Declaration of the Council of Heads of State and Government of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR)
- Opinión
TUESDAY, MAY 4, 2010
1) The Heads of State and Government of the member countries of the Union of South American Nations – UNASUR – gathered at the Extraordinary Working Meeting in Los Cardales, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 4 May, 2010.
2) Have decided to continue in the construction of a common space for political, economic, social, cultural and infrastructure integration of our region; as well as establishing effective commitments for joint action for the promotion of social and human development concerning equality and inclusion, in order to eradicate poverty and overcome inequality in the region, within a framework of unity, democracy, unrestricted respect for human rights and cooperation, both in our region as well as in the international context.
3) Recognize the dynamism of UNASUR and emphasize the need for consistency in the process of institutional consolidation. Request from the Council of Foreign Ministers recommendations on strengthening the institutional architecture of UNASUR, identifying the ways to increase the efficacy of the existing Councils, promote the gradual convergence with subregional mechanisms of integration and identify the priority subjects for South American integration, in which the regional coordination body may request the constitution of new UNASUR instances.
4) Emphasize the designation of Dr. Néstor Kirchner as Secretary General of UNASUR, in conformity with the procedure established in article 10 of the Constitutive Treaty of UNASUR.
5) Confirm their commitment to the Principle of Peaceful Settlement of Disputes and recognize the important contribution which the regional and subregional organizations can offer towards a peaceful solution of controversies and of preventive diplomacy. In this regard, they stress the value and importance of UNASUR as a political space which the region has attained.
6) Salute the progress achieved in the development of measures to promote confidence and security, in compliance with the decision adopted at the Extraordinary Meeting of Heads of State and Government of UNASUR in Bariloche, in August 2009, which will very much contribute towards the strengthening of South America as a region of peace.
In the same way, we show our satisfaction with the Resolution on Measures for the Promotion of Confidence and Security adopted by the Ministers of Defense and Foreign Affairs in Quito, in November 2009.
We reiterate the importance of approving the procedures of these measures for the promotion of confidence and security, by the South American Defense Council.
7) Take note with satisfaction of the establishment of the Working Group of the South American Defense Council in charge of preparing a Protocol of Peace, Security and Cooperation within UNASUR, in compliance with the instructions imparted by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defense in Quito, Ecuador, on November 27, 2009. Also registered the progress of its first meeting in Lima during the month of March, and encouraged its experts to continue with the process at future meetings.
8) Recognize the work carried out by the Energy Council of South America and the Group of Experts in Energy in the development and compliance of the mandate established in the Declaration of Margarita on 17 April, 2007, and underlines the importance of the approval at this Summit of the Guidelines of the South American Strategy for Energy, of the Plan of Action for the Regional Integration of Energy, as well as the Structure of the South American Energy Treaty. In this context, they reiterated the mandate of their Ministers of Energy to the Group of Experts, in advancing negotiations to initiate the work of the South American Energy Treaty, within an estimated period of one year.
9) Express their satisfaction for the important progress made by the South American Council of Health. Congratulated for holding the II Regular Meeting of Ministers of this Council, as well as the approval of its Five Year Strategic Plan 2010-2015 and showed their support for the achievement of these objectives established in said Plan. They also congratulate the South American Council of Health for the progress reached in the project for creating the South American Institute of Government in Health and the Scholarship Program UNASUR-HEALTH.
10) Recognize the job done by the Working Group of the Council of Infrastructure and Planning (CIP), which has concluded the preparation of projects of Rules and Statutes of this Council, for consideration at the I Ministerial Meeting of CIP (June 4, 2010).
11) They are congratulated for the approval of the Bi-Annual Plan of Action 2009-2011 within the South American Council for Social Development and encourage the Ministers within this area to carry out the necessary measures to reach their objectives.Likewise, the encourage the ratification of the Iberoamerican Agreement of Social Security in the Member countries of UNASUR.
12) They congratúlate the Council of Education, Culture, Science, Technology and Innovation (COSECCTI), for approving its Statute at the I Meeting of Ministers, held in Quito on 14 April, 2010, complying with the Presidential Mandate granted through the Decision of 10 August, 2009. Also, they mentioned the importance of the job started by the Specialized Working Groups in the negotiation of Plans of Action of COSECCTI, and also recommend that COSECCTI give priority treatment to the subject of the certification of the quality of university education among the UNASUR countries.
13) Express their satisfaction for the approval of the Statute of the South American Council on the Global Problem of Drugs. In this context, they instruct this Council to begin its activities, and start the immediate preparation of their Plan of Action.
14) Stress the work being carried out by the Working Group on the Financial Integration of UNASUR for the biennial 2008-2009. This effort constitutes a solid and balanced theme for projecting discussions relating to finance between the member countries of UNASUR, in the framework of the future South American Council of Economy and Finances.
15) With regard to a possible creation of a Mechanism for the Solution of Controversies in Investments, they reitérate the importance that the Working Group proceed in its tasks bearing in mind the Resolution of the Council of Foreign Ministers on 27 January 2008, and as soon as possible put into effect the mandate of the Decision of the Council of Heads of State and Government of 23 May 2008, including the treatment of new proposals which might emerge.
