Jamaica: Not one drop of blood
Revolution: A Clarification And Update
- Opinión
Over the past week a renewed energy has begun to stir among the people of Jamaica. We have faced the big blue Fire that has been slowly growing since independence- 'Choice'. Many of us have ignored the full range of choices available to us. These choices have always been there, including the choice to engage in revolution. Some have voted for the JLPNP, many because of tradition or their family history, but most because they felt they had no better choice. Some have chosen not to vote, because they saw no viable choice whatsoever. Some were willing to take the noble risk and vote for a party other than the JLPNP. Some have chosen to complain in their homes, at school, in bars and amongst their friends and families. Some choose to complain on radio programmes and write articles in the newspaper and on their blogs online. Some chose to leave Jamaica because they were fed up but yearn to have a viable choice that can move Jamaica forward and provide them with the option to return.
Now we have come face to face with the consequences. From this moment we each can choose whether we blame others for why Jamaica is not as good as we want it to be, or whether we choose to make it what it ought to be.
True Democracy
As noted in the Jamaica Gleaner article published on Monday February 28, 2011 ("Law student lobbies for local revolution") on the revolution, Jamaicans have begun to question the meaning of democracy, as they compare themselves with others around the world who have engaged in revolutions and uprisings. Our dictatorship has been subtle but equally parasitic. Under the guise of democracy, the JLPNP dictatorship has deprived us of perspective and blindfolded us from understanding the true scope of choice. Democracy has been very conditional in Jamaica. They have designed a system that guarantees their re-election by allowing them to manipulate the date for elections, avoiding the monitoring and restriction of campaign funding especially from questionable sources, and by orchestrating a great deception through economic policies, the Constituency Development Fund, brute force, garrison politics, and their rhetoric- that we need them to be our mothers and fathers in government. Even the current policy of the Jamaica Information Service serves to promote the initiatives of the ruling party rather than serve as a neutral information point for the state on a whole. Our education system does not properly equip citizens to understand the scope of their choice and their role in a successful Jamaica and Caribbean.
We must therefore take the unshakable position that democracy must extend beyond the ballot box so that the people of Jamaica can exercise their sovereignty. Our inevitable revolution must accomplish this aim by changing the status quo, by shifting true power from those who are elected back into the hands of the people. This revolution must be powerful, extending to every area of mind and heart so that the people of Jamaica will have a renewed confidence in their power to choose. However, if we are to make any significant change to our current flawed system, it must come from the top or else it will be chaotic and anarchic. Change from the top will be smooth and natural when backed by the will of the people. Thus, the primary objective must be to remove those unwilling to effect change for the good of our people.
How will we do this?
In achieving our primary objective we must begin by examining our conception of the 'choice' we have. We must ask ourselves whether we are we limiting ourselves. Are we blaming history for our choice not to change it? Are we choosing to do nothing because we feel others will do nothing? We must look beyond history and beyond our current concept of what we can achieve and decide that as individuals we will rally together and create a new history. Since independence we have been taught that we are foolish to consider taking a stand against 'the way things are'. But taking a stand against 'the way things are' is what we have done since slavery through to our independence. There is no tablet in heaven decreeing that only the JLPNP may rule Jamaica, regardless of what they do. Therefore since our ancestors were foolish enough to take a stand then, we will be foolish enough to take every necessary step to spill the bucket of prosperity and rule of law for every single Jamaican now.
Our secondary objective will be to change the system. We cannot change the human desire for self preservation and self fulfilment. We cannot ensure that every single politician that takes office in Jamaica will never have selfish desires and will never want to rob the Jamaican people of what is best in the name of retaining power. However, we will implement strong and decisive measures that can limit the power of politicians so that their choices will be limited to decisions that ensure progress, prosperity and that the rule of law will always reign. We will also put in place effective and well researched policies to secure a better future for our people.
Not one drop of blood will be added to the stains that discolour our beautiful land. These stains keep fresh the memory of everyone killed or disadvantaged by our flawed political system. Our revolution will begin in the heart and mind, binding together our coalition so that nothing can stop us from accomplishing our goals. No revolution was ever won on pen and paper, nor with emotionally charged speeches that say all the right things. The blue Fire of choice will either consume us, or it will be used for our purposes. Prepare yourselves therefore, because this revolution will happen in our lifetime and in our generation.
- Marc Ramsay is a 24-year old law student from Jamaica.
Del mismo autor
- Revolution: A Clarification And Update 05/03/2011
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