ALAI this week - 22/10/2021

ALAI this week - 22/10/2021


Inflation bogey blocking recovery

Dubious pre-pandemic economic progress, fiscal constraints and vaccine apartheid were bad enough. Now, ostensibly anti-inflationary measures also threaten recovery and sustainable development.

Anis Chowdhury, Jomo Kwame Sundaram

How undemocratic American universities are

As the universities of the United States are progressive islands in seas of conservatism, the owners of money invite as “professors” failed politicians or those responsible for ruining countries.

Jorge Majfud

An economic crisis in China?

Global trade problems could pose a risk for Latin America if the Chinese economy slows down. The primary market for Latin American raw materials is the Asian giant.

Carlos de León, OBELA

COVID-19: 5 vital lessons to prevent a climate crisis

The pandemic was a taste of what’s in store for us with global warming. Many interesting and important lessons can therefore be learned from the past crisis period.

Marc Vandepitte

In defence of socialism: On the Cuban Authorities’ decision to prohibit marches

The mainstream media in the US and those in Cuba who have been denied permission then invoke self-righteous statements protesting that the safeguard of socialism should not be a precondition to demonstrate.

Arnold August

“Democrats and Republicans are not very different when it comes to international policy”

Following the visibility of the Haitian migrant crisis in recent weeks, we spoke with Mamyrah Dougé-Prosper, Haitian activist and academic, about the situation of migrants and also about the situation in Haiti.

Leticia Garziglia

"Our historic task is to ensure that no human being goes hungry"

The fight against hunger in the world is a task that falls as much on the shoulders of peasants, as it does on the shoulders of States and Civil Society.

La Vía Campesina
Foto: David Baird cambio climatico mar

We need immediate and drastic climate action

We must very rapidly stop the extraction and use of fossil fuels. At present, U.S. President Joe Biden authorizes drilling for oil on public lands. This must stop.

John Scales Avery
China, USA

How to save the world (from a climate armageddon)

If the planet’s two “great” powers refuse to cooperate in a meaningful way in tackling the climate threat, we’re done for.

Michael Klare
Latin America

Visibility of migrant voices and subjects

To explain international migrations, it is necessary to strengthen and disseminate approaches that recognize the centrality and agency of the migrant social subjects.

Guillermo Castillo Ramírez
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