Bloody September or the Exit II

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Definitely, there is a crew of governments, transnational corporations and their tentacles with businessmen who are plotting against our country, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in international geopolitics by governments, together with political actors who seized one of the powers set out in our national constitution, that is, the legislature. The climate of fear and terror is a media gag in international daily dynamics pointing directly that in Venezuela bloodshed could be looming on September 1ST with the march the Venezuelan opposition is calling. This permanent lab began months ago with ex-presidents the Lopez Obrador (Mexico), Pastrana (Colombia) and Piñera (Chile), and then prestigious nobel laureates who came to our country in order to express that we are living in a dictatorship, as expressed at the Tribune of the National Assembly of Venezuela.



Outlaw and failed state


The international and national right. from different fronts, are seeking all ways to define the Venezuelan State, directed by the president Maduro, as a failed state because human rights and the national Constitution are violated and the population in general is not defended. On the other hand, a counterfoil has been created of an outlaw state linked to drug trafficking, hinting at a total failure in security efforts and ultimately seeking the intervention of peacekeeper troops, claiming that a humanitarian crisis be decreed in Venezuela . We already know that the media axis is acting in combination with the United States, Spain and the most reactionary media in South America (Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Paraguay). The United States intellectual, Noam Chomsky gives a definition of a failed state that differentiates our country from this classification made by the international right; Chomsky expresses "that failed states are those with the peculiarity that they do not protect their citizens and, likewise, they do not respect international law, so that they can interfere and violate the rights of other States". In that sense, unquestionably, on Human Rights we have been recognized by the UN, we respect international law, all international conventions and covenants and we have never violated the rights of other States, which is something the administration of President Obama has done in cases of Syria and Libya, to set an example, and their violatory intentions towards our sovereignty with their decree stating that we are an unusual threat for the United States.


We are no threat to anyone, neither a failed state, nor an outlaw one, and much less what the Secretary General of the OAS or representative of the MUD to the agency, Luis Almagro, has said: that Venezuela's democracy is finished because it has not freed Leopoldo Lopez, author of red February 2014.


It is all a falsehood of the international media against our process, which suffers from flaws, as recognized by the President Maduro who makes an effort by all necessary means to overcome these failures


Red September or the Bloody Exit Part II?


The opposition, with triumphalist airs, is calling for a march on September 1st. They sweat high-handedness through their pores. The pursuit of violence is reflected like mad dogs. The memories of that spiral of violence of February, 12th 2014 convened by the leader of Voluntad Popular, Leopoldo Lopez, are still alive, since it left as a result hundreds of deaths, about a thousand wounded, incalculable losses by fires in schools, hospitals, universities and headquarters of the PSUV. Two years and eight months have passed since that call that bloodied the country. According to some spokespeople who have again taken up the discourse of Lopez at that time, they will not leave the streets until Maduro is gone.... The Chavista Bolivarian people, despite the crisis that is going on, will certainly not go back, and once again will give a lesson that even with all the flaws that our process may have, it is the closest thing to humanity.
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