New Challenges and Strategies in the Defense of Land and Territory

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What is happening with the land and natural wealth around the world, and to the people who depend on them? How are people responding to these trends, threats, and challenges?


In an attempt to tackle these questions and building on La Via Campesina’s Maraba Declaration on Agrarian Reform, the Land Research Action Network, Global Campaign for Agrarian Reform, Focus on the Global South, Rede Social de Justiça e Direitos Humanos, and La Via Campesina, present a new publication, New Challenges and Strategies in the Defense of Land and Territory, LRAN Briefing Paper Series no. 4.


The compilation comprises of 12 stand-alone pieces that contain powerful narratives and analyses that testify to the continuing and perhaps, permanent struggles for people’s rights, land, territories, and livelihoods across Latin America, Africa, and Asia. They are also testimonies of how alternatives thrive even in the most difficult and repressive situations; and serve as reminders that when ordinary people come together, extraordinary things and change can happen.
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