October: Guerrero, The Tenth Stele (Political prisoners and the disappeared: rebel memory)
- Opinión
There is a bit of sorrow and courage when the hand and the eyes reach
October and Guerrero. But there is no futile bitterness nor resigned
defeat in the hand when it becomes cloud, nor in the eyes when they
become stone. Because this is the state of Guerrero, name and
history which combine much sadness and much courage, but also many
memories and not a few rebellions.
Guerrero. More than 3 million inhabitants and more than half a
million Amuzgo, Mixtec, Nahua and Tlapaneco indigenous.
The blue cloud is in flight. That, which can be seen to the west,
close to Puebla and Oaxaca, is the Mountain. It has its high part
and its low part. The majority of its residents are Tlapanecos,
Nahuas and Mixtecos. When they requested food, economic and health
programs and infrastructure so they could develop, the Fox government
responded with...maquilas! Yes, just like all over the Mexican
countryside which is being destroyed by neoliberal policies, there is
an abundance of cheap labor and lands in the Mountain of Guerrero.
Both are plunder for businessmen and government officials. And, as
in many parts of the Mexican countryside, migrants constitute the
main product in this region. From the sugarcane and bean growing
regions of Cuautla, to New York City, passing through the farmlands
of northeast Mexico, Guerrero campesinos are emigrating in search of
sustenance for their families. At least thirty thousand migrants
leave their fields and homes during each agricultural cycle.
But the maquilas of Fox's March To the South plan (a name which is
undeniably evocative of the Conquest) do not arrive by themselves.
The federal army and the police accompany them. Yes, along with the
maquilas come more army and police barracks, checkpoints, abuses,
repression. And with the soldiers come prostitution, alcoholism,
drug trafficking. They expropriate the campesinos' land in order to
build barracks and military roads. And there is a concomitant
increase in conflicts between the communities. "What history unites,
capital divides," seems to be the motto of neoliberal governments.
The Tlachinollan Human Rights Center has denounced that there is a
veritable military "preserve" in Guerrero, "as a means of containing
the social movement." "In this context, there are many community
conflicts, militarization in the region has increased, we think in
order to protect the maquila areas or in order to create conditions
for guaranteeing the investments of maquila capital."
In Tlapa, according to the Tlachinollan Human Rights Center, "a point
which continues to concern us is precisely this tendency to
militarize this indigenous area. As if the solutions of dialogue, of
social coordination, of community development, are subordinate to a
military strategy. Militarization (is being) justified as a means
for guaranteeing stability in those areas without attacking the
causes of the extreme poverty, the destitution, the massive migration
And it concludes:
"The fact that the legislative proposal on indigenous rights and
culture was not approved left it quite clear to indigenous
organizations in Guerrero that it had been a very well planned
effort, in the sense of having an indigenous law in keeping with the
needs of transnational capital. The communities are not going to be
able to make decisions inside their own territories, nor, above all,
are they going to be able to draw up plans which are more in keeping
with ethnic development, nor will it be the communities which
And the take from the destruction of the countryside is so profitable
that the governor of Guerrero, René Juárez (alias "Zedillo's spoiled
slave"), is seeking commercial and investment agreements outside the
Federation, especially in the arena of minerals, with Canada and
Japan. It is a known fact that there are many new minerals in the
Mountain of Guerrero which will be useful for future technologies.
"There are four regions of metallic minerals in Guerrero, rich in
gold, silver, copper, lead, iron, zinc, mercury, antimony and
tungsten, and only Taxco and Mezcala are being exploited. There are
also three areas with non-metallic potential in barium, fluorite,
graphite, quartz, calcite, dolomite, puzol, toba, marble, gypsum,
amethyst, limestone, granite and titanium, as well as cobalt, nickel,
chromium, potassium and salt. This wealth is spread across 38% of
Guerrero territory. Today, the federal and state governments, as
well as several transnational companies, consider Guerrero to be one
of the states with the greatest potential for mineral development in
Mexico. The state government has announced in forums and
publications, with great fanfare, that it is planning to make
Guerrero a national mineral power, generating more income than
traditional tourism activities. Currently, at least 11 Japanese, US
and Canadian mineral companies are carrying out exploratory
activities in Guerrero." (Rolando Espinosa and Verónica Villa in
Ojarasca, La Jornada, 2002.)
Señor Florencio Salazar, formerly in charge of the Plan Puebla-
Panama, is from Guerrero, and, just so there might be no doubt as to
what is behind that plan, he moved over to the Department of
Government in the so-called "Area of Protests and Social Movements
Affairs" (that is, the "area of co-optation and repression of social
But there are those who do not let themselves be co-opted and who
resist repression.
