Appel au boycott des rencontres annuelles de la Banque mondiale et du FMI
- Opinión
Nous soussignés, représentants des organisations de la société civile et des mouvements sociaux, appelons au boycott du programme officiel de la rencontre annuelle 2006 du FMI et de la Banque mondiale qui a lieu à Singapour.
Pour étouffer l’opposition et toute protestation possible à la rencontre annuelle du FMI et de la Banque mondiale, le gouvernement de Singapour a recouru à des mesures de sécurité très draconiennes. Cela inclut sa déclaration de janvier dernier que les protestataires à la rencontre annuelle du FMI et de la Banque mondiale seraient battus, et les mesures spéciales de surveillance des lieux publics et privés mis en place spécialement par le gouvernement pour cette rencontre.
Il y a quelques jours, le gouvernement de Singapour a aussi fait pression sur le gouvernement de la province de Riau, en Indonésie, pour annuler le Forum International des Peuples programmé pour se tenir à Batam.
Le gouvernement a aussi élaboré une « liste noire » des individus auxquels il est interdit d’entrer à Singapour. Cette liste comprend les représentants de la société civile qui ont déjà été accrédités par la Banque mondiale et le FMI, ainsi que ceux qui ont déjà leurs visas ou qui n’ont pas besoin de visa pour entrer à Singapour. Le gouvernement de Singapour n’a pas donné de raison claire et valide pour refuser l’accès à ces personnes et n’a pas non plus communiqué publiquement la « liste noire ».
Le FMI et la Banque mondiale ne peuvent fuir leur responsabilité par rapport à ces faits. Connaissant bien le caractère autoritaire du gouvernement de Singapour, il semble qu’ils aient choisi Singapour comme lieu de leur rencontre annuelle pour éviter les manifestations de rue légitimes et pacifiques qui ont été organisées lors de précédentes rencontres du FMI et de la Banque mondiale ainsi que de l’Organisation Mondiale du Commerce (OMC). Le choix de Singapour comme lieu de la rencontre annuelle a été fermement critiqué par les organisations de la société civile dès le moment de la décision. Néanmoins, la Banque mondiale et le FMI ont maintenu leurs plans. Nous condamnons les actions répressives du gouvernement de Singapour, ainsi que la Banque mondiale et le FMI, complices de ces actions.
En solidarité avec ceux à qui on a refusé l’entrée à Singapour et que l’on a privés de leur droit fondamental à la liberté d’expression et d’association, nous n’assisterons à aucun séminaire et aucune rencontre du programme officiel de la réunion annuelle de la Banque mondiale et du FMI à Singapour.
Nous appelons tous les mouvements sociaux, les organisations de la société civile et les réseaux ainsi que les individus à défendre le droit des peuples à la liberté d’expression et d’association et à soutenir ce boycott en n’assistant pas aux rencontres officielles de Singapour.
Signataires :
INFID Indonesia
Freedom from Debt Coalition (FDC) Philippines
Jubilee South
Committee for the Abolition of Third World Debt (CADTM)
Focus on the Global South
Solidarity Africa Network
Campagna per la Riforma Della Banca Mondiale (Reform the World Bank Campaign) - Italy
World Development Movement, UK
Jubilee USA Network
50 Years is Enough : U.S. Network for Global Economic Justice
European Network on Debt and Development (EURODAD)
Friends of the Earth International
Oil Change International
The Development GAP - USA
11.11.11 Coordination of the Flemish North South Movement
(CNCD) - Belgium
A SEED Europe - Netherlands
Action Aid International
Action Aid International Sierra Leone
Africa Jubilee South
African Forum on Alternatives - Senegal
Altsean - Burma
Amigos de la PAZ en COLOMBIA y en el MUNDO
AMPG - Indonesia
Asia Pacific Movement on Debt and Development (JS APMDD)
Asia Center for Human Rights
Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development
Asia Pacific Resource and Research for Women (ARROW)
Asian Pacific Solidarity Coalition (APSOC)
Asienhaus - Germany
Association “Green Alternative” - Georgia
BanglaPraxis - Bangladesh
Bank Information Center
BankTrack - Netherlands
BARRIOS, Inc. - Philippines
Blue Planet Project, Canada
Bretton Woods Project - United Kingdom (80th name)
Burma.Initiative Asienhaus - Germany
Campaign for the Welfare State - Norway
CAPPA - Indonesia
CEE Bankwatch Network
CELCOR-FOE - Papua New Guinea
Center for Encounter and Active Non-Violence - Austria
