Economic power attacks Pope Francis; workers and the humble defend him!

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Economic power is attacking Pope Francis.  Workers and the humble defend him.
Since his election pope Francis has indicated that he wants change. Changes in the Church, changes in the attitudes of Christians and changes in the way the exclusive and concentrated capitalist economy generates more exclusion and social injustice for the world.
He provided proof of his coherence in his personal life, in changes in the Vatican and with the publication of his "Apostolic exhortation" where he condemns the false god of the Market and of money at the service of a world elite.
This was enough for the world economic power, with its bankers, transnational enterprises, agribusiness, operators and spokespersons in the world press, to inaugurate a world campaign against Francis.

We who are involved in people’s and social movements repudiate the constant attacks on Pope Francis coming from the centres of world power that, through their monopolistic media, seek to deny all prestige to one who has dared to raise his voice against the economy of exclusion that is imposed on Peoples at the cost of interminable suffering, the destruction of nature and the loss of millions of human lives.
The self-proclaimed "conservatives" who never want to change anything, supposed guardians of orthodoxy, who reduce religion to a manual of "good behaviour" tremble at the possibility that the Church will add its voice to the oppressed of the land to denounce the injustices of capitalism. These conservatives have no interest in conserving anything except their own privileges, nor do they have any belief except the idolatrous cult of their god: money.
In particular, we repudiate the campaign inaugurated by the US rightwing gathered under the Tea Party and CNN.  This is an example of modern hypocrisy, with leaders who want to impose on others moral imperatives that they will not fulfil in their own lives.  This expresses the position of global capital, concentrated in a handful of banks and transnational corporations.
Pope Francis, in a few months, has awakened the love and hope of millions of men and women, whether Catholics or not, who dream of a better world. It is natural that his well-placed critique of capitalist globalization irritates those who represent economic power.  On the contrary, the Peoples of the world, and in particular workers, the humble and the excluded, feel that we have encountered a new moral point of reference in the struggle for social justice.
Because of this we must express our solidarity with Francis in the face of this savage campaign on the part of the Empire and we hope that he continues enlightening the way towards a society of brothers, without exclusion or humiliation with his denunciation, his gestures and his message.

To undersign the document: or

Movimiento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST – Brasil)
Confederación de Trabajadores de la Economía Popular (CTEP – Argentina)
Movimiento de Trabajadores Excluidos (MTE – Argentina)
Asociación Civil Huellas de Esperanza, Pto.
Iguazú, Misiones (Argentina)
Asociación de Recicladores de Colombia (Colombia)
ATC – Asociacion de Trabajadores del Campo – Nicaragua
Barrios Unidos y Organizados por el Habitat (Argentina)
CLOC/Coordinadora latinoamericana de organizaciones campesinas/Via
campesina internacional
Comité de Tierra urbana- Simon Bolivar- Venezuela
Comunidad Socialista “Ana Soto” Venezuela.
Cooperativa de Vivienda Los Pibes
Coord. Latinoamericana da Associação ecumênica de Teologos do Terceiro
Coordinacion de Justicia, Paz e Integracion de Costa Rica
Coordinación Latinoamericana de Movimientos Territoriales urbanos
Coordinadora Nacional agrária- CNA- Colombia
Corriente Villera Independiente (Argentina)
Confederacion Nacional de Organizaciones Campesino, Indigenas y Negras
FENOCIN- Ecuador
Federación de Cartoneros y Recicladores (Argentina)
Federación de Cooperativas de Trabajo de Quilmes (Argentina)
Federación Nacional de Mujeres Campesinas Artesanas Indígenas Nativas y
Asalariada del Perú.- FEMUCARINAP
FM Riachuelo
Frente Carlos Mujica (argentina)
Movimento camponês popular- MCP- Brasil
Movimento dos pequenos agricultores- MPA- Brasil
Movimento dos Trabalhadores Cristãos- MTC- Brasil
Movimento Nacional de rádios comunitárias- Brasil
Movimiento campesino de Paraguay- MCP
Movimiento Evita (Argentina)
Movimiento Helder Camara (Argentina)
Movimiento Nacional Campesino Indigena – MNCI – Argentina
Movimiento Nacional Campesino Indígena de Argentina
Movimiento Nacional de Empresas Recuperadas (MNER – Argentina)
Movimineto de Liberacion Nacional- Mexico
Organización Social y Política “Los Pibes”
Radio Comunal “Guerrera Ana Soto”
Organización de Trabajadoras y Trabajadores Residenciales del Estado
Lara- Venezuela.
Rede Biblica ecumênica, de costa Rica
Secretario de Relaciones Internacionales de la Unión Obrera Metalúrgica
Via campesina Brasil
Cordinadora Nacional de mujeres trabajadoras rurales e indigenas (Paraguay)
UCRUS – Union de Clasificadores de Residuos Sólidos Urbanos (Uruguay)
Agrupación Estudiantil Pu´aka, UNA Paraguay
ANAMURI – Asociación Nacional de Mujeres Rurales e Indigenas- chile
CONAPROCH -Cordinadora nacional de Produtores de chile
RANQUIL – Confederación Ranquil= chile
CTD Anibal Veron (Argentina)
Juventud para el Progreso (Bº Zavaleta Argentina)
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