The visible hand of the market. Economic war in Venezuela

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The purpose of editing the book The visible hand of the market. Economic war in Venezuela in digital format and in the English language, is to contribute to showing, outside our borders, the aggression the Venezuelan people are being subjected to by Imperial power.


This book identifies and details the mechanisms by which big capital, in complicity with local opposition factors, have sought to affect social stability and generate discontent among the population, thereby influencing the political preferences of the Venezuelans.


These are mechanisms based on the alteration and manipulation of markets to deprive Venezuelans of essential goods, while affecting their purchasing power. They are unconventional weapons of war that transcend our borders in space and time. They are not novel, they have been applied at other times, in this respect we must remember Chile between 1970-1973, Nicaragua in the late 1990s, Zimbabwe in 2008, even the USSR in the 1980s. Mechanisms that are concealed and that big capital activates whenever they feel threatened by the consolidation of socialism as an alternative model.


These practices have historically been accompanied by a discourse that seeks to convince that situations such as the shortage of essential goods, inflation, and in general the economic situation, are consequences of the failure of the socialist models, when in reality they have been the result of practices of sabotage of the economy, in all those countries whose people have decided to move towards a model of social justice and equality.


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