Erosion of the «Relational Matrix»

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Many people in the world today, from very different backgrounds, are concerned by the present crisis, which includes a number of other crises. Each one sheds some light, and all that light is creative. But, as for myself, coming from a background in philosophy and theology, I feel the need for a reflection that goes deeper, to the roots, where the crisis that is now exploding with such virulence developed slowly. In contrast to previous crises, the present one has a singular characteristic: in it, the future of life and the continuity of our civilization are at stake. Our practices contravene the evolutionary course of the Earth. The Earth has created a friendly place for us to live, but we are not being very friendly to the Earth. We wage a never ending war against her, on all fronts, with no possibility of winning. The Earth can continue without us. We, however, need the Earth.
I think the closest roots, (we will not go back to the homo faber of 2 million years ago), are found in the paradigm of modernity that dissected reality, and transformed it into a scientific object and field of technological intervention. Until then, humanity generally understood itself as part of a living cosmos, full of meaning. They considered themselves to be the sons and daughters of Mother Earth. Now, Mother Earth has been demoted to a warehouse of resources. Things and human beings are disconnected from each other, each following its own course. This has produced a mechanical and atomistic conception of reality that is eroding the continuity of our development, and the integrity of our collective psyche.
The secularization of all the spheres of life took from us the sense of belonging to a larger Whole. We are ill-adjusted and submerged in a profound loneliness. The opposite of a spiritual vision of the world is not materialism or atheism, it is an uprootedness, and a feeling that we are alone and lost in the universe, something that is not present in a spiritual vision of the world.
These issues underlie the present crisis. To resolve it, we need to again be enchanted by the world, and recognize that the Relational Matrix, that involves us all, is eroding. We must understand the meaning of the future of humanity within a universe still in evolution/creation. The new sciences after Einstein, Heisenberg/Bohr, Prigogine and Hawking have shown us that everything is interconnected in such a way that it forms a Whole.
Atoms and elemental particles are no longer considered inert and lifeless. The microcosms emerge as a highly interactive world, one that cannot be described by human language, but only through mathematics. They form a complex unit in which each particle has been linked to all others, since the beginnings of the cosmic adventure some 13.7 billion years ago. Matter and mind mysteriously appeared, intertwined, and it is difficult to know whether mind came from matter, or matter came from mind; or if both appeared jointly. The Earth herself is alive (Gaia), containing all the elements to ensure ideal conditions for life. More than competitively, the Earth functions through cooperation of all with all. She shows an impulse towards complexity, diversity, and the appearance of consciousness at ever more complex levels, until her current expression through the networks of global connections within a process of growing globalization.
This cosmovision nourishes in us the hope that another world is possible, starting from a cosmos in evolution that, through us, feels, thinks, creates, loves and seeks a permanent equilibrium. The fundamental ideas, such as interdependency, community of life, reciprocity, complementarity and co-responsibility are keys of learning and nourish in us a more harmonious vision of things.
This cosmology is what is missing now. It has the ability to give us a coherent vision of the universe, of the Earth and of our place in the gathering of all beings, as guardians and protectors of all that is created. This cosmovision will prevent our falling into an abyss, with no return. In past crises, the Earth always came to our rescue, saving us. And it will not be different now. Together, we and the Earth, in synergy, will be able to triumph.
- Leonardo Boff, Theologian / Earthcharter Commission
Free translation from the Spanish sent by Melina Alfaro, done at REFUGIO DEL RIO GRANDE, Texas, EE.UU.
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