In defense of Brazilian democracy, workers, Dilma and Lula

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The people and the social movements of Brasil, togther with the Worker's Party are leading a democratic process of change towards social justice, and are in the streets today, defending democracy and their institutions, as well as their President Dilma Roussef and historical leader Lula Da Silva, who are threatened by the anti-democratic right-wing, who are attempting a coup d'etat.
From Latin America, which has also gone down the path of change over these past few years, building sovereignty, alternative integration and peoples' dignity, we stand with those in Brasil and express the following:
- Our solidarity in the face of the attetemted coup against Dilma and Lula, orchestrated by reactionary, neoliberal, racist and military sectors. We trust that this dire situation will be overcome by popular support, and
democratic paths will be strengthened to pursue a sovereign agenda of change.

- Our recognition to the contributions made by popular and progressive sectors in Brazil in the process of search for alternatives in the region and the world, such as the World Social Fórum, the World March of Women, the Landless Workers Movement, and others.

- Our rejection of the media manipulation, that distorts and confuses the facts on an international level, damaging Dilma and Lula's  integrity and that of the progressive and left-wing sectors in the country, who are subject to a true media lynching.
Down with the coup!

We are with democracy, with Dilma and Lula!
Network of Women Transforming Economy
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