Military Crisis in South America: The Results of Plan Colombia
- Opinión
In official declarations, the objective of the operative is the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia), or rather narco-terrorism. But in reality, the Colombian-American military operative that violated the sovereignty of
This is the first time in a long time that
The first thing that stands out is the lack of decency of those involved. The FARC present themselves as a revolutionary and popular organization, when in reality they are an armed group that violates human rights, recruits minors for its ranks, abuses women and the hostages that they maintain in their power, and are financed thanks to drug trafficking (see sidebar). Many countries consider them a terrorist organization.
On the other side, president Alvaro Uribe Vélez has integrated drug trafficking and was aided by paramilitary groups, as it appears in the U.S. National Security Archive. This finding was revealed by Newsweek in 2004. There it was established that in the 1990's Uribe had a role in the
New Regional Balance of Power
In 2004 the Brazilian magazine Military Power Review made a list of South American armed forces including all of the variables—from the amount of available soldiers and the quality of the units/training to defense plans and strategic projection. The analysis established a score for each nation according to its military might.
In 2007 the same magazine reported information on the amount of soldiers of the different armed forces in each country using figures from the previous year. The statistics taken from the armies concludes that
If we observe the progression of the Colombian armed forces, its growth is astonishing. In 1948, when the assassination of Jorge Eliécer Gaitán initiated the period in Colombian history known as
In 2007 alone the Colombian army created 52 new units. They received donations of Black Hawk helicopters from the
In only a few years, there has been a drastic change in military power in
Getting the Neighbors Involved
In 2003, sociologist James Petras pointed out that the main worry of the U.S. Southern Command, who is the real architect behind regional politics, is that "Colombia's neighbors (Ecuador, Venezuela, Panama, Brazil), who are suffering the same adverse effects of neoliberal politics, shift politically against the military domination and the economic interests of the United States.[6] This is why the strategy thought up for Plan
Ecuador's president Rafael Correa mentioned that the cost of controlling the border with Colombia, where there were some 10,000 soldiers stationed before the events of March 1, is more than $100 million dollars per year.
And there is always the question of oil. In 1973, the
The Destabilization of
Since the blow to Chavez's government in the referendum to reform the constitution on Dec. 4, 2007, the internal and regional tension has come to the forefront. As many analysts predicted, the economic crisis appears to be out of control and is generating problems between the government and the population.[9] Now seems like the right time to attempt to destabilize
In effect, evidence indicates that Reyes, the most visible face of the FARC for his status as negotiator, had been located in previous occasions, but it was never decided to attack him. The decision to unleash an action of this type and at this moment has various interpretations. On one side, it takes advantage of the internal situation in
A destabilization in the region would also have very harmful effects for
Occupying this position requires removing others from it. In other words,
Those states make up a third of the country, have the most important hydrocarbon resources, and, according to one claim by the Venezuelan senator, are included in a secession plan similar to that which is developing in the Bolivian departments of
At the same time, the information that has recently come to light allows the conclusion that a good part of Chavez's complaints about a conspiracy against his government are not just a figment of his imagination. The issue at hand is how to contain the tendencies toward war and how to put a stop to the polarization. In this sense, Brazilian diplomacy continues to show signs of common sense and know-how. They have not signaled out one party as the aggressor, but they have implicated the North in a plan to create a stable peace, based on regional integration, within the region. For this reason, the construction of the South American Community of Nations is more urgent than ever.
The Business of War
The origin of the FARC is different from that of other militant groups. Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, a Liberal leader and populist caudillo detested by the intransigent Colombian oligarchy, was assassinated in 1948. The murder of this famous figure led to a major popular revolt, El Bogotazo, and toLa Violencia (the Violence), a long period of warfare between Liberals and Conservatives that took the lives of 200,000 people. Persecuted ferociously by the State, the Liberals and Communists took shelter in remote and inaccessible regions and resisted for more than a decade. Eventually, many of them regrouped in what would become the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) when it was founded on May 5, 1966, as the armed wing of the Communist Party.
The liberal origins of many of the FARC's members—among them Manuel Marulanda Vélez, Tirofijo (Sharpshooter), its principal leader—distinguishes it from most of the continent's guerrilla movements. In the 1960s, the Liberal and Communist guerrillas were coming together in "liberated zones" where they founded "independent republics," such as Marquetalia.
