State Terrorism and September 11, 1973 & 2001
- Opinión
On the morning of September 11 I watched aircraft flying
overhead. Minutes later I heard explosive sounds and saw
fireballs of smoke fill the sky. As a result of these
attacks thousands died, including two good friends of
I am not writing about September 11 2001 in New York
City. On that date I was thousands of miles away in
Berkeley, California. I am writing about another
September 11, equally horrible, that occurred in 1973
when I was living in Santiago, Chile. On that date I
indeed saw planes flying overhead. They were warplanes
and their target was the presidential palace in Santiago.
Remarkably, these two September 11's are related in a
number of ways, and both dates help us understand why
George W. Bush has lead the United States into a quagmire
in Iraq.
On September 11, 1973 Salvador Allende resided in the
Chilean presidential palace. He was the first freely
elected socialist leader in the world and ever since his
electoral victory in September 1970, the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the US government headed by
Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger who chaired the
National Security Council were determined to overthrow
Allende and his Popular Unity coalition.
It was on September 11, 1973 that they finally succeeded.
Lead by General Augusto Pinochet, the Chilean military
overthrew Allende who died in the presidential palace.
Over three thousand people perished in the bloody
repression that followed under Pinochet's rule, including
two American friends of mine, Charles Horman and Frank
Prior to the attack on the Pentagon on September 11, 2001
the most sensational foreign-lead terrorist action in the
capitol had been carried out by a team of operatives sent
by the Pinochet regime. On September 21, 1976, agents of
the Chilean secret police organization, DINA, detonated a
car bomb just blocks from the White House, killing a
leading opponent of Pinochet's, Orlando Letelier, and his
assistant Ronni Moffitt. Letelier, who I spoke to at the
Institute for Policy Studies in Washington D.C. before
his death, was a man deeply committed to democracy and a
more humane world who had served at the highest levels of
the Allende government.
These assassinations were linked to the first
international terrorist network in the Western
Hemisphere, known as Operation Condor. Begun in 1974 at
the instigation of the Chilean secret police, Operation
Condor was a sinister cabal comprised of the intelligence
services of at least six South American countries that
collaborated in tracking, kidnapping and assassinating
political opponents. Based on documents divulged under
the Chile Declassification Project of the Clinton
administration, it is now recognized that the CIA knew
about these international terrorist activities and may
have even abetted them.
After the murders of Letelier-Moffitt in Washington D.C.,
the CIA appears to have concluded that Condor was a rogue
operation and may have tried to contain its activities.
However, the network of Southern Cone military and
intelligence operations continued to act throughout Latin
America at least until the early 1980s. Chilean and
Argentine military units assisted the dictator Anastasio
Somoza in Nicaragua and helped set up death squads in El
Salvador. Argentine units also aided and supervised
Honduran military death squads that began operating in
the early 1980s with the direct assistance and
collaboration the CIA.
Similarities abound between the emergence of terrorist
networks in Latin America and events leading to the rise
of al Qaeda. Osama bin Laden first became involved in
militant Islamic activities when he went to Afghanistan
in the 1980s to fight with the Mujahidin against the
Soviet-backed regime that had taken power in the country.
According to the CIA 2000 Fact Book, the Mujahidin were
"supplied and trained by the United States, Saudi Arabia,
Pakistan, and others." Even in the 1980s it was widely
recognized that many of those fighting against the
Soviets and the Afghan government were religious fanatics
who had no loyalty to their U.S. sponsors, let alone to
"western values" like democracy, religious tolerance and
gender equality.
Ronald Reagan in the mid-1980s, when the CIA was backing
the Mujahideen warriors in Afghanistan, likened them to
our "founding fathers." Then in Central America, Reagan
called thousands of former soldiers of Somoza's National
Guard "freedom fighters" as they were sent to fight
against the Sandinista government in Nicaragua. And when
the Sandinistas went to the World Court to press charges
against the United States for sending special operatives
to bomb its major port facility in Corinto, the Reagan
administration withdrew from the Court, refusing to
acknowledge the rule of international law.
