ALAI this week - 18/2/2022

ALAI this week - 18/2/2022


Humanity subsidizing 'our own extinction,' warns study

World governments are spending $1.8 trillion annually to support fossil fuel emissions, deforestation, water pollution, and other harms to biodiversity and the planet.

Julia Conley

Amnesty cracks the wall of apartheid denial

Israel has escaped accountability for apartheid because its friends have wielded the antisemitism charge against critics. But the Amnesty International report is a sharp blow to that strategy.

Rachad Antonius, Yakov Rabkin

Long before US extradition request, the streets of Honduras cried, ‘Get out JOH narco-dictator’

Former Honduran president Juan Orlando Hernández is accused of drug trafficking-related crimes and the US has sought the extradition of its former ally. For the people of the country, his ‘narco-dictatorship’ was a well-known fact.

Peoples Dispatch

Second Belmarsh Tribunal on US war crimes to be held in New York

The upcoming Tribunal coincides with the date of the opening of the Guantanamo Bay detention facility by the US in occupied parts of Cuba. It will demand Julian Assange’s release.

Peoples Dispatch

Peasants marginalized by big farmers

Large farms cultivate a high and increasing share of land in the world. 40% of the world’s farmland is operated by farms over 1000 hectares, while the top 1%, all more than 50 ha, have 70%.

Vikas Rawal, Jomo Kwame Sundaram

Reality can be worse than we think

Unconsciousness is lived like in Noah’s time. As no one knows when or how the “flood” will come, everyone is in business as usual, yearning for a return to the old normality, exactly the one that is producing the global tragedy of the coronavirus.

Leonardo Boff
Latin America

“It’s time for Our America”: ALBA Movements to hold third Continental Assembly

Argentina will host the third assembly of the platform of Latin American people’s movements amid the shifting political panorama in the region.

Zoe Alexandra

Why poorer nations aren’t falling for green-washed imperialism

The world’s wealthiest countries make a big show of fighting climate change without offering poorer countries the finances to switch to renewable energy.

Prabir Purkayastha
Central America, China, USA

Central America between the sword and the dragon

In Central America there is a need for investment in infrastructure for the extension, adaptation and diversification of energy sources in the region.

Joselin Hernández
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