The US Military: bringing hope "to every corner of the world"
- Opinión
THE extent of US military reach is unquestionably vast but exactly
how vast is deliberately hazy. According to the US Department of
Defense's 2003 Base Structure Report, a detailed itinerary of US
owned military installations, the United States has 702 bases in 40
countries and a further 96 bases in its territories. This figure
does not reflect the recent trend of stationing troops on foreign
bases where the United States has access rights but not formal
ownership of facilities but it does include the large number of US
troops stationed for the major military interventions of the 1990s,
namely, Bosnia, Saudi Arabia (post Gulf War), and Kosovo. In the
wake of September 11, the US invaded Afghanistan and now maintains
facilities in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and
Kyrgyzstan. Since the invasion of Iraq, Gulf States such as Kuwait,
Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Oman are housing US military.
The US fear of terrorists hiding out in North Africa has seen the US
military web extend to Djibouti on the horn of Africa. And to assist
in the other "war" the US administration is fighting - the war on
drugs - US reach in Latin America now covers half a dozen countries.
This is in addition to the "traditional" US presence in many
European countries, Japan and South Korea
In all, the US has a military presence in nearly 60 countries. Even
then, this figure doesn't include the vast network of surveillance
installations. Nor does it include the military access agreements
or status of forces agreements (SOFAs) the US has signed with
nearly 100 countries. These agreements define the legal status of
US service personnel serving abroad. Infamously, they typically
give the United States jurisdiction over offenses committed by
personnel "carrying out official duty".
The number of installations is also set to grow. According to the
Wall Street Journal, bases are also being considered for
Azerbaijan, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia in North Africa and
Senegal, Ghana, Mali and Kenya in sub-Saharan Africa. It also
mentioned Singapore, Australia, Vietnam, Georgia, Romania, the
Philippines and Bulgaria. (1)
"Just-in-time" warfare
The recent shifts in basing strategy were recently described by
Foreign Affairs as "the most sweeping changes in the US military
posture abroad in half a century." (2) Many of the major bases the
administration has relied upon to police the boundaries of the Cold
War, such as Germany, Turkey and South Korea, are being scaled down
to make way for a network of "forward operating bases". These are
foreign owned facilities, usually strategically placed airfields or
ports to which the US has access rights, with military hardware on
stand-by and, although sparsely staffed, can be quickly activated.
Defense Department officials envisage these will eventually cover
what they have dubbed the "arc of instability" - a vast sweep of
the world running from Latin America to North Africa, Central
Europe, the Middle East and then to South East Asia. Beyond this
would lie a ring of bare-bones "forward operating locations" or
This new basing strategy reflects the administration's doctrine of
preemptive attack against terrorists and hostile states. It is
designed to quickly counter a foe who could be anywhere. "We
certainly don't have six months to do it", commented Maj. Gen.
James Jones of US Central Command, "we may only have hours to do
it." (3) A dispersed and flexible fighting force is in contrast to
the present US military juggernaut in Germany which maintains
approximately 310 military facilities and 95,000 military and
civilian personnel. The plan now is to rotate some of the 60,000
troops in Germany between the US and Poland, Bulgaria and Romania.
