Prueba Final
Latin America's post-pandemic energy transition
The energy transition in Latin America is underway. Government incentives and continued Chinese investments and loans will be critical to its development.
Carlos de León, OBELAFood Systems Summit’s scientistic threat
Timely interventions by civil society, including concerned scientists, have prevented many likely abuses of next week’s UN Food Systems Summit. The Secretary General must now prevent UN endorsement of what remains of its prime movers’ corporate agenda.
Jomo Kwame SundaramHow can the US wake up from its post-9/11 nightmare?
The only hope for the future is to abandon the futile quest for hegemony and instead commit to peace, cooperative diplomacy, international law, and disarmament.
Medea Benjamin, Nicolas J.S. DaviesChina and common prosperity
Last month, President Xi Jinping announced plans to spread “common prosperity”, heralding a tough crackdown on wealthy elites – including China’s burgeoning group of technology billionaires
Michael Roberts