18th American Regional Meeting - Declaration of Lima
- Opinión
Conclusions of the Meeting
I. Context
The representatives of governments, employers and workers of the Americas, brought together at the 18th American Regional Meeting of the ILO, welcomed the subject under consideration by the Meeting: sustainable development with decent work; productivity and social inclusion in the region; and the formalization of the informal economy.
In the last decade, there are countries in the Americas that have made significant progress in terms of economic growth, reduction of unemployment, reduction of poverty and improvement in other labour indicators. However, the region continues to be marked by major inequalities. The combat of inequality requires integrated economic and social public policies that promote social inclusion, decent work, and productive employment, as well as an enabling environment for sustainable enterprises. This includes public policies against discrimination and violations of freedom of association.
To overcome these obstacles and move forward in creating quality jobs, respect for fundamental rights at work, the enabling environment for sustainable enterprises, effective social dialogue based on mutual confidence between governments and representative and independent employers’ and workers’ organizations are essential.
The discussion of the Report of the Director General entitled Twenty-first century challenges for the Americas: Full and productive employment and decent work informed these conclusions. The Report sets out some of the principal challenges to be confronted by the region in promoting development with social inclusion.
International Labour Organization - ILO
Lima, Peru, 13–16 October 2014