ALAI this week - 3/12/2021
People’s movements, trade unions and parties demand TRIPS waiver on COVID-19 medical products
The coordinators of the day of action recognized the appearance of Omicron as a direct consequence of rich countries’ avoidance of support to the waiver.
Peoples Health DispatchThe IMF and Special Drawing Rights: Saving lives, backlash and attempted coup, and structural reform
In August, the IMF distributed $650 billion worth of SDRs to its member countries. These are international reserve assets, that can be converted into hard currencies. This is probably the most important constructive step that the IMF has taken
Mark WeisbrotThe green paradox: Deforesting the Amazon for wind energy in the Global North
The triggering of ‘balsa fever’ has had devastating consequences for Ecuador’s Indigenous Amazonian communities.
Francesc Badia i DalmasesAmerican Express goes on a buying spree in Argentina’s Congress
This case illustrates how a transnational lobby operates in the Global South, against socio-environmental regulations and against any political action in defense of ecological practices.
Juan GraboisSelf-praise or self-criticism?
The world financial power today is to a large extent, the expression of real and effective power and, of course, it is not democratic: nor is it elected, nor does it address society or pursue its well-being.
Xulio RíosProfiting from the carbon offset distraction
Carbon offset markets allow the rich to emit as financial intermediaries profit. By fostering the fiction that others can be paid to cut greenhouse gases instead, it undermines efforts to do so.
Anis Chowdhury, Jomo Kwame SundaramColonialism and solidarity
Today's social policies are first and foremost the result of the workers' movement that fought nationally and internationally to give a decent life to people who have nothing more than the strength of their arms.
Francine MestrumThe Indian farmers defend the rights of farmers everywhere
Farmers know what they want, and they have said so clearly: price supports, loan waivers, withdrawal of electricity price hikes, repeal of the labor codes, subsidized costs of fuel, and so on.
Vijay PrashadDetentions, deportations, and criminalization of migrants
It is urgent to stop criminalizing people and groups in cross-border mobility, ensure their free movement and recognize their rights, needs and motivations.
Guillermo Castillo RamírezElections in Honduras: The challenge of ending twelve years of neoliberalism
Of the 16 presidential aspirants, only three have a real chance of winning: Xiomara Castro of the opposition Libre Party, who leads most polls; Nasry “Tito” Asfura Zablah of the National Party, her main opponent; and Yani Rosenthal of the Liberal Party.
Giorgio Trucchi