16) Take note of the First Meeting of the Electoral Organizations and Officials of the Member States of UNASUR, held in Caracas, on 9 October 2009, as a mechanism which will favor a greater cooperation, coordination and exchange of experiences of the electoral organizations and officials of UNASUR.
17) Ratify the commitments taken on through the “Decision of Solidarity of UNASUR with Haiti of February 9, 2010 in Quito, as well as that of 23 February 2010, in Riviera Maya, Mexico.
18) Confirm the decision to orient their work around the priorities agreed upon by the Government of Haiti and the Donors Conference, held in New York on 31 March 2010. In the same way, repeat their willingness for a rapid implementation of the Plan of Action, proposed by the Government of Haiti, during the visit of the UNASUR Technical Mission, which include the following areas: Basic infrastructure to reduce risks in view of the floods and hurricanes, support for agriculture and food safety, support for national capacity and the construction of temporary or definite buildings for the work of the Haitian Government and State.
19) Invite the member countries, who have not done so, to proceed with the disbursements in conformity with the Decision of Solidarity UNASUR-Haiti, in Quito. Reiterate the request to the Secretary General and to the member States to continue searching for the mechanisms which will make viable a credit of up to 200 million dollars, which will complement the total amount promised by the Quito Decision.
20) Instruct the Secretary General that, in consultation with the member States, he establish mechanisms to guarantee the internal coordinationof UNASUR and with the Government of Haiti for the allocation of resources from the voluntary fund of 100 million which is financed by the Plan of Action UNASUR-HAITI.
21) In the same way, request the Secretary General to take the necessary steps to immediately constitute the Technical Secretariat of UNASUR-Haiti in Port au Prince, and hold a meeting of Foreign Ministers in Haiti. Express the convenience to designate as soon as possible, a Special Envoye/ee of the UNASUR countries for Haiti.
22) Express their sorrow for the recent earthquake in Chile and their commitment to attend to the requirements of the Chilean government on the actions which UNASUR might commit itself to, in support of the reconstruction process of cities and villages, either through direct donations- both in money or in kind- as well as the financing or cofinancing of development projects in the areas of housing and reconstruction, production, education and health.
23) Confirm the priority interest of UNASUR to impulse the process of integration in the most urgent matters for the human development of their populations, particularly those concerning the migratory theme. For which, inspired in the principles and objectives of the Constitutive Treaty, in the Presidential Declaration of Quito on August 10 2009, as well as in the agreements reached at the IX South American Conference on Migration. especially referring to the building of a South American citizenship, instruct the Council of Delegates of UNASUR, in coordination with the South American Conference to initiate the process of approach with this Conference.
24) Reject the content of Law SB 1070, of April 23, 2010, of the Legislature of the State of Arizona, United States of America, which states a crime is irregular migratory conditions, such as transporting and giving work to immigrants without documents. This Law has generated deep concern among the Latin-American citizens resident in that country, because of the obvious racist consequences which are against the respect for human rights.
25) Salute the holding of the World Conference of People on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth in Cochabamba, Bolivia (20 to 22 April 2010) in a framework of dialogue between the people and governments of the world. Stress the specific and pro-positive nature of the conclusions of the Conference expressed in the document Agreement of the People.
26) Also greet the different initiatives of the UNASUR countries, on their way to opening up spaces on the subject of climatic change, before the 16th Conference of the Parties to be held in Cancun, Mexico at the end of this year 2010, and to other spaces for debate and actions on climatic change, among which is highlighted the Dialogue of Cartagena-Colombia (24 to 26 March 2010), as well as the ALC-EU Dialogue held in Lima (26 to 27 April 2010)
27) Take note of the initiative of the Bolivian Government to submit before the United Nations Organization a Draft Resolution regarding the recognition of Water Rights as a Human Right.
28) Congratulate the people of Brazil for the 50 years of its city of Brasilia, Patrimony of Mankind. The also stressed that the city is a monument to the constancy of the Brazilian people and a reason for pride among all Latinamericans.
29) Manifest its satisfaction for the decisión taken at the Summit of the Union of Latin America and the Caribbean, held in Riviera Maya, Mexico, to create the Community of Latinamerican and Caribbean States. The Heads of State and of Government expressed their support to Venezuela in organizing the CALC Summit, which because of the decision taken in Cancun, will take place on July 5, 2011 in Venezuela, coinciding with the commemoration of the Bicentenary of the Declaration of its Independence. In this regard, manifests its desire that the Second Summit of Latin America and the Caribbean on the CALC Integration and Development, to be held in Venezuela in July 2011, and the Twenty Second Summit of the Rio Group to be held in Chile in 2012, we head towards the establishment of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States.
30) Congratulate the Governments and people of Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Venezuela for the celebration of the Bicentenary of their heroic struggles for Independence.
31) Express their gratitude to Madame President of the Republic of Argentina for the opportunity to hold the Extraordinary Meeting in Los Cardales, Province of Buenos Aires on 4 May 2010, and manifest their gratitude to the government and people of Argentina for their warm welcome and hospitality which resulted in the success of this Summit.
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