World sanitary dictatorship and its link with the terminal crisis of the US dollar system

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The COVID vaccines, instead of bringing relief from restrictions, will be used by Western governments as new pretexts, to personalize restrictions on the freedom of their citizens.


Basic rights will be trampled on, such as the right to decide whether to allow the introduction of substances into one's own body, even if it is quite legitimate to mistrust vaccines, as vaccines are always made of germs or viruses.


Adults and healthy people with full mental capacity are being pressured to accept a supposed vaccine injection against COVID, without their being allowed to choose among the different vaccines said to have been invented, but only the one approved by the government under whose jurisdiction the person is living. Quite a suspicious authoritarian imposition.


To make matters worse, restrictions on free movement between countries prevent the possibility of a healthy person, free of contagion, to travel to the country where a less fearsome vaccine is applied.


New personal credentials are invented, required to be able to move from one place to another, such as mandatory vaccination certificates.


That sort of tyranny of governments over people’s rights on their own health and bodies is imposed on the pretext of a simple flu whose mortality rate among healthy people is barely 1%.


With that pretext, the isolation of entire communities of healthy people has been imposed. For a mere suspicion of a possible contact with someone infected, the compulsory installation of spying programs (monitoring) is applied to the mobile phones of people suspected of having had contact with someone who has tested positive for highly debatable "asymptomatic contagion” from Coronavirus.


Fines and imprisonment for those who disobey the Rules of the "New Normal". Electronic monitoring bracelets


With the arrival of the vaccines, the authorities now seek to personalize the persecution with restrictions of press freedom by censoring opinions that differ from the official version about the dangers of COVID that official TV constantly disseminates. Also, any criticism on the safety of the health measures governments adopt is censored or sanctioned as well as any negative comment on the effects of vaccines from pharmaceutical companies located in NATO countries. The dangerousness of the COVID vaccines produced in Russia and China can be freely defamed.


Finally, the Sanitary Dictatorship installed in NATO countries adopted the most distinctive feature of military dictatorships: the curfew with police patrols and fines for curfew violators.


The personal persecution of COVID lethality deniers, who may refuse to undergo Pfizer’s or Moderna’s COVID vaccination, has been announced with the threat of sanctions and discrimination in the right to move or travel by those who refuse vaccination with the vaccines approved by NATO governments or approved by the EU, which are the same thing.


Yesterday the Minister of Health of the Progressive Government of Spain, Salvador Ulla, announced that lists will be drawn up of those who refuse to undergo vaccination with the strain approved by their Spanish government.


Those who appear on that list will suffer sanctions, such as limitation in their movements and access to places of agglomeration such as public shows and events.


The Spanish Minister of Health did not specify whether the unvaccinated should wear an identifying badge, such as the yellow Star of David the Nazis forced German Jews to wear on their clothing; or if the unvaccinated must walk around ringing a bell as they forced lepers to do in the Middle Ages. The changing or distortion of the meaning of words, such as calling the present restrictions the New Normal gives the whole process an Orwellian smell and Governments stepping over constitutional guarantees of personal rights with the pretext of protecting Public Health is very much like Orwell’s Big Brother who knows better and is protecting you.


Those of us who closely follow the International Economy and read reports from serious and impartial international economic organizations such as the OECD in Paris or the ISB in Basel, all know that for this period (2020-2021), a universal economic crisis of dimensions never seen before was expected. These organizations modestly refer to it as the Financial Debt Crisis, which is a euphemism for the Dollar Crisis; because the Dollar is a fiat currency with no other support than a promise to pay. That is, the dollar is nothing other than financial debt; call it virtual money, trade deficit, or Fiscal Deficit. The financial debt of the US Dollar is many times bigger than the World Gross Domestic Product, therefore it is technically unpayable and denominated in US dollars.


In such a situation, the US dollar must be abandoned as an international reference of value.


As those who command in the United States believe they still have military supremacy and these people are culturally addicted to violence and aggression, it is quite unlikely they will give up without a fight the excessive privilege of paying US debts with fake money (valueless debt money).


That is why I suspect that all this theatrical montage, orchestrated between Western politicians and the major Western media, around the Coronavirus, has the objective of building a health terror in Western (NATO) populations so that they accept a health dictatorship that forces people to undergo a vaccination that will modify their behavior and facilitate their control in case of the final confrontation between NATO and its probable adversaries (China & Russia)


Almeria/ 25/12/2020


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