Xochistlahuaca is a community located at the foot of the Mountain.
This municipality is also called Suljaá, which, in the Ñomndaa
(Amuzgo) language means 'plain of flowers.' It is inhabited primarily
by members of the Amuzgo people, along with Mixtec and Nahua
communities. Their history of resistance is not new. They resisted
the Aztec conqueror, the Spanish invader, the criollo liberals, the
indigenous and mestizo cacique. Since they did not surrender, they
tried to exterminate them...and failed. According to official
figures, two thirds of the population here is illiterate, almost one
hundred percent do not have access to health care, half have no
income, 80% of the houses do not have plumbing and half are lacking
in electricity.
"Fed up with impositions, caciques and poverty, on November 20, 2002,
the town of Suljaá decided to elect their own municipal authorities,
in accordance with Amuzgo customary law, on their own, and at odds
with the caciques, the political parties and the current state
election law.
"This is how more than 70 calandyo (principals), old ones and
ejiditarios put forward the names of seven nanman'iaan (literally,
'those who are dirty because they work'), or traditional authorities,
to the community general assembly. Starting that day, the
authorities-elect took on the difficult assignment of governing under
the principle of 'serving obeying the mandate of the people and not
serving themselves from it,' and of occupying the Suljaá wats'iaan
ndaatyuaa (Suljaá municipal work house), which had previously been
the municipal palace of Xochistlahuaca and seat of the ayuntamiento
and of all those government structures which had been imposed for
centuries and reinforced by the current electoral 'democracy'." ("The
Nanncue ñomndaa regain their own path." Carlos González García.
Ojarasca, La Jornada.)
The struggle of the Suljaá indigenous has kept itself distanced from
the power. It does not demand recognition nor subsidies, but
respect, and it stays outside traditional politics and their
electoral forms. So say their words:
"Today we are retaking our own path, by traveling our path we will
know where we are going, the path of below, the one we have learned,
the one that taught us, the one that the grandparents of our
grandparents traveled for centuries, the one that is not made of
lies, but the one that is built by true steps, among everyone,
united, like the day on which we were born from this earth.
"(...) the establishment of an autonomous government in the important
municipality of Suljaá (Xochistlahuaca), the heart of the culture of
the Nancue Ñomndaa people, after more than 500 years of outside
domination, will make possible the reconstitution of the indigenous
communities and peoples of the area. It particularly makes possible
the reorganization of the Nanncue Ñomndaa people, granting our
peoples a path for their own development and for the resolution of
their political, economic, social and cultural needs, after years of
poverty and marginalization."
The cloud continues through the Mountain of Guerrero. Some police
officers can be seen over there. The cloud hides and watches
attentively. The police arrive in a community. But, rather than
hiding or being suspicious, the people come out with little cameras
and ask those police officers to have a picture taken with them. The
cloud, surprised, questions. "They are the comunitarios," is the
response. Ever since October of 1995, "the comunitarios," as the
people affectionately refer to them, have been responsible for public
security in communities of the Coastal and Mountain regions of
Guerrero. It was primarily the Yopes (or Tlapanecos), but also
Mixtec, communities, which promoted the comunitario police. They did
so without any government or outside financing, and with the moral
force to dramatically reduce crime in this violent region. The
government of Guerrero obviously does not want them even a little
bit, and the Mexican army has, on several occasions, demanded that
the communities turn over their arms, become assimilated into the
municipal and state police forces, threatening to execute arrest
warrants against them.
In the "Declaration of Six Years of Struggle Against Crime and For
the Right of the Indigenous Peoples to Justice" the raison d'être of
the comunitario police is explained: "The lack of an effective,
committed and responsible response by our official authorities has
forced the indigenous peoples of the area to make use of our
fundamental rights consecrated in the laws of our country, taking
back up our own ways of securing justice for our peoples (...) Our
own tragedy and the government's inattention is what has formed us
and informed us."
The cloud goes on and reaches the region where the Organization of
Environmental Campesinos of the Sierra of Petatlán and Coyuca de
Catalán (OCESP) are working, created for the purpose of preserving
the environment. And the government finds nothing as subversive as
stopping the felling of trees.
On May 2, 1999 Teodoro Cabrera and Rodolfo Montiel (Goldman
Environmental Award) were formally sentenced to prison. They had
been detained and tortured by the army, tried and convicted by the
Mexican justice system and declared prisoners of conscience by
Amnesty International. Their crime: organized opposition to the
destruction of forests.
