On the Brink of Tragedy
- Opinión
Since March 26, neither Obama nor the South Korean President have been able to explain what actually happened with the flagship of the South Korean Navy, the sophisticated submarine fighter Cheonan, which was taking part in an exercise with the US Navy to the west of the Korean Peninsula, near the border of the two republics, where 46 died and tens sustained injuries.
What's embarrassing for the empire is that its ally may learn from reliable sources that the ship was sunk by the United States. There is no way to avoid that fact which will follow them like a shadow.
Elsewhere in the world, the circumstances similarly apply to much more dangerous events than those of East Asia; they can't be helped, and there is nothing the super-powerful empire can do to stop them.
Israel would not refrain from activating and using –with full independence—the considerable nuclear power built by the United States in that country. To believe otherwise would be to ignore reality.
Another very serious issue is that there is no way the United Nations can change the course of events, and very soon the arch-reactionaries ruling Israel will clash with the indomitable resistance of Iran, a nation with a population of 70 million and well known religious traditions that will not accept the insolent threats of any adversary.
In short: Iran will not submit to the Israeli threats.
As it is only natural, the people of the world are increasingly enjoying the great sports events, those related to recreation and culture, and others that occupy their limited free time in the midst of the duties that take up a large portion of their time dedicated to daily chores.
Shortly, the Football World Cup to be contested in South Africa will take up all of their free hours as they follow with growing excitement the vicissitudes of the most popular characters.
They will follow every step taken by Maradona and remember the spectacular goal he scored that determined Argentina's victory in one of the classics. Again, another Argentinean is coming up spectacularly; he is a short man but he is very fast, he whizzes like a lightning and with his head or legs shoots the ball at amazing speed. His last name, Messi, of Italian descent, is already known to and repeated by the fans.
The fans imagination goes wild with the images of the numerous stadiums where the competitions take place. The architects and designers have created works never dreamed of by the public.
The governments, forced to go from one meeting to another to discharge the obligations that the new times have placed on their shoulders, have no time to know the mountain of news constantly carried by radio, television and the printed press.
Almost everything depends exclusively of the information provided by their advisers. Some of the most powerful and important Heads of State, who make the fundamental decisions, customarily use the cell phones to communicate among themselves several times a day. An increasing number of millions of people in the world live attached to such devices even though no one knows the effect they will have on human health. This softens the envy we could feel for not being able to enjoy such possibilities in our time, a time that is rapidly moving away in very few years and almost imperceptibly.
Yesterday, in the midst of the turmoil, there was a report that today the UN Security Council might vote a pending resolution to decide on the imposition of a fourth round of sanctions to Iran for refusing to cease the enrichment of uranium.
The irony of this situation is that if it were Israel, the United States and its closest allies would immediately say that Israel did not sign the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty and veto the resolution.
However, if Iran is simply accused of producing up to 20% enriched uranium, there is an immediate request to apply economic sanctions to strangle that country; and it is obvious that Israel would act as usual, with fascist fanaticism, the same as the soldiers of the elite troops dropped from helicopters before daybreak on those traveling in the solidarity flotilla carrying food to the people besieged in Gaza, killing several people and injuring tens of them who were later arrested alongside the crews of the ships.
Obviously, they will try to destroy the facilities where Iran is enriching part of the uranium it produces. It is also evident that Iran will not accept such inconsistent treatment.
The consequences of the US imperial imbroglios could be catastrophic and affect every inhabitant of the planet much more than all of the economic crises combined.
- Fidel Castro Ruz
Cuban News Agency www.cubanews.ain.cu
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