In another trend of late twentieth century restructuring, it seems
that basing personnel will also be victims to the roll back of the
welfare state. As a part of a leaner and meaner agenda, these new
installations will give up "the paraphernalia of welfare and family
support arrangements that have marked overseas basing since World
War 2". (4)
Where there isn't a war on "terror", the US administration is
relying on the war on drugs to justify more bases. Citing problems
with cocaine production in Colombia and Bolivia, the US has expanded
its military presence in Latin America. With the winding down of the
US military presence in Panama in 1999, operations were transferred
to Puerto Rico and FOLs for the US airforce have been set up in El
Salvador, Ecuador, Curacao and Aruba (islands off the coast of
The spoils of war
The spread of US bases reflects the strategic needs and spoils of
prior conflict. The establishment of one base during or in the
aftermath of one war provides a basis for projecting force in that
region and potentially launching the next conflict. Classic
examples are the heavy stationing of US troops in Okinawa in Japan
and Germany in World War 2 and Saudi Arabia after the first Gulf
War. And the pattern continues. Defense department officials plan
to keep the Central Asian bases established for the conflict in
Afghanistan: Uzbekistan (with its Saddam-esque treatment of
dissidents) (5) Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan are all new US military
friends. The US also plans to hold onto four bases in Iraq -
although Iraqi resistance thinks otherwise. (6)
Where there's oil, there's bases
With the revival of US imperialism, comes a new honesty in stating
US geo-strategic objectives. The Rand Corporation, an influential
conservative US think tank, argued that a major consequence for a
US-led war against Iraq will be the US control and boosting of
Iraqi oil output, thereby weakening the OPEC quota system and
driving down the global price of oil. "OPEC could plunge into a
death spiral", notes Rand policy analyst James Bartis.(6) Media
Magnate Rupert Murdoch agreed, "The greatest thing to come out of
this for the world economy...would be $20 a barrel for oil. That's
bigger than any tax cut in any country."(7) Perhaps it was because
of this persuasive argument that all 175 of his newspaper editors
were beating the drums of war? (8)
However, with continued resistance in Iraq, the sabotage of
pipelines has indefinitely postponed this tax relief. Combined with
awkward US-relations with the house of Saud, this has added further
impetus to the US Administration's plan to wean the US economy off
Middle Eastern oil. Like flies to a picnic, all the potential
alternative points of supply have attracted rumors of US bases
being set up. The oil rich Gulf of Guinea in West Africa from which
the US imports 1.5m barrels a day is now on Washington's security
radar. The African Oil Policy Initiative Group, a lobbying group
comprising oil executives and Pentagon officials reported to
congress that the region and its vast oil supplies made it "a
'vital interest' in US national security calculations."(9) It
suggested establishing a US military sub-command for the Gulf of
Guinea and setting up bases on the islands of the Republic of Sao
Tome and Principe. Unless the US did more to prop up the oil
industry there, commented one senior CIA official, "the oil industry
ran the risk of imploding as a result of the region's inherent
instability". (10)
Similarly, there are now two US military aircraft facilities on the
Caribbean islands of Aruba and Curacao, a very short bombing run
away from the coast of oil-rich, politically troubled and
Washington-unfriendly Venezuela. The Caspian region of central
Asia, with four percent of the world's proven oil and gas reserves,
will soon to be blessed with three permanent US military bases. US
funded military are guarding the Occidental Petroleum Oil
facilities in Colombia and in the wake of the war in Afghanistan,
the stationing of the US military has now made it possible for US
oil company UNOCAL to build a pipeline from Afghanistan to Pakistan.
An imperial design
The new US security strategy is to stop a threat that is potentially
ubiquitous - to stop terrorism's "cancer growing in the middle of
nowhere" according to Maj. Gen. Jeffrey B. Kohler. (13) It is no
coincidence that this "nowhere" covers most of the Global South.
Failed development at the hands of a US-led cabal of corporations
and governments has turned 80% percent of the world's population
into forgotten people. And the solution? With missionary zeal, the
Whitehouse's National Security Strategy seeks to "bring the hope of
democracy, development, free markets, and free trade to every corner
of the world." (14) If Iraq is any indication of what this means,
the people of the world should start digging bunkers.
Those deviating from the US brand of "globalization" may have to
contend with the military muscle of what the Project for a New
American Century, the pet think tank of Washington's back room
boys, describes as "America's grand strategy". (15) "It is always
possible to fall off this bandwagon called globalization" comments
US military strategist Thomas Barnett. "And when you do, bloodshed
will follow. If you are lucky, so will American troops." (16) But
the US is not some benign global coast guard. With guns blazing in
over 200 foreign military interventions, US history suggests that
Barnett's perverse chain of logic is in the wrong order.
* Ben Moxham is a volunteer researcher with Focus on the Global
(1) The Wall Street journal June 10th 2003
(2) Foreign Affairs, September / October 2003
(3) Washington Post, June 9, 2003
(4) CDI, "Worldwide reorientation of U.S. basing in prospect,
September 19, 2003,
(5) The Guardian, 26 May 2003. US looks away as new ally tortures
(6) International Herald Tribune, April 21, 2003
(7) Iraqi Oil and the Global Economy, James Bartis,Albany Times-
Union, January 6, 2003
(8) The Bulletin, February 12th, 2003
(9) The Guardian, February 17th, 2003
(10) Guardian Weekly, July 10, 2003
(11) Guardian Weekly, July 10, 2003
(12) New York Times, January 18, 2002
(13) New York Times, July 4, 2003
(14) United States National Security Strategy
(15) Project for a New American Century, Rebuilding America's
(16) Esquire March 2003
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