Don't wait for "another world"
- Opinión
An Indian participant from Tamil Nadu stands up and asks the
panelists "The WSF keeps repeating that another world is possible.
But what world do you want?" The workshop has gathered delegates
from all over the world on the issue of people's land rights and
social change. Among the panellists, Kingkorn Narintarakul, an
activist from Thailand, gives this answer "We only have one world.
This is the world we live in. We have our own knowledge, our
practices, our wisdom, our land. We don't need to find another
world. What we need is to reclaim our world".
And this is precisely what several movements organising this
workshop have been doing (1). In South Africa, in Brazil, in
Thailand or in the Philippines, farmers have been occupying land as
part of their long struggle for a genuine agrarian reform. "If the
government doesn't distribute the land, we have do to it ourselves,"
said one farmer. For them, the alternative to the scandalous
inequalities in land ownership is land occupation. They see it as
the main driving force that allows them to feed themselves and to
force political changes.
Itelvina Masioli from the Landless Workers Movement (MST) in Brazil
explains this approach. "When we occupy a piece of land, we don't
only physically take the field. We also start living there, growing
fruits and vegetabl es. We organise the communities, share the
resources and look for education opportunities for our children.
Land occupation is a comprehensive alternative."
In a completely different encounter at the WSF, Felipe Van
Keirsbilck, a Belgian unionist, also suggested that the WSF slogan
"Another world is possible" had lost its power of mobilisation in
the streets of Mumbai. "It so unds very much like a remote promise.
It reminds me of the paradise that the Christians are expecting in
'an other life'. When we see the Dalits marching in the streets, the
women staging street theatres at every corner r epresenting
oppression and liberation from oppression, we realise that we now
need a stronger rallying cry. People are not going to wait for
another world to materialise. They are busy asserting their rights
to live in th is one."
Jose Josivaldo de Oliveira from MAB, a Brazilian movement of people
affected by big dams addressed thousands of Indian villagers and
indigenous people at a large conference on development induced
displacement organised by the National Alliance of People Movements
(India). He explained that they had waited long enough to see an end
to the policies of building large dams, evicting farmers from their
land. His movement is now planning to ope n the dams and, if
necessary, to break them in order to recover people's land,
livelihoods and dignity.
Encounters after encounters, speakers from different movements and
sectors voiced similar approaches to social change. At a round table
on food sovereignty organised by Focus on the Global South,
Shaktiman Ghosh of the Ha wkers Shangharsh Committee in Calcutta
said that streets vendors were the alternatives to TNC's and large
distribution chains. "We are taking over the whole food chain.
Street vendors in our union have started to buy prod ucts directly
from farmers' cooperatives and they sell them directly to consumers.
We simply bypass the globalised food system."
Some people regretting the lack of alternatives at the WSF might
have missed all those testimonies. Actually, the feeling in Mumbai
was that the alternatives are already happening everywhere, and that
they are an integral part of the struggle: in the struggle for
land, forest, seeds or water, in the emancipation struggle against
patriarchy, in the liberation process of the oppressed.
With the strong participation of people's movements and grassroots
organisations at the WSF in Mumbai, a new wind has started blowing
over the global movements. It suggests that the alternative to
corporate globalisation and oppression is the actual space taken
over by marginalized and affected communities. It is in the new
practices and relationships that they are implementing. This
movement is not so much about creating a new and ideal world, but
about reclaiming an existing world, and transforming it radically.
(1) FIAN International, LRAN and FSPI
/ Isabelle Delforge is a research associate with Focus on the Global
South working on food sovereignty and "life without the WTO". She
organised a roundtable on food sovereignty at the WSF.
Del mismo autor
- Don't wait for "another world" 08/03/2004
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