ALAI this week - 12/11/2021

ALAI this week - 12/11/2021

Latin America

COP26 has not responded to the climate emergency

The parallel COP26 in the street is telling the truth that the governments do not want to hear: we have little time, we have to change course if we want to save life and our civilization.

Leonardo Boff

Eight things you need to know about global warming and the climate summit in Glasgow

Apart from human misery, the cost of doing nothing is staggering: an estimated $600 trillion by the end of the century. In other words, the losses due to climate degradation far exceed the investments necessary to prevent it.

Marc Vandepitte
China, Russia, USA

Baffling: American General already admits defeat against Russians and Chinese

General Milley’s address at the Aspen Security Forum is a major piece of news and food for thought.

Tim Kirby

No license for destruction

The study notes that Cargill, the world’s largest privately funded company, adopts a greenwashing stance through the dissemination of discourses and strategies for the construction of a more sustainable corporate image.

Terra de Direitos

Campaigners rip new COP26 draft as a 'polite request' for climate action amid existential crisis

This draft deal is not a plan to solve the climate crisis, it's an agreement that we’ll all cross our fingers and hope for the best.

Jake Johnson

Slavers, corporations, and unions in the US

In the same way that the southern slaveholders spread slavery in the name of civilization and freedom, after the Civil War, they imposed the idea that freedom and prosperity depended on wealthy businessmen.

Jorge Majfud

Losing militarily and strategically, in order to ‘win’ politically (but ephemerally)

In the wake of the Kabul withdrawal débacle, the U.S. administration is in a tearing hurry to give Biden the semblance of foreign policy success.

Alastair Crooke

Carbon tax over-rated

Powerful fossil-fuel corporate interests have made sure that carbon prices are not high enough to force users to switch energy sources.

Anis Chowdhury, Jomo Kwame Sundaram

The U.S. moral superiority complex is accelerating its decline

Though U.S. attempts at nation-building result in chaos and misery for local populations, Americans haven’t given up on trying to remake the world in their own distorted image by aggressively promoting their worldviews.

Laura Ruggeri
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