Center for Environment and Development (CED) - Cameroon
Centre for Civil Society Economic Justice Project, Durban, South Africa
Centre for Sustainable Agriculture - Sri Lanka
Centre national de coopération au développement (CNCD-11.11.11) - Belgium
Centro de Documentación en Derechos Humanos "Segundo Montes Mozo S.J." (CSMM)
Change Maker (Bangladesh)
CHRISTIAN AID- United Kingdom
Community Development Library - Bangladesh
Cordination Nationale des Organisations Paysannes du Mali (CNOP) - Mali
CORE Centre for Organisation Research & Education - India Creed Alliance - Pakistan
Debt and Development Coalition Ireland
Diakonia - Sweden
Dilena Pathragoda
Documentation for Action Groups in Asia - China
Economic Justice and Development Organization (EJAD) Islamabad - Pakistan
El Grito de Los Excluidos y Excluidas de Bolivia - Bolivia
Environmental Law Center/ “Armon” - Uzbekistan
Environmental Rights Action/Friends of the Earth-Nigeria - Nigeria
Fair Trade and Communication - Italy
Foro Ciudadano de Participación por la Justicia y los Derechos Humanos Programa del INPADE, Argentina
Food and Water Watch - United States
Forest Peoples Programme, UK
Foundation for Gaia - United Kingdom
Foundation for Media Alternatives - Philippines
Free Burma Coalition, Philippines
Friends of the Earth-France - France
Friends of the Earth-Netherlands - Netherlands
Friends of the Earth-US - United States
Gender Action
German NGO Working Group on the ADB - Germany
Global Concerns India
Global Exchange - USA
Grupo Reflexion Y Solidaridad Oscar A. Romero - Cuba
Halifax Initiative Coalition - Canada
Human Rights Working Group - Indonesia
International Gender and Trade Network - Asia
Indian People’s Tribunal - India
Indigenous People’s Links (PIPLinks) - United Kingdom
Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation Branch of Surabaya - Indonesia
Initiative for International Dialogue (IID) - Philippines
Institute for Global Justice (IGJ), Indonesia
International Rivers Network
Jubilee Debt Canpaign, UK and Scotland
Jubilee Kyushu on World Debt and Poverty - Japan
Jubileo Sur Americas
KALAYAAN - Philippines
KEBANI, the other direction, Kerala, India
KAIROS Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives - Canada
La Via Campesina International
Labour Union Of Electricity Generating Authority Of Thailand (LUEGAT), Thailand
Labour Union Of Metropolitan Electricity Authority (LUMEA), Thailand
Labour Union Of Metropolitan Waterworks Authority (LUMWA), Thailand
Labour Union Of Provincial Electricity Authority (LUPEA), Thailand
Labour Union Of Provincial Waterworks Authority (LUPWA), Thailand
Liberia Democracy Watch - Liberia
LOKOJ Institute - Bangladesh
Manasa - India
Manthan Adhyayan Kendra - India
Miembro del Observatorio Control Interamericano de los Derechos de los Migrantes (OCIM)
Migrant Care Indonesia
Mindanao People’s Caucus - Philippines
Minlara Peace Iveaveis
Movement for National Land and Agricultural Reform (MONLAR) - Sri Lanka
National Center for Advocacy Studies - India
National Fisheries Solidarity - Sri Lanka
National Society of Conservationists/Friends of the Earth-Hungary - Hungary
NGO Forum on ADB
Observatorio de la Deuda - Spain
Officeshyuwa Think Net Field, Tokyo, Japan
Open Space, India
Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign - Palestine
PAPDA, Haiti
Partido ng Manggagawa (PM) - Philippines
Peasant Information Centre - Sri Lanka
Perceptions - India
PGFTU - Palestine
Programa Democracia y Transformación Global - Peru
Proyecto Gato - Belgium
PSI-Thai Affiliates Council (PTAC)
PSI-Thai Affiliates Council (PTAC) - Thailand
Public Utilities Protection Network (PUPN)
Rede Social de Justica e Direitos Humanos - Brazil
REDES-Amigos de la Tierra - Uruguay
Rainforest Action Network - USA
Reseau Foi and Justice, Antenne de France - France
River Basin Friends - India
Rural Reconstruction Nepal
Sanlakas - Philippines
Savisthri Women’s Network - Sri Lanka
South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication -SAAPE
Southeast Asian Press Alliance (SEAPA)
Southern and Eastern Africa Trade Information and
Negotiations Institute (SEATINI) - Kenya
Sri Lankan Working Group on Trade and IFIs, Sri Lanka
Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) Malaysia
Sustainable Energy & Economy Network, USA
Svaraj - India
Tanzanian Coalition for Sustainable Development - Tanzania
Terre des Hommes-France - France
