Women say No to war
- Opinión
A call of women for peace, launched on Jaunary 7, aims to collect at least 100,000 signatures of women from the US, Iraq, UK and other countries across the World, demanding an end to the war in Iraq.
The Call will be presented to political leaders in Washington and at US embassies around the world, on March 8 International Women's Day. This date falls less than two weeks before the third anniversary of the invasion of March 20 2003.
This campaign, entitled " Women say No to war", advocates for a change of strategy in Iraq, from the military model to a conflict resolution one, demanding the withdrawal of all foreign troops from Iraq. It also proposes the presence of a tamporary international peacekeeping force during the transition phase, excluding troops from the countries responsible for the invasion. The Call demands the full participation of women in the peace process, and a commitment to women's full equality in postwar Iraq. "We've had enough of living in constant fear of violence and seeing the growing cancer of hatred and intolerance seep into our homes and communities", express these women from different countries.
The Call also rejects installation of foreign military bases in Iraq. It proposes that oil should be under Iraqi control and demands the nullification of privatization and deregulation laws imposed under occupation, allowing Iraqis to shape the trajectory of the post-war economy. It also calls for a massive reconstruction effort that prioritizes Iraqi contractors, funded by the countries responsible for the invasion of Iraq.
The campaign, launched by the US organization Codepink-Women for Peace, includes high profile signatures such as Cindy Sheehan of the US and Rose Gentle of Scotland, both mothers of soldiers killed in Iraq; the Iraquis Yanar Mohammed de la Organización para la Libertad de las Mujeres en Irak y Hana Ibrahim de la Voluntad de las Mujeres Iraquíes; el movimiento internacional la Marcha Mundial de las Mujeres; artistas como Susan Sarandon, Eve Ensler y Margaret Cho; autoras como Alice Walker, Anne Lamott, Maxine Hong Kingston y Barbara Ehrenreich; y parlamentarias como Barbara Lee, Cynthia McKinney y Lynn Woolsey de EEUU, Libby Davies de Canadá y Caroline Lucas de Reuno Unido.
En cinco días, la campaña ya ha recogido más de 17 mil firmas (1). Las organizadoras alientan a las mujeres de todo el mundo a sumar sus firmas y a celebrar el próximo 8 de marzo con actos contra la guerra.
El texto completo del llamado está en: http://www.alainet.org/active/10343〈=en
(1) Las firmas se recogen en el sitio Web: www.womensaynotowar.org.
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