America: the mad

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Here we are, once again.
It surprises no one, and seems as expected as seasonal change.
‘A massacre’ “Oh – only 12 dead? Thirteen with the shooter?’ ‘Uh-huh… Have you seen the leaves change color yet?”
We turn our minds to other things, and soon, we quietly shut the door behind us.
‘What a shame’, we mumble, as we move on.
Mental distress is not solely an American malady; it is a human one.
And yet, as life becomes harder; as survival becomes more challenging, minds will increasingly shatter under the strain, and violence becomes the yell, breaking the glass of isolation – even if it also brings death.
After the 2008 Great Recession, jobs have been hard to find; good-paying jobs even harder.
In America, a man without a job isn't really a man. He can offer neither security nor support for a woman. He cannot build a loving nest of family.
He is a loner, outside of the warmth and purpose of life.
Is it maddening? Does it drive some men over the brink?
Yes. It is a scream from the psyche that can only be resolved by death.
I said it before – I’ll say it once more: It ain’t over. The politics of this era is insufficient to solve this problem.
In a few more days perhaps a week, or a month, the horror will fade, and business as usual will prevail.
This is a nutty country.
It’ll only get nuttier.
--© ’13 maj

Del mismo autor

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