No license for destruction
The study notes that Cargill, the world’s largest privately funded company, adopts a greenwashing stance through the dissemination of discourses and strategies for the construction of a more sustainable corporate image.
- Opinión

A study released this Wednesday (November 10th) by Terra de Direitos points out that the transnational corporation Cargill presents the market with false solutions regarding the struggle against the climate crisis. Amidst the discussions at COP26 about global warming, the study reveals several greenwashing activities practiced by the company in Tapajós (Pará). The transnational corporation works in the agribusiness sector and is present in Brazil’s North Region, operating a seaport terminal in Santarém for almost 20 years, and heavily impacting the region’s environment and traditional communities.
The study notes that Cargill, the world’s largest privately funded company, adopts a greenwashing stance through the dissemination of discourses and strategies for the construction of a more sustainable corporate image.
Read the study below
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