A second and even more important facet has its roots in the campesinos' need to defend themselves from landholders who marginalized them and expropriated much of their land, and in doing so, forced them to the edges of agricultural areas. At its roots the Colombian guerrilla movement was formed to function like campesino self-defense groups in the face of the extreme violence by those in power.
Until the beginning of the 1980s, the FARC had between 1,000 and 3,000 combatants. In May 1984, the signing of a peace agreement by President Belisario Betancourt led to a cease-fire and the creation of the Unidad Patriótica (UP), making participation in elections and legitimate political life possible. But the joint actions of drug traffickers, paramilitaries, and the State annihilated the UP. In just a few years, between 2,000 and 4,000 UP sympathizers and leaders were assassinated.
Beginning in 1986, during the administration of Virgilio Barco, a peace process was undertaken with the M-19, the EPL, the PRT, and the Quintín Lame Armed Movement, which, together with the FARC and the ELN, formed the Coordinadora Simón Bolívar (Simón Bolívar Coalition). As part of the peace process, a constitutional assembly was convened. Then, on Dec. 9, 1990, the day the assembly participants were elected and as peace was being negotiated with the FARC, the army without any warning launched an offensive against the legendary Casa Verde (Green House), headquarters of the guerrilla group's secretariat.
Its financing is an important factor. Of its income, that is, several billion dollars annually, 78% is obtained by participating in drug trafficking, according to the Colombian government. A substantial part comes from the "gram tax" paid by campesinos and traffickers for each gram they produce. The same source claims that another $600 million comes from "vaccinations," that is, through extortion and kidnapping. The remainder of the income comes from rustling landholders' cattle.
That between 20% and 30% of its members are minors—many recruited by force, according to a report by Human Rights Watch—has been a second factor in the FARC's delegitimization. Third are the methods it employs, which are often very similar to those the paramilitary and the Armed Forces use. The FARC has massacred campesinos and indigenous groups, and Amnesty International also accuses it of human rights violations. Finally, the broadcasting of images and testimonies about hostages and prisoners, some kept in chains for five, six, and even more years, has been a death knell for its already waning credibility.
But there is something even worse. The average Colombian perceives that the war harms them and benefits the powerful. At the service of new forms of accumulation, the paramilitaries offer a plan for reconstruction and order, in which open-pit mining and biofuels are the new booms.
In1998, a new peace process was begun under President Andrés Pastrana and a 40,000 km² demilitarized zone was created. In 2002, this came to an end amid accusations that the FARC was participating in drug trafficking and practicing forced recruitment of minors. Meanwhile, the Pastrana administration was negotiating the Plan Colombia to strengthen the State and win the conflict.
Since 2000, under the Uribe administration, things have only gotten worse. The FARC had to retreat, and it has lost many members, but above all, it has lost the military and political initiative. Nevertheless, the policies ofand the Uribe administration are insufficient to explain the FARC's brutal isolation, which represents its political defeat and most likely, its future disappearance as a significant group. Washington
(Translated for the
- Raúl Zibechi is Brecha de Montevideo journal's international analyst, social movements lecturer, and researcher at the Multiversidad Franciscana de América
[1] Newsweek, Aug. 4, 2004:
[3] José Fernando Isaza Delgado and Diógenes Campos Romero, "Algunas consideraciones cuantitativas sobre la evolución del conflicto en Colombia," Dec. 2007.
[4] "Uribe listo para ir a
[5] Fabián Calle, "La crisis Venezuela-Colombia: las capacidades militares que esconden las palabras," Mar. 4, 2008,
[6] James Petras, "La estrategia militar de Estados Unidos en América Latina," in América Libre, No. 20, Jan. 2003.
[7] "Os militares, o governo neoliberal e o pé americano na Amazonia," in Reportagem ,
[8] Raúl Zibechi, "El nuevo militarismo en América del Sur," Americas Program, May 2006.
[9] Raúl Zibechi, "Venezuela: Debates a raíz de la reforma de
[10] "O Brasil que acelera," Exame, Mar. 6, 2008 at:
[11] Mario Osava, "Brasil se resiste a mediar en conflicto andino," IPS, Mar. 4, 2008.
[12] Miguel Lozano, "Paramilitarismo, punta de lanza del separatismo en Venezuela," Prensa Latina, Mar. 7, 2008.
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