The struggle of Russia against terrorism

Russia is seeking to guarantee geopolitical stability of the area in order to free one of their main trading partners from the scourge of terrorism and to curb the scale of violence and the refugee crisis.

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The Russian Federation began its plan of action against terrorism in Syria on September 30 at the request of President Bashar al-Assad, with an aerial operation against terrorist objectives.  The attacks were directed primarily against bunkers where the misnamed Islamic State (IS) and the Al Nusra Front, in addition to other criminal organizations such as the Hazm Movement, the National Syrian Coalition, the Islamic Front and the Sham Legion, store arms and other resources that serve to strengthen their violent actions. The justification of these actions can be seen from data supplied by the UN that indicate that these terrorist actions have caused "more than 6’500,000 internally displaced people and more than three million refugees”.


The United States, Saudi Arabia, France, the United Kingdom and Germany question and attack the Russian actions against terrorism in Syria, while the United States during these years of interference and attacks on the legitimate government of Bashar al-Assad, has openly supported the rebels with arms and dollars without really resolving the problem of violence in the country.  This has led to continually strengthening the IS and stirring up through the media a current of opinion that the Syrian President is guilty of the escalation of violence in that country.  The Russian actions are supported by the people and by Bashar al-Assad. In addition there is no violation of international law in the Russian actions since these are within the framework of cooperation and at the request of the affected country, with Vladimir Putin establishing an anti-terrorist plan that was submitted to a vote in the United Nations and obtained the necessary consent.


It is a laughing matter to read in the media statements such as that of John Kerry to the effect that his country is willing to approve the Russian actions in Syria if the objective is to combat the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS). Is it necessary to have the approval of the greatest world financier of world terrorism in order to carry out actions against these criminal organizations? After their usual contradictions and double morality the Pentagon rejected the Russian action without taking into account the immediate results of the anti-terrorist plan, where to date more than 700 IS militants have surrendered to the Syrian authorities.


Looking at history, we recall the year 2012 when the UN Human Rights Council created the scenario for a military intervention in Syria, approving a resolution condemning Bashar al-Assad for supposed violations of human rights in that nation, without taking into account the abuse to which the people of Syria have been submitted with collaboration of foreign forces that have supported armed opposition groups that were attacking the civilian population in order to destabilize the political system of the area.


In spite of the scenario of manipulation and militarism of the Western powers, in February of 2012 there was a democratic referendum to approve a reform of the constitution, a process that was “laughable” for the US government, insisting that the days of the Syrian President were already counted, in spite of the will of the people. With 89.4% of confirmed votes the “yes” option won with a participation of 57.4% of the citizens, in spite of a boycott called by the opposition in that country. After these results the US and their “allies” increased their support for the opposition to the constitutional Syrian government; and later, with the appearance of the Islamic State, aided them with arms, money and military training, thus creating the monster that, beyond trying to overthrow the Bashar al-Assad government, is dedicated to terrorizing and displacing the civilian population while seizing the natural resources of the country. Meanwhle, the United States in more than two years have not obtained positive results with their supposed struggle against terrorism that they themselves created in the area (a déja-vu recalls the figure of Osama bin Laden).


What has Russia achieved from September30 to date? According to data supplied by Russia Today they have managed to destroy armored vehicles, command centres, communication centres, deposits with fuel and munitions, improvised plants for the production of explosive artefacts and several fields of terrorist military training, among others. Russia is not aiming to overthrow a constitutional government elected and legitimized by a majority of the population, nor do they condition their support by imposing foreign interference or the appropriation of energy resources. Their support is destined to guarantee geopolitical stability of the area in order to free one of their main trading partners from the scourge of terrorism and to curb the scale of violence and the refugee crisis that is still constantly growing.



(Translated for ALAI by Jordan Bishop)


- Aidiana Martínez

Twitter: @aidiana09, e-mail:

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