World Social Forum 2008

Jubilee South/Americas joins in the Global Day of Action

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Global Day of Action against Imperialism and Neoliberalism

Jubilee South/Americas calls on all the organizations, movements, and networks who are part of or share in the struggle against debt domination to mobilize this January 26 as part of the Global Day of Action convened through the World Social Forum Process.

Together with millions of people throughout the workd, we will once again mobilize to demand the full respect of all human rights, whether economic, social, cultural, environmental, or political, - rights that are violated and threatened by the application of neoliberal policies and the realities of an illegitimate debt that is claimed by the International Financial Institutions, multinational corporations, governments of the North and their complices in the South.

While we continue to deepen our resistence to these policies which have brought dire consequences for the majority of humanity, we will also continue to push for the building of alternatives of justice that can help bring us closer to that Other World that is Possible and with which we dream¡ During these Global Days of Mobilization we will make special reference to three key struggles that hopefully will be taken up by social movements around the world:

*First of all, we make a special call together with the Hemispheric Social Alliance, so that the world over we might together embrace the people of Bolivia and demonstrate our support and solidarity with the process that they are carrying forward of building another Bolivia, based on justice and equality. We support the decision of the Bolivian government to withdraw from the World Bank´s International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), and thus to regain national sovereignty. We repudiate the acts of racism, discrimination, and xenophobia that have taken place recently in that countries as well as the attempts of imperialist intervention. We demand once again full respect for the self-determination of Bolivian and all peoples.

*At the same time, we call for widespread dissemination and support for the official process of an Integral Debt Audit that has been underway since July, 2007, in the sister Republic of Ecuador. This is an important achievement of the anti-debt movement, and has been demanding the realization of comprehensive debt audits in lieu of the continued collection and payment of what are know to be illegitimate debts, as they were neither contracted by the people nor with the people's consent or in the people's interest. We reiterate our solidarity with the process underway in Ecuador and will continue to support the struggle of the peoples of Ecuador to insure that the results of the official Audit are conducive to the repudiation or non-payment of such debts as well as restitution and reparations for what has been plundered over so many years. It is the peoples of Ecuador who are the true Creditors!

*Finally, we would like also to highlight the importance of the creation of the South Bank, as part of a process of integration that can contribute to consolidating the bases for an autonomous and soveriegn financing in the region. This Bank has before it the challenge of becoming a true Solidarity Bank, directed toward and at the service of the needs and rights of the region's peoples. This possibility depends on the active participation of social movements ad political forces in the debates and negotiations now ongoing, and that is why, on the occasion of the Global Day of Action, we make a special Call to get involved and become part of the mobilization for the Bank that WE Want. More information and materials to help foster this debate are available at

We don't owe - We won't pay. We are the Creditors! Globalize the struggle - Globalize our hope ¡ANOTHER WORLD IS POSSIBLE!
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