The Berne Declaration - Switzerland
The Bretton Woods Project, UK
The Corner House - United Kingdom
The Council of Canadians - Canada
The Ecological Society Green Salvation - Kazakhstan
Think Center, Singapore
Trade Union Centre - Sri Lanka
Trade Union Centre, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Unnayan Shahojogy Team (Bangladesh)
WALHI/Friends of the Earth-Indonesia - Indonesia
Winnipeg Burma Roundtable - Canada
World Economy, Ecology, and Development (WEED) - Germany
World Forum of Fisher People
D R Jayatilake, Peasant Information Centre, Kurunegala, Sri Lanka
Denis Brutus, professor emeritus, University Pittsburgh, Jubilee South Africa, Jubilee South Africa
Hector F. Aguilar, CIRES-ILCIHB República Bolivariana de Venezuela
Herman Kumara, National Fisheries Solidarity, Negombo, Sri Lanka
Linus Jayatilake, Trade Union Centre, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Prof. H Sriyananda, Open University, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Dr. Lionel weerakoon, centre for sustainable agriculture, Sri Lanka
Mailie La Zarr - United States
Maurice Andre - France
Padma Pushpakanthi, Savisthri Women’s Network, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Prof. H Sriyananda, Open University, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Raja Kumar - India
Thomas Kocherry, World Forum of Fisher People
T. Cassidy - United States
Titi Soentoro – Thailand Source.
Freedom from Debt Coalition (FDC) Philippines
Jubilee South
Committee for the Abolition of Third World Debt (CADTM)
Focus on the Global South
Solidarity Africa Network
Campagna per la Riforma Della Banca Mondiale (Reform the World Bank Campaign) - Italy
World Development Movement, UK
Jubilee USA Network
50 Years is Enough : U.S. Network for Global Economic Justice
European Network on Debt and Development (EURODAD)
Friends of the Earth International
Oil Change International
The Development GAP - USA
11.11.11 Coordination of the Flemish North South Movement
(CNCD) - Belgium
A SEED Europe - Netherlands
Action Aid International
Action Aid International Sierra Leone
Africa Jubilee South
African Forum on Alternatives - Senegal
Altsean - Burma
Amigos de la PAZ en COLOMBIA y en el MUNDO
AMPG - Indonesia
Asia Pacific Movement on Debt and Development (JS APMDD)
Asia Center for Human Rights
Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development
Asia Pacific Resource and Research for Women (ARROW)
Asian Pacific Solidarity Coalition (APSOC)
Asienhaus - Germany
Association “Green Alternative” - Georgia
BanglaPraxis - Bangladesh
Bank Information Center
BankTrack - Netherlands
BARRIOS, Inc. - Philippines
Blue Planet Project, Canada
Bretton Woods Project - United Kingdom (80th name)
Burma.Initiative Asienhaus - Germany
Campaign for the Welfare State - Norway
CAPPA - Indonesia
CEE Bankwatch Network
CELCOR-FOE - Papua New Guinea
Center for Encounter and Active Non-Violence - Austria
Center for Environment and Development (CED) - Cameroon
Centre for Civil Society Economic Justice Project, Durban, South Africa
Centre for Sustainable Agriculture - Sri Lanka
Centre national de coopération au développement (CNCD-11.11.11) - Belgium
Centro de Documentación en Derechos Humanos "Segundo Montes Mozo S.J." (CSMM)
Change Maker (Bangladesh)
CHRISTIAN AID- United Kingdom
Community Development Library - Bangladesh
Cordination Nationale des Organisations Paysannes du Mali (CNOP) - Mali
CORE Centre for Organisation Research & Education - India Creed Alliance - Pakistan
Debt and Development Coalition Ireland
Diakonia - Sweden
Dilena Pathragoda
Documentation for Action Groups in Asia - China
Economic Justice and Development Organization (EJAD) Islamabad - Pakistan
El Grito de Los Excluidos y Excluidas de Bolivia - Bolivia
Environmental Law Center/ “Armon” - Uzbekistan
Environmental Rights Action/Friends of the Earth-Nigeria - Nigeria
Fair Trade and Communication - Italy
Foro Ciudadano de Participación por la Justicia y los Derechos Humanos Programa del INPADE, Argentina
Food and Water Watch - United States
Forest Peoples Programme, UK
Foundation for Gaia - United Kingdom
Foundation for Media Alternatives - Philippines
Free Burma Coalition, Philippines
Friends of the Earth-France - France
Friends of the Earth-Netherlands - Netherlands
Friends of the Earth-US - United States
Gender Action
German NGO Working Group on the ADB - Germany
Global Concerns India
