Peace – a revolutionary flag
- Opinión
The mass demonstration in Florence that took place on November 9 during
the European Social Forum was one of those memorable events that are
liable to become landmarks and exert lasting influence on the
development of the international politic situation.
The hundreds of thousands of people who pacifically paraded on the
streets of the Italian city waving progressist flags of all colors,
protesting against the imperialist war, claiming for peace, are the
protagonists of a great phenomenon of our time — the struggle of
politicized masses that are aware and focused on the main question that
encompasses the many contradictions of the contemporary world — war or
Since it proclaimed its "permanent war against terrorism" and declared
that "who is not with the United States are against the United States",
the US administration introduced the threat of war in the current
agenda of its foreign policy. Definitely, the military question
overcame all others and now concentrates the whole of the US foreign
policy and even its economic relations. The US government even decided
to release its new strategic and military policy called "International
Security Strategy of the United States", a new doctrine that
substitutes the previous one, which was effective during the whole of
the Cold War.
Among the many aspects of this doctrine, the concept of preventive war
and the manifested willingness of using nuclear weapons as a primary
resource — and not as the last one — is particularly alarming, as well
as authorizing the CIA to perpetrate murders outside the borders of the
United States is, such as is the case of the recent action that took
place in Yemen.
Human civilization is facing a grave threat with the growing
militarization of the international life. The maneuvers of the US
diplomacy are not intended to solve the problem of Iraqi disarmament.
On the same day that the Security Council of the UN approved the
demands to inspect the Arab country, the US press broadcast a complex
plan of action involving 250 thousand soldiers to occupy Iraq. Bush
administration is frantically preparing war as its diplomacy fabricates
the excuses.
On the next days, precisely on November 19 and 20, the European
political and social movement will be dealing with a new agenda that
may become another great moment in the anti-imperialist struggle for
peace in the continent. On these days NATO — the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization that become the military branch of the United States in
Europe — will hold a meeting in Prague, in the Czech Republic. The
European progressist forces are calling an alternative meeting of the
political and social forces against NATO due to the initiative of the
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Czech Republic). Mass
demonstrations that may repeat the Florentine apotheosis are expected.
More than five decades ago, NATO was founded under the justification of
building a "defensive alliance" against the "Soviet threat". Would not
it be logical to dissolve NATO as well after the division of the Soviet
Union and the dismantling of the Warsaw Pact? But no. The exact
opposite happened. Lately, this strategic military alliance under the
hegemony of the United States has carried out military interventions of
aggressive character, particularly during the war against Yugoslavia in
1999 and during the participation of the US-UK war in Afghanistan.
The struggle for peace under the conditions of the contemporary world
has a revolutionary character. It confronts the essence of the
hegemonic and militarist essence of the US imperialism. It is possible
to unite different political trends and to constitute a broad front of
solidarity to attacked peoples around the peace flag.
In Brazil, it is necessary to take advantage of the new political
circumstances that are favorable to furthering national, democratic and
popular causes — due to the victory of Lula — in order to foster the
struggle for peace, which is definitely tied to the defense of national
sovereignty and to the true integration of Latin American peoples.
* Jose Reinaldo Carvalho, Journalist. Vice-president of the Communist
Party of Brazil - PCdoB
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