In the aftermath of the attack on the World Trade Center
and the Pentagon, former US government officials and
conservative pundits attempted to completely rewrite this
sordid history. Instead of acknowledging that past CIA
operations had gone awry, they insisted that bin Laden's
international terrorist network had flourished because
earlier U.S. collaboration with terrorists had been
constrained or curtailed. Henry Kissinger who was in
Germany on September 11, 2001, told the TV networks that
the controls imposed on US intelligence operations over
the years facilitated the rise of international
terrorism. He alluded to the hearings of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee in 1975 headed by Senator
Frank Church, which strongly criticized the covert
operations approved by Kissinger when he headed up the
National Security Council. The Church hearings lead to
the first legal restrictions on CIA activities, including
the prohibition of US assassinations of foreign leaders.
Other Republicans, including George Bush Sr. who was
director of the CIA when the agency worked with many of
these terrorist networks, pointed the finger at the
Clinton administration for allegedly undermining foreign
intelligence operations. They argued vehemently against
the 1995 presidential order prohibiting the CIA from
paying and retaining foreign operatives involved in
torture and death squads. These foreign policy hawks were
standing historic reality on its head.
Today, two years later we see the consequences of the
refusal of the administration of George W. Bush to learn
the proper lessons of the past. Instead of ending US
transgressions of the borders and sovereign rights of
other nations, the United States has spread carnage and
war, violating fundamental civil liberties and human
rights at home and abroad.
Like many advocates of a world based on law rather than
violence, Judge Baltesar Garzón, who issued the warrant
for the arrest of Pinochet in London in 1998, proclaimed
on the eve of the US invasion of Afghanistan in 2001:
"Lasting peace and freedom can be achieved only with
legality, justice, respect for diversity, defense of
human rights and measured and fair responses." The
failure of the United States to bring stability to Iraq
and Afghanistan, along with stepped up terrorist
activities around the world, demonstrate that the US war
against terror is a failure.
But even in the midst of this war, judges, lawyers and
human rights activists around the world remain determined
to see that international justice is carried out. Using
the principle of "universal jurisdiction" employed by
Judge Garzon to pursue Pinochet, nineteen citizens of
Iraq filed suit in Belgium courts in May against Tommy
Franks, the commander of the US invasion. They charged
that troops under his command stood idly by as hospitals
in Baghdad were looted, while other US soldiers fired on
ambulances that were carrying wounded civilians. The Bush
administration reacted angrily, threatening the Belgium
government with "diplomatic consequences" if it allowed
the case to go forward.
Then when US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
attended a meeting at NATO headquarters in Brussels in
June 2003, he threatened to end US financing for new NATO
facilities and to move the headquarters to another
country if the Belgium government would not intervene to
suspend the court cases. Kowtowing to his demands, the
Belgium parliament altered its laws relating to universal
jurisdiction. But as we achieve some distance from the
war, and perhaps a 'regime change' in the United States,
investigations and charges will be brought against the US
invaders of Iraq in other countries for their human
rights abuses and lies about the war, perhaps even in US
The struggle is joined. The years to come will focus on
the great divide that has emerged out of the two
September elevens of 1973 and 2001. On the one side
stands an arrogant unilateralist clique in the United
States that engages in state terrorism and human rights
abuses while tearing up international treaties. On the
other is a global movement that is determined to advance
a broad conception of human rights and human dignity
through the utilization of human rights law, extradition
treaties and limited policing activities. It is
fundamentally a struggle over where globalization will
take us, whether the powerful economic and political
interests of the world headed up by reactionary U.S.
leaders will create a new world order that relies on
intervention and state terrorism, or whether a globalist
perspective from below based on a more just and
egalitarian conception of the world will gain ascendancy.
Special thanks to Hank Frundt and Jim Tarbell for
editorial assistance.
* Roger Burbach is the author of "The Pinochet Affair:
State Terrorism and Global Justice," which has just been
released by Zed Books. To order a copy, see the
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