Corrupt: the one whose heart is broken

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The widespread indignation over corruption in Brazil and around the world is giving way to resignation and indifference, because impunity is so nearly universal that most people lack confidence that it can be resolved.
Theology has something to say about this. Theology maintains that the present human condition is degenerate and decadent (infralapsárica, as is said in theological dialect), due to a corrupt act. According to the Biblical narrative, the serpent corrupted the woman, the woman corrupted the man, and together they left us a legacy of corruption on top of corruption, to the point that even God “repented ...that He had made human beings on the Earth," as the text of Genesis, 6,6, reminds us. We are the sons and daughters of an original corrupt act.
Christianity holds that all evil derives from that original corruption, called, original sin. But this expression has become alien to the modern ear. Few people refer to it.
Still, I dare to rescue it, because it holds an undeniable truth, confirmed by Sartre's philosophical reflection and even Kant's philosophical strictness, according to which, «the human being is such a twisted wood that it cannot provide straight planks».
It is important to note that it is a term created by theology. It is not found as such in the Bible. It was invented by Saint Augustine, in an epistolary dialogue with Saint Jerome. He did not use the expression "original sin" as referring to the past. “Original” had nothing to do with the origins of human history. Saint Augustine referred to the present: the present situation of the human being at his most deepest level is perverse and marked by a distortion involving the very origins of his existence (from this, "original"). Augustine uses the philology of the word "corrupt": it means to have a heart, (cor, from corazón), that is broken, (ruptus, from rompere).
We are, consequently, carriers of an internal rupture that is equivalent to a laceration of the heart. In modern terms: we are dia-bolic and sym-bolic, sapient and demented, capable of love and hate.
This is the present humaine condition. But, out of curiosity, Saint Augustine would ask, when did it begin? He himself answers: ever since we know of the human being; from the “origins” (hence the second meaning of “original”). But that question is not important to him. What is important is that in the here and now we are corrupt beings, corruptible and corrupting. And that we believe in someone, Christ, who can free us from this situation.
But where is this state of corruption most visible? The answer is given to us by the famous, catholic, Lord Acton (1843-1902): it is in those who hold power. He emphatically affirms: «my dogma is the general evil of men in power; they are the most corruptible». And he gave us the now oft-repeated saying: «power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely». But just why is it power? Because it is one of the strongest and most tempting archetypes of the human psyche; it gives us a feeling of omnipotence and of being little «gods». Hobbes in his Leviathan (1651) confirms: «I note that all men have a general tendency towards a perpetual and restless desire for power and more power, that ceases only with death. The reason for this lies in the fact that power cannot be assured except by seeking still more power».
That power materializes in money. This is why the corruption that we are witnessing now always involves money and more money. There is a saying in Ghana: «the mouth laughs, but money laughs better». The corrupt one believes in that illusion.
We have not yet found a cure for this inner wound. We can only slow down the bleeding. I believe that, in the final analysis, the Biblical method has value: to unmask the corrupt one, leaving him naked to face his corruption, and a pure and simple expulsion from paradise, that is, to remove the corrupting and the corrupted from society, and throw them in jail.
- Leonardo Boff, Theologian / Earthcharter Commission
Free translation from the Spanish by Servicios Koinonia, Done at REFUGIO DEL RIO GRANDE, Texas, EE.UU.
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