundaries of the open space … 100
inclusion/exclusion in the open space… 104
power in the open space … 106
challenging boundaries … 110
wsf ’s (facilitating) leadership … 115
keeping the doors open … 121
five. the wsf in india … 123
the scene … 127
organisational architecture … 129
inter- and intra- sectoral conflicts in wsf 2004 … 132
dalit activism … 133
religious groups … 136
peasant movement … 139
single issue social movements … 141
trade unions … 143
women’s movements … 176
left parties… … 149
…and ngos … 153
the suppression of difference in wsf 2004 … 155
six. principles in practice … 161
this is what day-to-day activism looks like … 162
conflict and prefigurative politics … 183
activist conundrums … 189
seven. a globalising alliance … 194
wsf india’s legacy … 195
the local/global in the wsf … 208
eight. the future of the wsf … 217
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