Global Exchange - USA
Grupo Reflexion Y Solidaridad Oscar A. Romero - Cuba
Halifax Initiative Coalition - Canada
Human Rights Working Group - Indonesia
International Gender and Trade Network - Asia
Indian People’s Tribunal - India
Indigenous People’s Links (PIPLinks) - United Kingdom
Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation Branch of Surabaya - Indonesia
Initiative for International Dialogue (IID) - Philippines
Institute for Global Justice (IGJ), Indonesia
International Rivers Network
Jubilee Debt Canpaign, UK and Scotland
Jubilee Kyushu on World Debt and Poverty - Japan
Jubileo Sur Americas
KALAYAAN - Philippines
KEBANI, the other direction, Kerala, India
KAIROS Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives - Canada
La Via Campesina International
Labour Union Of Electricity Generating Authority Of Thailand (LUEGAT), Thailand
Labour Union Of Metropolitan Electricity Authority (LUMEA), Thailand
Labour Union Of Metropolitan Waterworks Authority (LUMWA), Thailand
Labour Union Of Provincial Electricity Authority (LUPEA), Thailand
Labour Union Of Provincial Waterworks Authority (LUPWA), Thailand
Liberia Democracy Watch - Liberia
LOKOJ Institute - Bangladesh
Manasa - India
Manthan Adhyayan Kendra - India
Miembro del Observatorio Control Interamericano de los Derechos de los Migrantes (OCIM)
Migrant Care Indonesia
Mindanao People’s Caucus - Philippines
Minlara Peace Iveaveis
Movement for National Land and Agricultural Reform (MONLAR) - Sri Lanka
National Center for Advocacy Studies - India
National Fisheries Solidarity - Sri Lanka
National Society of Conservationists/Friends of the Earth-Hungary - Hungary
NGO Forum on ADB
Observatorio de la Deuda - Spain
Officeshyuwa Think Net Field, Tokyo, Japan
Open Space, India
Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign - Palestine
PAPDA, Haiti
Partido ng Manggagawa (PM) - Philippines
Peasant Information Centre - Sri Lanka
Perceptions - India
PGFTU - Palestine
Programa Democracia y Transformación Global - Peru
Proyecto Gato - Belgium
PSI-Thai Affiliates Council (PTAC)
PSI-Thai Affiliates Council (PTAC) - Thailand
Public Utilities Protection Network (PUPN)
Rede Social de Justica e Direitos Humanos - Brazil
REDES-Amigos de la Tierra - Uruguay
Rainforest Action Network - USA
Reseau Foi and Justice, Antenne de France - France
River Basin Friends - India
Rural Reconstruction Nepal
Sanlakas - Philippines
Savisthri Women’s Network - Sri Lanka
South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication -SAAPE
Southeast Asian Press Alliance (SEAPA)
Southern and Eastern Africa Trade Information and
Negotiations Institute (SEATINI) - Kenya
Sri Lankan Working Group on Trade and IFIs, Sri Lanka
Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) Malaysia
Sustainable Energy & Economy Network, USA
Svaraj - India
Tanzanian Coalition for Sustainable Development - Tanzania
Terre des Hommes-France - France
The Berne Declaration - Switzerland
The Bretton Woods Project, UK
The Corner House - United Kingdom
The Council of Canadians - Canada
The Ecological Society Green Salvation - Kazakhstan
Think Center, Singapore
Trade Union Centre - Sri Lanka
Trade Union Centre, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Unnayan Shahojogy Team (Bangladesh)
WALHI/Friends of the Earth-Indonesia - Indonesia
Winnipeg Burma Roundtable - Canada
World Economy, Ecology, and Development (WEED) - Germany
World Forum of Fisher People
D R Jayatilake, Peasant Information Centre, Kurunegala, Sri Lanka
Denis Brutus, professor emeritus, University Pittsburgh, Jubilee South Africa, Jubilee South Africa
Hector F. Aguilar, CIRES-ILCIHB República Bolivariana de Venezuela
Herman Kumara, National Fisheries Solidarity, Negombo, Sri Lanka
Linus Jayatilake, Trade Union Centre, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Prof. H Sriyananda, Open University, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Dr. Lionel weerakoon, centre for sustainable agriculture, Sri Lanka
Mailie La Zarr - United States
Maurice Andre - France
Padma Pushpakanthi, Savisthri Women’s Network, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Prof. H Sriyananda, Open University, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Raja Kumar - India
Thomas Kocherry, World Forum of Fisher People
T. Cassidy - United States
Titi Soentoro – Thailand Source.
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