ALAI this week - 4/2/2022

ALAI this week - 4/2/2022


The open-source world is more and more closed

In reality, the interests of communities of volunteers and predatory corporations only coincide to the extent that the former are increasingly subject to digital predation by the latter.

Laure Muselli, et al
Cuba, USA

The blockade against Cuba turns 60

Cubans born under the blockade will never understand how it has been possible for the U.S. to act against millions of people for so long and with so much hatred, a hatred without limits or rational explanation.

Rosa Miriam Elizalde

«It»: Neo-McCarthyism in sight

Republican politicians from Miami have proposed creating an ideological police, in the best KGB style, to detect and persecute those suspected of being “communists.” A “new State Department position [to] combat communism and authoritarianism".

Jorge Majfud

The illegality of NATO

In recent years, participation in NATO has made European countries accomplices in US efforts to achieve global hegemony by means of military force, in violation of international law.

John Scales Avery

Julian Assange nominated for Nobel Peace Prize as calls for his release grow louder

The Wikileaks founder who has spent more than 1,000 days in a British prison fighting extradition to the United States, has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for the third time.

Anish R M

Haiti’s National Transition Commission elects new interim president and prime minister

The new interim president and prime minister will administer the Caribbean country for a transitional period of 24 months, beginning this February 7.

Peoples Dispatch

Inflation paranoia threatens recovery

Inflation hawks are winning. A ‘beggar thyself’ race to raise interest rates has begun. But this response to inflation actually slows economic growth, undermining central bank credibility.

Anis Chowdhury, Jomo Kwame Sundaram

What does 2022 bring? Uncertainty

The US economy, with large fiscal deficits, has very low growth rates and does so with the support of a very expansive monetary policy. What is unprecedented is that the rate of investment does not seem to be altering.

Oscar Ugarteche
Canada, Latin America

Trudeau’s Latin America policy an embarrassing right wing failure

Canada’s policy in the region has long been shaped by Washington and the economic interests of this country’s capitalists.

Yves Engler

All of us remain hostages to the military-industrial complex

As long as tensions are maintained; as long as there is a threat of war, the military-industrial complex gets the money for which it lusts, and the politicians and journalists get their blood money.

John Scales Avery

Xiomara Castro to be sworn in amid political turmoil in Honduras

Tensions have been growing ahead of Castro’s swearing in following signs of attempts by conservative sections to undermine her proposals for transformation.

Zoe Alexandra

Climate inaction, injustice worsened by finance fiasco

Many factors frustrate the international cooperation needed to address the looming global warming catastrophe. As most rich nations have largely abdicated responsibility, developing countries need to think and act innovatively and cooperatively to better advance the South.

Jomo Kwame Sundaram
Russia, USA

New enemy wanted

After the new political and military fiasco in Afghanistan, and after such a fortune invested by Washington in the war companies, in the merchants of death, it is urgent to find a new enemy and a new conflict.

Jorge Majfud

Outrage in Peru following devastating Repsol oil spill

The spill has polluted 1.7 million square meters of soil and 1.2 million square meters of ocean, tarred 21 beaches on Peru’s Pacific coast, and killed a vast variety of marine wildlife.

Tanya Wadhwa
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