Worldwide disorder: the specter of total domination

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bandera peligro
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Worldwide disorder: the specter of total domination.  That is the title of the latest book by Luiz Alberto Moniz Bandeira (Civilização Brasileira, 2016), our most respected analyst of international politics. The author has had access to the most secure sources of information, to multiple archives, to which he brings a vast knowledge of history. There are 643 dense pages, written with fluidity and elegance that often sound like reading a historical novel.


Moniz Bandeira is, above all, a meticulous researcher and, at the same time, a militant against the imperialism of the United States, whose entrails he cuts as with a surgeon's scalpel. Not without reason he was jailed in 1969 - 1970, and again in 1973, by the fearsome Center of Information of the Marine (Centro de Informaciones de la Marina, Cenimar), for critically opposing, in the context of the cold-war, the main supporter of Brazilian dictatorship: the United States of Northamerica.


The materials at his disposal permit him to denounce the present imperial logic through the subtitle of his book: “proxy wars, terror, chaos and humanitarian catastrophes”.  Those who still nourish admiration for the Northamerican democracy and seek to align themselves with its imperial designs (as Brazilian neoliberals do), will find here vast materials for critical reflection and for a more nuanced reading of the world.


Two themes guide the power centers of the Northamerican state, with its countless organs of internal and external security: “one world and only one empire” or “only one project" and "a vision of total domination (full-spectrum dominance/superiority)”. That is, Northamerican foreign policy is inspired by the (illusory) “exceptionality”  of the old “manifest destiny”,  a variation “of the chosen people of God, the superior race”, called to spread throughout the world democracy, liberty and rights (always according to the imperial interpretation of these terms) and to consider itself (pretentiously) “the indispensable and necessary nation”, the “anchor of global security” or the “sole power”.


Already in the XVIII century, Edmund Burke, (1729-1797), and in the XIX century, the Frenchman Alexis de Tocqueville, (1805-1859), had the premonition that the Northamerican President had more power than an absolutist monarch, and that this would degenerate into a military democracy (p. 55). In effect, with George W. Bush as a result of the attack on the "Twin Towers", a true military democracy was established, with the declaration of the war on terror and enactment of the Patriot Act, that suspended basic civil rights, undermined habeas corpus, and allowed torture.  This is certainly a terrorist state.


Several Northamerican scientists, quoted by Moniz Bandeira (p. 470), affirmed: “there is no longer a democracy but an economic elite domination to which the president must submit. Decisions are made by the military-industrial complex (the war machine), by Wall Street (financiers), by powerful business organizations and a small number of very influential Northamericans. To guarantee the “vision of total dominations” they maintain 800 military bases throughout the world, the majority with nuclear installations, and 16 agencies of security with 107,035 civil and military agents. As Henry Kissinger said: “the mission of the United States is to propagate democracy, by force if necessary”  (p.443). Under this logic, from 1776 to 2015, that is, in the 239 years the United States of Northamerica has been in existence, there have been 218 years of war, and only 21 years of peace (p. 472).


It was hoped that Barack Obama would bring a different direction to this violent history.  That was an illusion. Obama only changed the names, but maintained the spirit of exceptionalism, and the tortures in Guantanamo and other places outside the United States, as in the times of Bush. To the perpetual war he gave the name Oversight Contingency Operation. By personal decision, (penal), he authorized hundreds of drone attacks and with planes without pilots, killing the principal Arab leaders (p. 476).


With certain disappointment, Bill Clinton said: “The United States has not won a single war since 1945” (p. 312). In the silence of darkness of the night they fled Iraq. (p. 508).


The book of Moniz Bandeira deals with minimal details about the Wars in Ukraine, the Crimea and the Islamic State of Syria, with the names of the principal actors and dates.


The conclusion is devastating: “Wherever the United States intervenes with the specific goal of bringing democracy, that specific objective is comprised of bombings, destruction, terror, massacres, chaos and humanitarian catastrophes... they come to defend their needs, their economic and geopolitical interests; and their imperial interests” (p.513).


The quantity of information presented sustains this claim, regardless of the limitations that may always be adduced.



- Leonardo Boff, Theologian-Philosopher, Earthcharter Commission.




Free translation from the Spanish sent by Melina Alfaro,  Done at REFUGIO DEL RIO GRANDE, Texas, EE.UU.
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