OAS exposed in face of Cuba´s electoral continuity

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Under the pseudonym “General Secretariat of the Organization of American States”, the United States Ministry of Colonies issued a press release with which it once again stripped itself naked.


The current Secretary General of the OAS is a sordid traitor to his Uruguayan homeland. Having carried out important political tasks in his country of origin under the presidency of José Mujica – a highly respected personality who is the pride of Latin America – the Secretary General threw his buttocks into the arms of the empire and today exercises the saddest role that a Latin American could play.


Luis Almagro, was a member of the Frente Amplio, a prestigious unitary political group in Uruguay that provided the Uruguayan people with an efficient political weapon for achieving notable victories at the polls. Almagro has dealt a harsh blow to the popular aspirations of Latin America with his embarrassing performance at the OAS. He has undermined the democratic prestige of his own nation of origin like no-one else since the period of the military dictatorships.


In judicial proceedings for petty thieves and other minor crimes that in themselves denounce the misery that led him to betrayal, Luis Almagro intends to continue providing services to the empire´s attacks on Cuba, Venezuela and everything that hinders U.S. hegemony in the hemisphere.


Cuba has just carried out an electoral process for presidential continuity that is a paradigm of real democracy and the full exercise of its people’s sovereignty. This well-paid servant of imperialism claims that “the election by the Cuban National Assembly of Miguel Díaz-Canel as President of the country has taken place without the free expression of the Cuban people”.


Almagro cannot ignore that it is precisely the electoral systems of the hemisphere – especially the United States, which claims to be the model from which the rules and patterns for others flow – that the peoples of the “representative democracies” that Washington has spread across the continent most strongly object to as its sardonic “Manifest Destiny”.


The legal system of the latter constitutes the ideal scenario for an unjust order of unequal exchange, exploitation and misery. Washington considers itself called upon to impose this on the world, in accordance with the US philosophy that seeks to justify the way in which the elites of some countries concentrate wealth while submitting to the dictates of the imperialist metropolis.


“Manifest Destiny”, which expresses the belief that America is destined by providence to expand to the four winds, is a racist doctrine. It considers white Americans superior to the mestizos of neighboring countries south of its border who must be regenerated. It assumes that God chose the American people to be, as a political and economic power, a nation superior to the rest of the world, and connects this with the Monroe Doctrine of “America for the Americans.”


When in so many countries on the continent, including the United States, opponents and dissidents are imprisoned and tortured, people are discriminated against on the basis of race, gender, age and nationality; freedom of expression is limited to those who have enough money to exercise it. Selective deaths are ordered and carried out for political reasons by gangs manipulated by capital. Those who demand a right to organize, to better wages, to study and to work are cruelly repressed. The security of the population is undermined by the sale and proliferation of firearms in society by merchants who bribe unscrupulous politicians with impunity.


The U.S. colonial minister has tried, with as much indignity as he can imagine, in order to carry out the will of Washington and Wall Street against the progressive governments that several peoples of the hemisphere have managed to install on the basis of a united patriotic struggle.


Almagro attributes to the OAS the function of denouncing and working for a hemisphere free of dictatorships, with very peculiar selectivity. As a result of the intervention of criminal groups in a citizens’ protest against an increase in social security contributions, an unusual wave of violence broke out in Nicaragua. A dozen were left dead and many injured in that country, which is considered the most peaceful and safe in Central America. The OAS immediately “demanded” Daniel Ortega’s progressive government not to act against “peaceful demonstrations” and the country was subjected to a terrorist methodology similar to the guarimbas promoted and financed by Washington’s anti-Chavism in Venezuela, both in 2014 and 2017.


The diligence with which the OAS acted there contrasts with the laziness it showed when, recently, it was asked to act in Honduras in the face of dozens of crimes committed by the repressive forces of the local regime… and to which the OAS never responded.


April 26, 2018.


Translated and edited by Walter Lippmann.



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