Iraq and the Crisis of Empire
- Opinión
Bush declared in his acceptance speech at the Republican
convention that he is fighting terrorism abroad "not for pride,
not for power," but to protect American lives. Nothing could be
farther from the truth. Bush's wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are
wars of empire.
The Kerry campaign is floundering in part because it buys into
Bush's rational for conflict abroad. Instead of recognizing that
the United States is embroiled in an ever-deepening morass in
the Gulf because it is acting as a neo-colonial power, Kerry
asserts that Bush has bungled the war due to incompetence,
mismanagement and arrogance. The situation can be righted if
only the United States involves the United Nations and its
Europeans allies in a more astute application of military force.
What is not discussed or recognized is that the occupation of
Iraq is rooted in a long history of US imperial exploits and
atrocities. The very founding of the modern American empire
began with the Open Door policy enunciated in the aftermath of
the War of 1898. Designed to advance US commercial and corporate
interests abroad, military force was often used to break open
markets that resisted diplomatic and economic pressures. To take
over the Philippines in the first decade of the twentieth
century, the United States waged a brutal war against the
Filipino independence movement, destroying entire villages and
summarily executing captured insurgents. At least half a million
people died while the American Sugar Trust led the corporate
takeover by staking out enormous plantation holdings.
The use of indiscriminate air power and the infliction of heavy
"collateral damage" has a long history in the annals of the US
Empire. In the late 1920s in Nicaragua a rag tag band of rebels
lead by Augusto Cesar Sandino waged a guerrilla war against the
US marines who occupied the country. Frustrated in their efforts
to track down the rebels in the rural areas, the United States
began using airplanes to bomb villages suspected of harboring
Sandino supporters. The US backed ruler, Anastasio Somoza, after
negotiating a peace accord with Sandino, had him assassinated,
inaugurating a family dictatorship that lasted over four
decades. Marine Corps officer Smedley Butler who led many of the
American assaults in these years openly admitted that he was in
effect a "racketeer" for Wall Street.
The 1960s and 1970s were particularly brutal decades in Latin
America due to US intervention to stop the spread of national
liberation movements that threatened US interests throughout the
region. Repressive dictatorial regimes backed by the United
States murdered tens of thousands of civilians in Guatemala,
Nicaragua, El Salvador, Haiti, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay,
Paraguay and Brazil. The horrors of the Abu Ghraib prison in
Iraq were anticipated in many of these countries as torture
chambers were set up, often under the tutelage of the CIA.
Then in the 1980s the United States funded surrogate armies to
destabilize nationalist governments in Asia, Africa and Latin
America. In rhetoric similar to Bush's claim that he is bringing
"freedom" and "democracy" to Iraq, Ronald Reagan called the CIA
backed contras who murdered thousands of Nicaraguan peasants
"freedom fighters," while the warlords in Afghanistan were
likened to "our founding fathers."
The first bold move to secure the US empire in the Middle East
and the Gulf States occurred in 1953 when the CIA staged a coup
against the democratically elected government of Mohammed
Mossadegh after he moved to nationalize the Iranian oil fields.
President Eisenhower placed the autocratic Shah of Iran in
power. For the next quarter century Republican and Democratic
administrations viewed the Shah as one of the most dependable
leaders in the region.
In 1978 the Shah fell in a popular uprising led by the Ayatollah
Khomeini. Vehemently anti-American, the new Islamic government
seized foreign oil interests and took US embassy personnel
hostage. In his State of the Union address in January 1980,
Carter proclaimed: "An attempt by an outside force to gain
control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an
assault on the vital interests of the United States of America,
and such an assault will be repelled by any means necessary,
including military force." The Carter Doctrine, as it became
known, made it clear the United States would use military power
in the Gulf to secure and maintain the oil resources needed to
turn the wheels of empire.
This policy explains the US sale of heavy weaponry to Saddam
Hussein in the early 1980s when war broke out between Iraq and
Iran. Donald Rumsfeld, Reagan's special envoy at the time, made
several visits to Baghdad to normalize diplomatic relations.
Despite Saddam's use of chemical weapons against Iran and the
Kurdish population in northern Iraq, the United States continued
to back Iraq. Emboldened by these signs of support for his
regime, Saddam invaded Kuwait in 1990. The first Bush
administration however quickly came to view the invasion as a
threat to US supremacy in the region and launched the first Gulf
Bill Clinton pursued a similar policy of belligerence towards
Iraq, imposing crippling economic sanctions, undertaking the
most sustained bombing campaign since the Vietnam war, and
making "regime change" in Iraq official US policy. Madeline
Albright, the US ambassador to the United Nations in 1996, when
asked if she thought the sanctions were justified in light of a
UN report estimating that more than 500,000 children had died
because of a lack of adequate nutrition and medical care,
replied: "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price --
we think the price is worth it."
To impose its imperial fiats on the world the United States has
over 730 military bases in 132 countries. The military deploys
over half a million soldiers, spies, technicians, teachers,
dependents and civilian contractors abroad. Thirteen carrier
task forces ply the oceans, constituting floating military
bases. Of the money spent on foreign affairs, 93 percent goes
through the Pentagon while the State Department spends the
But this military complex is overstretched. Bogged down in Iraq,
the American empire is facing its most severe crisis since the
Vietnam War. It is unable to carry out the regime change it
wants in Iran, North Korea and Syria. In its historic backyard,
Latin America, the populist government of Hugo Chavez thwarted a
US backed coup in 2002, and has just won a recall election that
will insure the continuance of Chavez' independent foreign
policy stance and the redistribution of the country's oil
revenues on behalf of the poor. In Argentina, President Nestor
Kirchner is defying the International Monetary Fund, refusing to
fully reimburse creditors who took advantage of the country in
the 1990's during the halcyon days of the "free market." And
under Luis Inacio "Lula" da Silva, Brazil is challenging US
economic prerogatives in the region while criticizing the US
invasion and occupation of Iraq.
This is the time for the anti-war movement in the United States
to question the foundations of the US imperial order. The
advocates of empire are the true "dead enders." Violence,
extremism and terrorism will only deepen as long as the
occupation of Iraq continues. The sooner the United States is
compelled to curtail its imperial ambitions, the more likely it
is that both the Iraqi and the American people will be able to
live in a more harmonious and peaceful world.
* Roger Burbach and Jim Tarbell are the authors of "Imperial
Overstretch: George W. Bush and the Hubris of Empire." To order
the book see:
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