Just a moment! Prisoners of conscience? Does that mean "political
prisoners?" But...the government of change?
In order to find an answer, the cloud must make itself stone and seek
out Mama Stone and the Doñas of the Eureka Committee.
But who are these guardians of rebel memory?
Yesterday, when we were living under the PRI dictatorship, and
especially during the administrations of the disastrous Luis
Echeverría Alvarez and José López Portillo, foreign policy was used
as a front for a policy of domestic terror. Salvador Allende's fight
in Chile was recognized, in order to conceal the dirty war that was
being waged in Mexico. The Farabundo Martí Front of National
Liberation was declared a belligerent force so that no one would ask
about the disappeared detainees in Mexico. These are just some
examples of that policy. During that period, the Doñas of the Eureka
Committee, relatives of the disappeared, had to suffer the lack of
understanding, and often the absence of solidarity, from the Latin
American left, because the representatives of that left were being
received in Los Pinos or at the Department of Government, and they
were being provided with not inconsiderable aid, while their Mexican
compañeros were in the mazes of Military Camp Number One. Ever since
then, they have been little concerned over the fate of those Mexicans
who have risen up in arms, some of whom had been influenced by their
own example.
Today, when we are living under the government in which "everything
changes so that everything can remain the same," the winds of
globalization are forcing it to promote another kind of policy. What
is primary now is not domestic stability, but rather inserting
themselves as the junior partner and subordinate in what is known as
globalization, which is, in fact, nothing other than a new
distribution of the world by the financial-military centers of power,
a war against humanity.
But, given that many of Mexico's senior partners have added
"democratic clauses" as a condition for signing commercial
agreements, it has become essential to use the banner of human rights
in order to keep them happy. But all of this means nothing more than
getting in line with today's hegemonic policies of the North American
superpower, the one which carries out invasions, massacres and civil
restrictions comparable only to those which were done under nazism.
And all of this takes place, at the height of cynicism, under the
mantle of human rights. And the future war against Iraq stands as an
Individual rights are similarly still being violated in Mexico (one
simply has to look at what took place in Morelos a few months ago,
with the environmentalists who were peaceful opposing the destruction
of our cultural heritage). Assassinations continue to take place,
with social leaders as victims, the jails continue to be filled with
political prisoners (such is the case with our zapatista compañeros
in Querétaro, Tabasco and Chiapas, and the Cerezo brothers and the
ERPI and EPR prisoners), and the issue of the detained-disappeared
continues unresolved. Furthermore, there are new politically
disappeared detainees as a result of this government.
The great change is that an international policy which acts as an
alibi for these practices is no longer being propounded. The
question is no longer of being third world. Now they merely have to
be attentive to what the master's voice says, creating the appearance
that human rights are being protected, regardless of the fact that
all of this is being done by trampling on the law.
The release of General Francisco Gallardo was done, not by
recognizing his innocence, but by twisting the law in order to
satisfy international bodies and to not upset the army hierarchy.
Erika Zamora was released because her incarceration was untenable,
but, if she is innocent (which she is), what was the responsibility
of the army which attacked and massacred at close range the
campesinos who were meeting in El Charco, in Guerrero? The
environmentalist campesinos from the sierra (Montiel and Cabrera)
were released, but their innocence was not recognized. In a
subsequent decision their guilt was even confirmed, and, if they
remain free, it is because of international pressure. Furthermore,
the logging caciques and their chief and protector, Rubén Figueroa,
have still not yet even been cited to give statements (it will very
probably take place when there is no longer any possibility of their
being indicted).
It is most especially essential to emphasize the significance of the
Eureka Committee's fight for all the detainees-disappeared (538
documented by the Doñas, 214 cases in Guerrero, and, of those, 172
took place in 1974) to be handed over alive. The Senate finally
decided, in December of 2001, to ratify the Inter-American Convention
on the Forced Disappearance of Persons, which had been adopted in
Belem, Brazil on June 9, 1994. It might appear that a fundamental
step was being taken with this towards resolving this terrible
problem, but a reservation and an interpretative statement were
formulated at the same time. By doing this, the fundamental content
of the convention was violated, and, most especially, new mockery was
being made of the victims (and their relatives) of that terrible
practice of forced disappearance, characterized by resolution 47/133
of the General Assembly of the United Nations as a crime against
The reservation by the Senate of the Republic of the United Mexican
States refers to the recognition of the war jurisdiction of those
military personnel who committed the crime of detention-
disappearance, thus guaranteeing that they will not be tried by civil
And, on the other hand, in the interpretative statement, it
postulates that the stipulations of said convention will be imposed
on those incidents which were ordered, executed or committed
subsequent to what the Senate had approved going into effect. That
is, impunity for the past.
