Declaration of the Network of Intellectuals, Artists and Social Movements in Defense of Humanity

Our America and the people of the world stand with Bolivarian Venezuela

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The Network of Intellectuals, Artists and Social Movements in Defense of Humanity, condemns the renewed interference by the United States Government, led by Donald Trump, that is fully engaged in threatening the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. It is being carried out with an attitude that reveals Trump’s arrogance and aggression that knows no limit and is incompatible with international law established to dictate the relations between States while firmly rejecting interference in the internal affairs of other countries.



On the eve of the elections to the Constituent National Assembly, to be held July 30, an escalation of violence has intensified in an attempt to prevent this democratic process and the participation and expected victory of the Bolivarian people.


This escalation of violence unleashed by the national and international right against the people of Bolivar and Chavez, with the complicity of the media in their power, encourages and celebrates a fraudulent "plebiscite" organized by a National Assembly outside any constitutional legality and supports the heinous crimes of the terrorist guarimbas, which includes amongst other terrorist atrocities the burning of people alive. This same National Assembly has appointed, without any jurisdiction to do so, new judges to the Supreme Court in an attempt to falsely legitimize the spurious creation of a parallel government in opposition to the one legitimately established by the will of the people. The purpose is clear; to destabilize the country in order to prevent the victory of the election of the new Constituent Assembly, on July 30 and to create the conditions for a new stage in the subversive onslaught against Venezuela.


The US administration, with the complicity of puppet governments of the region and their main European allies, are preparing an armed invasion against the Venezuelan people - an intervention that our Latin America and the Caribbean cannot accept. Being confronted with that possibility, intellectuals, artists, and social movements are obliged to denounce and counter with all the means and resources at our disposal.


The historical message of Bolivar, is today more valid than ever before. The epic continuance between the children of Bolivar and Chavez, is also ours, because it has been a long and unwavering battle for dignity, sovereignty and self-determination of our peoples.


At this crucial time in history, we claim as our own the patriotic anthem of the beloved Venezuela: "United by bonds / made by heaven / all America exists / as a Nation". As one people and with one voice, we will fight for it.


Long Live Bolívar! Long Live Chávez!


July 24, 2017


Statement from the Network in Defense of Humanity


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