Alí Rodríguez, Secretary General of UNASUR
Projecting South America in the global scenario
- Opinión
The Secretary General of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), Alí Rodríguez Araque, on Thursday September 5, gave a videoconference for journalists of the Media Link for the Democratization of Communication (Enlace de Medios por la Democratización de la Comunicación, a group made up of some twenty alternative media outlets and networks in Latin America.
Rodríguez, a Venezuelan diplomat and lawyer, whose mandate is concluding but has been extended for thirty days, provided a rundown of the 7th ordinary meeting of heads of State and of governments, that took place on August 30 in Paramaribo, Surinam.
Alí underlined the importance of a resolution on Syria, in which the Presidential Summit of the regional organization took a stand in favour of the preservation of peace and negotiation as a way to resolve conflicts, and condemned foreign intervention in Syria and the use of weapons of mass destruction such as chemical and bacteriological weapons.
Another point that Rodríguez emphasized was the question of natural resources, pointing out the need for a common strategy and a plan for the optimal exploitation of this gigantic wealth that exists in the region, as a way to overcome the poverty and indigence that afflicts one hundred million Latin Americans, who paradoxically are walking over this immense wealth that the region possesses.
At the same time, he pointed out that in the Paramaribo meeting there was recognition of the need to project the growing presence of the region at a world level, with one voice, in the current context of sensitive situations, where the standpoint taken by South America can make an important contribution towards world peace and equilibrium.
With respect to the proposal of Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa, to create a centre for the resolution of controversies in the question of investments, Rodríguez noted that he personally agreed with this proposal, given that the present mechanisms of arbitration through CIADI, an organ of the World Bank, are not independent, and in the case of Venezuela their decision was in support of a transnational corporation. This question is under discussion in UNASUR and by the end of this year the possible establishment of a Centre for the Resolution of Controversies concerning investment is foreseen.
With respect to The Bank of the South, it has created great expectations, but has taken six years to get established. Alí pointed out that this institution should have the financing necessary to undertake large petroleum projects, hydroelectric installations, forestry, etc. He noted that the big consortia exist on a world scale, with a single direction and strategy, while we (the South American countries) tend to negotiate separately; so it is necessary to negotiate as a block on the costs of investment, which would give us greater autonomy as a region.
The Secretary General of UNASUR also referred to the question of security and defence. Paradoxically this matter, that appeared one of the most difficult, is in fact the area where most progress has been made within the framework of the eleven ministerial councils of UNASUR. Rodríguez reminded his listeners of the creation of a Centre of Strategic Studies based in Buenos Aires and said that they are building a defense doctrine based on a hypothesis of peace rather than war, which should enable the region to face economic and social problems, and will therefore be fundamental even in the face of a hypothetical international conflict.
The question as to why communication, a vital and strategic issue for South American democracies, is absent from the agenda of UNASUR, Alí Rodríguez said that while this question is not listed among their priorities, it is hardly absent. One demonstration of this is the creation of a Centre of Information and Communication that operates out of the UNASUR headquarters in Quito, and that allows for intercommunication among the 12 countries of the region. But he also noted that there is a deficiency in questions of communication as we face a cultural offensive, and that the struggle at present taking place is a struggle for human minds, which we are currently losing and which must be taken on.
At the same time he underlined the need to strengthen the General Secretariat of UNASUR, which at the present time has a limited role, occupying fourth place in decision making. In his opinion, the General Secretariat should have a high level of autonomy in order to act in the name of the institution, as is the case, for example, with OPEC. This would mean reforming the Treaty and the rules of UNASUR, which is not easy to do. The General Secretariat should have adequate funding and more staff (particularly those in an advisory capacity) in order to work with the twelve ministerial councils and the councils of ministers and presidents.
Six months after the death of Hugo Chávez, Alí Rodríguez recalled the deep friendship that he enjoyed with the Comandante and the role that Chávez played in his 14-year mandate both inside Venezuela and at a regional and world level. He pointed out that the last UNASUR meeting paid homage to Chávez and recognized the strategic role he had played in advancing a process of integration.
In the videoconference by which Alí Rodríguez could be interviewed in Caracas from the UNASUR headquarters in Quito, the participating journalists were from ALER, ALAI, revista Question, ALBA TV, Prensa Latina, Comunica Sul (Brasil) and the daily El Telégrafo of Ecuador.
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