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The Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education, CLADE, in the framework of its recent 11th General Assembly, reflected on key issues of its strategic agenda of commitment to a public education oriented to human dignity for all. In this edition we share some of the advances in the reflection on this human right, in times of Covid. A co-edition ALAI / CLADE.
Public education: our banner
Nelsy Lizarazo
The following morning
Vernor Muñoz
Ruptures, plural voices and the struggle for rights:
Horizons for overcoming educational inequalities
Giovanna Modé and Laura Giannecchini
What is being done? What can educators do?
Youth and adult education in times of pandemic
Education Policy Advocacy Group -CEAAL
In times of pandemic:
Casualization of the teaching profession
Omar Orlando Pulido Chaves
Trends of subordination to profit after the pandemic:
The privatization of education
Theresa Adrião
Action to End the Education Financing Crisis
David Archer
Following the pandemic:
The dilemma around digital rights in education
Fernanda Campagnucci
Criminalization and human rights violations
Foro de Educación y Desarrollo Humano
Foro Dakar / Honduras
UN Rapporteur on the Human Right to Education:
A social pact for education
Implications in the pandemic era:
The right to education from the start
Desirée López de Maturana Luna
Letter in Quarantine
Final Declaration of the XI CLADE Regional Assembly