ALAI this week - 4/3/2022
Putin’s war on Ukraine could spark a nuclear catastrophe
Nuclear war is not the only threat. Ukraine has 15 nuclear power reactors at four facilities around the country, as well as the deactivated reactors at the Chernobyl nuclear disaster site.
Amy Goodman, Denis MoynihanCharting a new pathway to antitrust regulation
The rising intersections of competition law with data privacy, can provide an opportunity for competition authorities to review the phenomenon of data exploitation that drives tech mergers in a new light.
Burcu KilicAssassinations of Colombian social leaders shake communities
According to the Institute of Development and Peace Studies, during the past week, five social activists and two former combatants of the FARC guerilla group were assassinated in the country.
Tanya WadhwaUkraine: A conflict soaked in contradictions and new patterns in war and media
War in Ukraine joins a sequence of wars that have opened sores on a very fragile planet. Wars in Africa and Asia seem endless, and some of them are rarely commented upon with any feeling in media outlets across the world.
Vijay PrashadInflation targeting voodoo
People all over expect policies by central bankers trained in economics to have a sound scientific base. But inflation targeting is an article of faith with neither theoretical nor empirical basis.
Anis Chowdhury, Jomo Kwame SundaramFrance withdraws from Mali, but continues to devastate Africa’s Sahel
Western intervention in much of Africa has not resulted in beneficial economic assistance in the region. This assistance has come through IMF austerity policies and military aid.
Vijay PrashadRussia: from sanctions to slump?
The NATO sanctions package has substantial exceptions. Most notably, while it sanctions major Russian financial institutions, it exempts certain transactions with those institutions related to energy and agricultural commodities, which account for nearly two-thirds of total exports.
Michael RobertsInterest rates global challenges
In Latin America, even though economic recoveries have been slower than expected, interest rate increases have not significantly impacted local financial markets.
Bertin Acosta