ALAI this week - 18/3/2022

ALAI this week - 18/3/2022

China, Russia, USA

Is Russia launching a military operation to defend China's western defense line?

Whatever the short-term outcome of the war in the Ukraine, US aggressive policy against Russia, within the framework of aiming to create bad relations between
Russia and China, will continue.

John Ross

The three contradictions of the Long Depression

So far, there is little sign that capitalism can get out of this Long Depression, even if the current Ukraine disaster is resolved.

Michael Roberts

Gustavo Petro to run for president in Colombia

Progressive leader Gustavo Petro is the preferred candidate for the upcoming presidential elections in Colombia according to various opinion polls.

Tanya Wadhwa

Assange extradition: on to the next hurdle

Assuming the Home Secretary Patel does authorise extradition, the matter returns to the original magistrate’s court and to Judge Baraitser for execution. That is where this process takes a remarkable twist...

Craig Murray

Ukraine incursion, world stagflation

Finger pointing over Russia’s Ukraine incursion obscures the damage it is doing on many fronts. Meanwhile, billions struggle to cope with worsening living standards.


Anis Chowdhury, Jomo Kwame Sundaram

The IMF’s agreement with Argentina could be a game changer

Argentina has demonstrated the merits of an alternative strategy focused on growth. When the economy is allowed to expand, tax revenues can increase rapidly.

Joseph Stiglitz, Mark Weisbrot
Russia, USA

Russian security cannot be anti-Russian

How many times will we recklessly walk the conflict tightrope before humanity finally gets unlucky? Do we really want to find out the answer to this question?

Matthew Crosston, Evgeny Pashentsev

China: From renewable energy promise to energy discord

Renewable energy has been a recurring theme in national energy projects worldwide because of its importance in reducing carbon emissions and moving towards energy generation with the least possible impact on the environment.

Joel Reyes-Ordoñez

Forced internal displacement in Mexico and processes of violence

Regarding the causes of Forced Internal Displacement for that year (2020), the processes of violence produced by organized armed groups affected 6,257 people from the entities of Chihuahua, Guerrero, Michoacán, Sinaloa and Sonora.

Guillermo Castillo Ramírez
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