With these two points, Article IX of the convention was violated.
That article posits the following: "The crime of the forced
disappearance of persons can only be judged by the relevant common
law jurisdictions of each State, excluding all special jurisdictions,
military ones in particular. The acts which constitute forced
disappearance cannot be considered as having been committed in the
exercise of military duties." And Article III: "Said crime will be
considered as continuing or constant as long as the fate or the
whereabouts of the victim has not been established."
Which allows us to conclude that Article XIX is being violated, which
states: "States will be able to formulate reservations to the present
convention at the time of signing it, ratifying it or subscribing to
it, as long as they are not incompatible with the objective and
purpose of the convention."
Through the reservation and the interpretative statement, the Mexican
State is guaranteeing complete impunity for those who committed and
ordered the disappearance of hundreds of Mexicans.
Because of all of that, the Eureka Committee is entirely correct,
since it has hit a raw nerve by pointing out that there is no reason
for a special prosecutor, who is purportedly going to investigate the
disappearances, since, prior to presenting his work plan, prior to
asking for blood samples from the mothers of the disappeared of
Sinaloa, prior to pompously opening his offices in Guerrero, he had
no substantive work.
Or could it be that what it really had to do with was creating an
apparatus that could be used in order to have a response when - in
his constant traveling around the world - Señor Fox is questioned
about human rights violations in Mexico?
When they decided to carry out an investigation of the dirty war in
Argentina, a special commission was named, headed by the great writer
Ernesto Sábato - not by some gray bureaucrat - who carried out
impeccable work. The criminals and actual torturers, along with
their bosses, were set in the dock of the accused. In the end, and
shamelessly, the head of State decided to pardon all of them, and the
Full Stop Law was drawn up.
Of course it gives us pleasure to see Luis Echeverría Alvarez being
cited in the investigation of the massacres of October 2, 1968 and
June 10, 1971, but that pleasure evaporates when we learn that the
laws have been twisted in such a way that he will not be touched,
nor, like him, will be all of those officials who were involved.
The show has been staged perfectly, and here we are including the
special prosecutor's purported indignation, who was, of course, an
official in Luis Echeverría's administration, in that same Department
of Government which planned and carried out the dirty war against
thousands of Mexicans.
Now, in order to provide a whitewash for the Mexican State, they want
to reduce the responsibility for the dirty war to a handful of the
power's hired assassins: Francisco Quirós Hermosillo, Mario Arturo
Acosta Chaparro and Miguel Nazar Haro. What is being concealed is
that it was a State policy, a policy which has not been abandoned:
thus far, during this administration, there have already been 22 new
That State policy cannot be concealed through the Señor Prosecutor's
demagoguery, who goes around talking about his cousin, Deni Prieto,
trying to hide behind the figure of the rebel who was assassinated on
February 14, 1974 in San Miguel Nepantla, in the state of Mexico.
What we are witnessing is a new, joint, trap being set by the
Legislative branch with the Executive (just like with the indigenous
counter-reform). On the one hand, the International Convention on
Disappearances is completely distorted, on the other an attempt to
whitewash the power in the international arena by setting down a few
hired assassins in order to answer a series of questions. And,
finally, they are not working to present the detainees-disappeared,
but instead they are declaring them dead, without any probative
elements. A new masquerade in order to divert the odd naïf or in
order to provide work for a few professional politicians with a
leftist past.
In the face of this masquerade, the dignity is raised up of the
mothers of the Eureka Committee, who have decided not to lend
themselves to the legitimization of a new mockery. They, who are
power and government, can close the "case" and declare hundreds of
Mexicans dead, they can carry out a purported moral condemnation of
these methods (at the same time that they continue implementing
them), they can buy a few consciences and offer money in exchange for
dignity. But, as long as the Eureka Committee, the Doñas, continues
to maintain its intransigent, dignified position, all of those ploys
will be useless. The cry of dignified Mexico will continue to be:
They were taken away alive, we want them alive!
"Yes!" says, and says to herself, the stone, "because the memory of
all of those men and women is still alive, and it will continue to
be, as long as there are women like the Doñas."
Turned back to cloud again, the stone flies now to Morelos. She will
certainly be placing a flower of memory and rebellion on the tomb of
General Emiliano Zapata Salazar, chief of the Liberation Army of the
South and Supreme Commander of the Zapatista Army of National
From the mountains of the Mexican Southeast.
Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos
Mexico, January of 2003. * Translated by irlandesa
Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos
Mexico, January of 2003. * Translated by irlandesa
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