ALAI this week - 25/2/2022
Time for upgrade: why competition law is not enough for the platform economy
The platform economy presents challenges that need newer policies beyond the competition law regime. What can these new approaches look like?
Shreeja SenFrancisco Maltés: "For the first time we have the possibility of an alternative government in Colombia"
Communicators from FCINA spoke with Francisco Maltés Tello, president of the CUT trade union confederation of Colombia.
FCINAThe wealth of nations
Global warming, climate change, environmental disasters have become so serious that the contradiction between capital and wealth accumulation has become obvious. This has forced even mainstream economics to consider ways of measuring ‘wealth’ as opposed to the production of value.
Michael RobertsAgriculture & BRICS: Reforms and Resistance
This policy brief examines the status of food and agriculture in three of the BRICS nations – Brazil, South Africa and India to discuss the potential implications for future multilateral cooperation.
Shwetha GovindanWestern democracies have mutated into propagandists for war and conflict
The Russian security proposals amount to a comprehensive draft of a peace plan for all of post-war Europe and ought to be welcomed in the West.
John PilgerFinancialization at heart of economic malaise
COVID-19 has exposed major long-term economic vulnerabilities. This malaise – including declining productivity growth – can be traced to the greater influence of finance in the real economy.
Anis Chowdhury, Jomo Kwame SundaramIs the best monetary policy the one that does not control inflation?
The ECB has stated that it cannot contain inflation. It has roots beyond the monetary sphere because it is subject to geopolitical conditions and economic recovery.
Luis ColinThe tyranny of (colonized) language
There are no bad words. It is the use and manipulation of language that later manipulates us. It is the corruption of language that corrupts us with extreme efficiency.
Jorge MajfudElections in Colombia: Prospects for change and lack of guarantees
With legislative and presidential elections coming up in Colombia, the supposedly “oldest democracy in Latin America” will see if it can consolidate the most precarious and recent peace on the continent.
Lautaro Rivara