Venezuela is not alone
- Declaración

The members of the Network of Intellectuals, Artists and Social Movements in Defense of Humanity (REDH), participants in the International Day for Democracy and Peace and in Solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution held in Caracas, support the constitutional President Nicolás Maduro Moros and the Venezuelan people in the face of the ongoing coup d'état and the announced military intervention by the U.S. government, along with its satellites.
Organized in commemoration of the National Day of Dignity in February 4, 1992, this day made it possible for us to receive updated and first-hand information on the effects of the economic war, the financial and commercial blockade, the intentional and selective shortages, the induced hyperinflation and an unprecedented media attack. It was inspiring to see once again the moral strength and patriotic conscience with which the Venezuelan people are facing this difficult moment in their history.
We received very significant data showing that Venezuela does not need "humanitarian aid". As an example, with the funds held in the U.S., which amounts to about $23 billion dollars, the country could import the medicines needed by the Venezuelan people for 20 years.
The Bolivarian process is a political project that has built and delivered to the population 2.5 million modern homes in only 8 years, it has carried out a massive annual vaccination campaign and ensures that 7.6 million children are in school cannot be compared to being a "humanitarian crisis".
President Maduro's legitimacy is beyond question. The data of the same electoral entity that recognized the victory of the opposition in the 2015 parliamentary elections, has documented that more than 9 million people participated in the presidential election of which 67.84 percent opted for Maduro (more than 6 million votes).
We appeal to the conscience of men and women who love peace and a world order based on dialogue, respect for civilized coexistence among nations, and the principles of international law. In Venezuela, the principle of State sovereignty is defended today. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is at the epicenter of the global geopolitical dispute. The aggression of U.S. imperialism is against the peoples of Our America.
We support the path of sovereignty and independence of the Bolivarian process with all our forces. We call upon all intellectuals, artists and social movements to be protagonists in the defense of the Venezuelan people against the threat posed by the attitude of surrender that characterizes the Lima Group or Cartel.
Returning to the diplomacy of peace and Latin American unity promoted by Chávez and Fidel, the REDH ratifies its unwavering commitment to the Bolivarian revolutionary process and its self-determination.
Network in Defense of Humanity
Caracas February 4, 2019
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