‘Big Tech’ & the Global Economy: A Primer

As entire economies digitalise, they face a choice: whether to allow this, and consequently the entire economic arrangement, to be carried out on the terms of Big Tech, or whether to develop democratic alternatives.

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Digital technologies feature in the most visible and powerful innovations that have occurred in the last few decades. Yet these new technologies preside over a world that is still partly mired in the old. The old world represents not only a lack of access to connectivity, smartphones or knowledge, but the conditions of staggering inequality and exploitation at a global scale. This is not to say that digital technologies have had no effect on the economy – in fact, they have led to a reorganisation of the world economy such that digital technology giants now sit at the helm of global value chains. In interaction with national policies, they have created the remarkable situation where corporations from the United States dominate in these technologies, challenged only by those in China.


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Source: Focus on the Global South:




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