Statement by former staff members of UNCTAD
Silencing the message or the messenger …. or both?
- Opinión
In a public statement, issued on the eve of the quadrennial conference of the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), in Doha (Qatar), a group of former senior staff members of UNCTAD has warned that major developed countries are seeking to limit the organisation's mandate; they are attempting to silence its capacity to analyse global macroeconomic issues from a development perspective.
Geneva, 11 April 2012
Since its establishment almost 50 years ago at the instigation of developing countries UNCTAD has always been a thorn in the flesh of economic orthodoxy. Its analyses of global macro-economic issues from a development perspective have regularly provided an alternative view to that offered by the World Bank and the IMF controlled by the west.
Now efforts are afoot to silence that voice. It might be understandable if this analysis was being eliminated because it duplicated the work and views of other international organizations, but the opposite is the case - a few countries want to suppress any dissent with the prevailing orthodoxy…..
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